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After clearing the sandstorm Ada found herself following Teresa and the others through an opening in a large window. The sand was steep as they slid down the incline. Teresa demanded to know what was going on.

"It was WCKD and they were harvesting the bodies. They were strung up. Not dead but not alive either." Thomas said and Aris confirmed.

"So whats your plan? You do have a plan." Newt said. "We followed you out here Tommy and you don't have a plan?" Everyone began to look worried.

"I have a plan." Thomas said.

"They're were people in the mountains." Aris began.

"The Right Arm." Thomas confirmed. That name sounded familiar. Where had she heard that before?

"People in the mountain. Mountain People." Newt said amazed. As he ran his hands over his face.

"We don't have a choice." Thomas said. They all agreed that it was better out here than being harvested. They all split up to look for supplies they would need for their journey.

Following Teresa into an area they found that the old mall had stuff from people who may have lived here for who knows how long. There were different room and they began to explore them looking specifically for clothes.

Teresa jumped as she was startled by a mannequin she had found in one of the rooms.

"Are you okay?" Newt asked. Shining his flashlight on them. They nodded seeing the clothes the girls began to change.

Ada found a grey jacked she planned to pull over her clothes as well as a scarf to hide her face. They all found t-shirts to where and shoes in a pile near the back of the room. Taking off the tanks tops that WCKD provided they put on the musty smelling shirts. Thank god they had newer sports bras. Trough the crack in the sheets that hung she saw Fry staring at Teresa. Newt grabbed his chin and turned his face away from their direction shaking his head at him.

Ada smiled at the exchange and pulled on a more comfortable pair of pants and pulled on her boots. She looked up to see Anna's white shirt under her grey jacket. She looked beautiful in anything. Teresa wore a similar outfit. They nodded at each other and walked out.

They left as a group when suddenly the power had turned on. They looked around at their surroundings. Wondering where everyone went considering they had working power. Loud shouts filled the air and they all watch Minho and Thomas racing towards them down the corridor. Confusion on Newts face until a pile of people came running behind them not to far behind.

"Oh Shit." Newt said and they all put their packs on and began to run. Fear gripped Ada but she knew they had a pretty good head start. They ran up the stairs where some were almost caught. Kicking off the people they ran along the second floor. Newt was tackled and Thomas ran and kicked that thing off of him.

"Thank you Tommy." Newt yelled. They managed to make it down a smaller hallway checking to see if any door unlocked. At the very end of the hall the door that looked like an exit was bolted closed. Fry forced it open Winston was the last to pass through the doors and was grabbed by the sick people. They tore at his stomach and everyone who could grab a hold of him did.

Winston cried out in pain. But he was rescued as they ran through a parkade and hid behind a large concrete slab. Everyone sat panting and Ada breathed heavily calming her nerves. This was no place to get a panic attack. They listened to the noises those people made the rest of the night as she and Newt held Anna. No words were spoken out of fear of discovery and they finally fell asleep when the sky began to lighten the sky.


Once morning came they made their way through the deserted city. Walking up the sand dunes. Ada found herself slowing down. She was grateful when know one noticed and she allowed herself to fall back a little to catch her breath. She focused on not throwing up. Ignore the dull ache in the pit of her stomach. Taking a deep breath she reached the top with her friends and they saw for the first time the mountains Thomas had mentioned.

"That's where were going." Thomas said.

"Looks like a long walk." Newt replied.

Winston collapsed so they made a stretcher to drag him. The girls didnt have to pull him which was nice. Ada didnt think she'd last very long anyways. Come night fall they had found a place to make a shelter and a fire. Fry spoke of the glade quietly as they all listened.

Newt came to sit by Ada.

"What did that Doctor mean?" He asked. Ada didn't look at him..

"Nothing." She said getting up to go lay with Anna. She could never tell him until she was showing. She knew that when she did Newt would only look at her differently and she could't have that. Not right now when she needed him the most.


The next day was exhausting as the heat of the sun beat down on them. Ada almost fell over but pushed on behind her friends. Each step brought them closer to the Right Arm. She could feel a memory rising up out of her head but she couldn't quite catch it.

They finally took a break and shared some of what little water they had left. Ada sat under the rock when she saw Winston pulled out his gun he held and put it to his head.

"No Winston." Ada screamed and pushed it away just as he pulled the trigger. The bullet wizzed by hear ear and the loud pop deafened her. She stood and held her ear in pain. Newt turned her around concern on his face.

"are you alright?" He repeated. Ada nodded in response. Newt pulled her hand away so he could see that she wasn't shot. She was okay.

"Just too loud." Ada replied. She rubbed her ear again. Thomas and Teresa had come to see what had happened.

"It's growing in side of me." Winston said lifting his shirt to show his diseased stomach. They all retreated a bit surprised.

"How was he infected?" Anna asked.

"We have to assume we all can be infected." Thomas answered.

Newt leaned down and gave him the gun. Ada's heart turned over for Newt.

"It's okay." He said gently patting his arm. They gathered their things and left him.

A shot rang out through the air and they all stopped for only a moment before continuing their trek.

A tear slid down her cheek knowing that this was the reality of they world she was bringing her child into. She wondered if leaving WCKD was a good idea.

Her stomach was beginning to feel sick when she suddenly vomited. She was grateful that she was behind everyone but they still turned to look at her.

"I'm okay. I'm sorry." She said. Anna came to her.

"Are you sure?" Anna said grabbing her face forcing her to look at her.

Taking a deep breathe she nodded. Turning back to the group still looking back at her.

"I'm really okay." She said. "Please ignore me."

"Your not sick are you?" Thomas asked.

"No." Anna said. "She's not."

Teresa eyed them suspiciously and everyone turned and continued walking.

She squeezed Anna's hand mouthing a thank you. When they finally stopped they had no water or shelter so they lay on the ground curled up and let exhaustion take them. Thomas woke them once they saw lights on the mountains they cheered. Only to turn around and see a lightening storm was coming.

Running as fast as they could as the lightening struck around them they made it through the doors just in time as they were cloaked in darkness. Safe from the storm.

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