SIX Accused

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Things seemed to be somewhat normal after that uhm encounter. Gally sat with them to eat and visited her on some of her breaks. She had found an ease being with Gally and everything felt natural.

Gally was sweet to her but she could tell he was still a little guarded towards her. It did however feel like the right pace. Last thing the glade needed was two people being revoltingly lovey dovey. Baby steps she thought.

She asked him if he remembered anything. He explained that his memories were really fuzzy. Sometimes he would look at her with a strange expression and she would wonder if he was remembering something that didnt make sense or if he was still processing their relationship. Who knew.

Gally had only kissed her softly before bed leaving her wanting to be at least held by him. She had to push down the dull ache to be closer with him. Knowing in time maybe they could possibly have a real relationship.

Maybe Newt was right about starting something inside these walls. She only worked harder with Newt to keep her hands moving.

She could feel a feeling creep into my chest and her heart began to race. Her hands trembled as her anxiety started to consume her. She tried to breath and she felt like she was going to cry. Standing she thought it best to be alone.

"Be right back Newt." She said rushing away from him. He watched her walk away with concern.

Into the woods she decided to go to the deadheads where it would be more secluded. She didn't want to chance running into the girls.

She found a dark corner to hide behind and struggled to not cry. Her heart was racing she began to pace. She went through some mantras and breathing and she could already feel her heart slowing. It passed quickly to which she was grateful and slowly breathed in the air.

Suddnely she felt someone close to her. She knew she wasn't alone and turned around to see Steve. He stood smirking at her and her breath hitched.

"You scared me." She said laughing it off and tried to walk by him. He grabbed her forcefully. Pushing her into a tree causing her to freeze with fear.

"I know what you and Gally did." He sneered at her. "And if you want me to stay quiet you should spread those for me." He ran his hand between her legs. He only laughed when she pushed him away angrily. She was about to say something but he pushed her against the tree again and got close to her face.

"Up to you. See Alby doesn't trust you girls and if it gets out what you've done. How will that reflect on all you girls?" He pushed himself away and walked away leaving her breathing heavily against the tree.

Gathering herself together she felt sick from having his hands on her. How had he found out? Ada would of punched him but realized Alby may have punished her for harming another glader.


Newt had noticed her return. He tried starting a conversation. But she unknowingly ignored him working quickly all day and only relaxing when it came to the end of the day.

"What's wrong?" Newt stood in front of her before you could leave to get ready for supper. He wouldnt let her pass.

"I can't tell you." She whispered to him. Newt came closer to her.

"Yes you can." She look up into his eyes. Knowing she'd never say a word. Afraid of what he'd think of her being with Gally.

"Cozy?" She heard Gally say from behind Newt. His arms crossing over his chest.

"Extremely." Newt said unfazed. He turned around and walked passed Gally leaving them alone.

"What the hell was that?" Gally asked angrily. She understood his anger but she just couldnt deal with everything that had been happening.

"Nothing Gally. We're just friends." Ada said quietly.

"Didn't look like it." He left her and she called after him but he continued walking away. She rolled her eyes wanting to scream. She decided to go to just go to the showers.

Undressing she stepped around the little divider and under the water. She wrapped her arms around herself lowering her head under the steady cool stream.

"Ew get out you perv!" She heard Anna scream. She turned around abruptly wiping her face to look over the divider which came up to just under her chin. Anna was pushing Steve out the door. Finishing up at lightning speed she got dressed.

Outside a crowd was beginning to gather and she could see Minho and Zart dragging Steve towards the cells. Alby was standing and looking at her.

"We'll have a gathering tomorrow to discuss this." Ably said. She found Gally and ran up to him wrapping her arms around his waist. He didn't return her embrace and she looked up to see that hes glaring at her.

"Whats wrong?" She asked. Shocked at his response.

"Steve said you wanted to meet him." He looked at her.

"That's not true." She pleaded unwrapping her arms from him.

"Why was it that Anna screamed and not you?" He turned away from her and she stood shocked watching him walk towards Alby. Newt came up to her putting an arm around her shoulders.

Had Gally treated her right she would of walked away from Newt. But she needed the comfort. Her arms wrapped around him as she embraced Newt. Anna and the girls came to hug them.

"Nice moves Anna." Newt said to her and she watched her blush. Maybe it was Anna who Newt had feelings for.

"What a little shuck." Paige said. "They'll have a gathering tomorrow." She said. Everyone began walking away and she followed quietly to go eat.

She asked Anna what had happened.

"He was just standing at the door watching you. You didnt see him because your face was under the stream. He was moving to look at you. Thank God that divider was there." She said. She hugged her tightly. "Shucking shuck face." She said with venom. "Steve has bugged some of us. I forgot to warn you about him. Hes always lurking in some shadows." She continued shaking her head.

Chuck came to her then and she held him letting a tear escape her eye.
"Ada it's okay." Chuck says before squeezing her one last time.

She hoped this wouldn't get the girls in trouble watching them walk away. But, she also knew that there was a possibility Steve may get away with this. If Gally believed him Alby and the others might too.

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