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Thomas and Gally had left to carry out their plan to get Teresa and bring her back here. His loyalty to Newt and promise to Minho finally pushed Thomas into agreeing that Teresa would be their only way in.

Ada stood with Brenda and Jorge pouring over the maps to find a faster way to back to the shipyard. Jorge was leaving them. This wasn't his fight and she understood. In a way she wished they could do the same.

They had dragged her in and sat her down on a chair. Gally looked at her and she worriedly looked at Teresa. He turned and walked up to her and pulled the bag off that covered her head.

Teresa's eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness. She looked around at the room facing the people she had betrayed. Thomas sat silently and every watch Gally place a chair in front of Teresa.

"What are you looking at him for? He's not going to help you." Gally said. There was a relief in knowing that Gally was the strongest more intimidating person to get the information from her.

Ada looked at her with disdain. She was the reason Newt was infected in the first place. Had they not needed to get Minho they would of never ran across the virus.

Teresa explained that they wouldn't even be able to get to the floor that Minho was on.

"Its a restricted area. Thumb print and code." She cried out.

"That's why your coming with us." Thomas said.

"Well we dont need all of her. Just a tiny piece of her." Gally said standing and reaching for a knife.

"No Gally." Thomas said coming to her defense. Ada scowled at Thomas. She would do alot more than cutting off her thumb if she were allowed to.

"You all are tagged. You couldn't even get close to the building." Teresa tried to explain.

"That's where you can help us." He said turning the blade over to her. Teresa was to cut the implant out of their necks. "If you hurt any of us. Brenda has no problem taking care of you." Gally told her.

They all waited their turn. Fry got his cut out and Ada sat in the chair. She felt Teresa clean they area.

"It going to pinch." She said. Ada stood with Jorge and Brenda. She felt the blade cut into her neck but she refused to flinch. It hurt alot but nothing compared to everything else she had endured.

"WCKD told me what they had done to you." She said quietly. Ada felt her heart fill with anger. "I'm so sorry for what they did." Ada's eyes subconsciously went to Gally. He looked at them carefully watching over her. "He doesn't know does he." She said when Ada didn't respond. She felt a tug. "I got it. I'll just stitch you back up." Teresa said. She sounded almost cheery.

"I promise I won't say anything." She said as she put gauze against the stitch. "Your all done." Ada stood abruptly causing the chair to squeak and everyone to look.

"You promises don't mean a thing." She looked at her before storming off. She went to a quiet area to calm down. Pulling the gauze away she looked at the small amount of blood that was on it. Reminded of the blood from her loss. No tears filled her eyes. She was done crying.

"What did she say to you?" Newt stood behind her. Ada debated whether or not to tell him.

"She knew what WCKD did to me." She said. Hearing Newt come closer her put his arms around her. She patted his hands and turned to hug him tightly. Before she could pull away Newt leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

She was stunned but when he didn't pull back she returned his kiss. He held her a little bit tighter before he broke the kiss.

"Sorry, I just wanted to see what that felt like." He said.

Turning towards the door he looked back at her and she pulled herself together before they turned and rejoined the others. Gally was just finishing when he looked up to see them entering the room. He gave her a dark look before sitting next to Fry.

"I think she enjoyed that." He said cringing as he pushed on his gauze. Ada went to sit with Brenda.

"You'll look after us out there?" She asked her. She looked up to see Brenda staring at Thomas as Teresa worked on his implant.

"With my life." Ada said. "Your my family too." Brenda turned and looked at her.

"Do you have any memory of Vince?" She asked.

"No. I don't think Teresa told the truth about us being able to get our memories back." Ada replied. "I don't believe a word. she has ever said." Brenda nodded in agreement.

"Thomas is making a huge mistake." She said to Ada.

"As much as I question Thomas's bravery. I know that we probably wouldn't have gotten here without him." Ada said.

"Let's get something to eat." Fry said approaching them. Thomas had just finished and Gally stood over Teresa listening to something she was saying. Gally looked at her.

"Nice try." he said and grabbed her dragging her to where they all were.

They had gathered to eat and discuss their plan. Gally went over how they would get into WCKD now that their implants were gone. Brenda would use a bus to gather all the kids WCKD held drive to a spot that a crane could reach while Fry lifted them over the wall. Ada would be with Fry to cover him and Brenda with the rifle should they need it.

"You should go with Jorge." Newt said to her.

"You need all the help you can get." Ada replied filling the three clips she had.

They were all gearing up to leave. Gally had a few uniforms stashed waiting to be used should they find a way in. Brenda stood speaking with Thomas.

"Don't do anything stupid. You make sure you get that cure." She said to Newt she looked at Gally as they approached and she slung the rifle on her back. Newt turned around seeming to give them a moment alone.

"I'll look after him." Gally said to her.

"Take care." Ada said to him. The only words they had said. He looked down at her.

"Let's go." Thomas said relief filled Ada. She didn't know what to say to him. She watched him walk out the door. Her heart sunk as his form disappeared through the frame and into the darkness.

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