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When they left their small shelter after a night of no rest. They saw that the glade was in ashy ruins. The smoke was thick and everyone looked like klunk.

She looked around for Gally and she felt herself smile until she saw his expression and the pace he walked towards them. Gally wound up and punched Thomas in the face. Shocked as Thomas was dropped to the ground. Everyone tried to break up the fight.

"Gally stop." She yelled.

"This is his fault." Gally yelled back.

"I have to remember what Alby meant." Thomas said as he stabbed his leg with the cure and fell over. Gally had dragged him to the cells and managed to convinced everyone this was his fault.

"Gally what the hell?" She asked Gally turned so fast on his heel to face her.

"What the shuck?" He yelled at her. "You wanna tell me what has been going on? Maybe why the hell were here?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Ada said frightened.

"I don't know you tell me. You worked for them." He said. "I cant believe I cared for the one person who was capable of doing this to us. Must of really enjoyed playing this game"He said.

"Gally I don't know who I was before. But please just give me a chance to prove to you I'm not that person." She said grabbing for his arm.

"No. I don't think I can. At least not right now. I have to protect the rest of us from you" He pulled away from her hand and stormed off. She felt her heart drop and her cheeks flushed. I guess there was more than one way to lose Gally.

Ada went to Newt who was sitting with Minho and Chuck talking to Thomas and Teresa who sat in the cell.

Newt saw your face. "Gally?" He asked. She nodded. She found out that they were being banished at sundown.

"Look it doesn't matter who you were before. What matters is what we do now." Newt told them and his words comforted her Newt looked at her causing Thomas to turn his eyes on her as well.

"I remember you." He said to Ada. All eyes turned to her. "You helped me." Teresa pinned her down with her stare.

"Helped you with what?" Ada asked.

"I'm not sure." He answered. She stood and left then. Walking back to the homestead she found Anna laying in her hammock holding a shirt. Ada assumed was Ben's.

She held her hand over her eyes while she cried. Ada looked around at her friends things. Grabbing a bracelet off the table she put it on.

"Paige and Kari?" Ada asked. Anna slowly shook her head.

"Spreading yourself a little thin with Newt are you?" Anna asked surprising Ada.

"That's not fair." Ada replied.

"No you know whats not fair. Losing the one you loved. And being stuck here with Thomas. Its Thomas's fault Ben's dead." She replied. "I'm glad hes being banished." She said. "And you get Gally and Newt." She said. "They both get to live." She cried.

"Anna. I'm not with Gally anymore." Anna looked at her with red eyes. She shook her head. Ada went to hold her friend. She brushed her blonde hair out of her face while she cried. "We have to get out of here." She said knowing her friend was in turmoil. "Its not Thomas fault. It WCKDs fault." Anna only nodded. They heard a commotion at the opening.

Running out she saw Gally tying up Teresa when suddenly Thomas got a hold of a spear and chuck went running towards the maze entrance with his large backpack. She saw Jeff, Newt, Minho and Zart and more join Thomas. This was it. They had a way out Ada thought. She got to the opening with Anna.

"I'd rather risk it out there than be stuck in here. This isn't our home." Thomas yelled. "Come with us." He pleaded with everyone.

Ada felt like her heart was ripping. She looked at Gally and grabbed Anna's hand and stepped forward. Gallys eyes shot to hers.

"Hes right Gally. This isn't our home." She said. Tears filled his eyes.

"I thought I was home for you." He asked.

"I'm sorry but I cant stay here." Ada said. Chuck's arm wrapped around her waist.

"Gally come with us." Thomas said and looked at Ada

"Good luck." Gally said looking one last time at her before turning away.

"Please Gally." Ada said quietly. Anna pulled her hand.

"Ada we have to go." Anna said. Newt stared a moment longer as well hoping more would come.

She turned tearfully away. She turned around one last time right before they rounded a corner to stare at Gally walking away. "Gally." She said and turned to run.

Thomas led them all through the maze. Sweat poured down Ada's face as she ran to keep up. Anna held her hand as she practically dragged Ada as her heart broke with each steps.

The betrayal she saw in Gally's eyes would haunt her forever. She would never see him again. She almost stopped to go back to him until she realized she wouldn't know how to get back.

Anna pulled her into the massive opening and there stood a griever. They all looked at each other and listened to Thomas's instructions.

Ada swallowed her fear and charged into the fray with her friends.

Breaking through they all fell into a new part of the maze. A long tunnel leading to a sign that glowed green. Exit.

"Are you serious?" Frypan said. Walking through the door she never expected to see the remnants of the once clean and pristine lab. Bodies of the scientists laid around. She looked at Minho and he shrugged to her.

Taking Chuck's hand she walked towards an area where a video was played and they first met Ava Paige.

She only half listened as it was confusing to see the scientists in the background being shot. Then she shot herself in the head after she explained the scorch and the flare virus.Mumbling something about WCKD being good,

They headed towards the Exit. When Gally called out. She smiled with relief.

"We made it. Gally come with us." Thomas said. Ada almost went to him when Newt grabbed her hand stopping her.

"He's been stung." She looked to see. Dark veins crawling up his neck.

"We aren't going anywhere." Gally said. " I belong to the maze." He said and raised his gun to Thomas tearfully.

"Gally!" Ada screamed "No!" A shot rung out and in a blink a spear was put through Gally's chest.

"No." She yelled a guttural scream that rose up from her gut. She ran up to Gally watching his form stop breathing. Falling on her knees beside him she tentatively touched his head. Barely able to contain her sob.

"Thomas." She heard Chuck say looking up she saw her little friend fall.

"Oh God please." She said everyone fell around Chuck. He pressed a figurine into Thomas hand and they watched the life leave his beautiful eyes. Anna and her covered their mouths as tears filled their eyes.

The doors burst open then and men in black gear came to drag them all out she turned to see both Gally's and Chuck's body laying there. She was pulled away by one man. Following everyone into a desert it was shocking the difference from the glade to here. She jumped into the helicopter.

"Your safe now." One of the armed men said.

They lifted up into the sky and they all looked to see the maze and the Glade she was in for less than two months.

Ada sat back and slid her eyes closed as tears fell down her face. She silently mourned Gally's death. Feeling someones hand curl around hers she continued to kept her eyes closed. Knowing it was Newt who held her hand.

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