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Fry climbed up in front of Ada. They had figured out where the crane would drop and marked it with a large white X so Brenda would know where to stop. They had found the crane ladder and began to climb. She hated this and tried not to look down. Fry confirmed over the walkie that they would soon be in position. Looking up she had seen they had a little ways to go and she hoped she wouldn't be too winded when they reached the top. She did need to lay some cover fire. She had to climb over the place Fry would be sitting and placed herself on the arm. She looked at the city amazed at what they managed to save from the flare. The building stood erect on the horizon where she saw the hated letters. WCKD on the sleek building that held Minho. Some time had passed as she looked through the scope calculated wind speed. She felt rusty as she tried to remember things she was taught.

"You got this." Fry said to her. "Just breathe." She nodded and took a deep breath.

Suddenly she saw the bus and looking down her scope she confirmed it was Brenda.

"They're here." She said. She watched as Brenda stopped. Brenda had been followed. WCKD surround her and she got out to stand in front of the building. Ada looked down her scope and saw Benda give the signal.

"Drop it." She said and Fry released the crane. A shot rang out and hit the soldier closest to Brenda. It was her shot. Gaining confidence. She began to shoot at them as fry pulled the bus up. As the arm began to move she adjusted her self to make sure that they didn't use anything larger to shoot them down with.

Fry released the bus as soon as it was over the walls.

"Let's go." He yelled and Ada followed him down.

"That was insane." She yelled and Fry and her hugged. "We did it." They ran to meet Brenda and found she was safe. Now all they had to do was wait for Thomas to get back with everyone else. She wondered if Teresa would come. Ada hoped not. Ada paced and Brenda sat tapping her foot. They were wrecks. She knew that Brenda's feelings for Thomas had grown and she only hoped they could have a happy ending.

The sound of the battle that ensued around them was deafening. Gally had helped Lawrence so they could dismantle the security to breach the city. Ada knew that that the city would fall but she didn't realize that it would fall in such a spectacular fashion.

Suddenly Gally's voice came over the walkie.

"Bring the cure. Well meet you in front of WCKD." Brenda ran and Ada pulled her rifile's strap over her head and followed after. She almost kept losing her in the battle they tried to avoid. Finally turning a corner she slowed as she saw Brenda just standing there in front of the WCKD building. She caught up beside her confused until she saw a form laying on the ground.

"Newt?" She stood staring unable to comprehend what was going on.

She slowly walked up terrified to confirm what she already knew. The dark angry veins covered his face and hands and she cover her mouth. She dropped her rifle carelessly to the ground and sunk to her knees. She shifted closer cradling his head as she looked into his now vacant dark eyes. She noticed Minho and Fry collapse on their knees as well beside her. Gally stood near by with Brenda.

She cried as she brushed back his hair and rested her forehead on his. She looked up and noticed the letters WCKD engraved on on the handle of the blade that pierced his heart. Anger filled her.

"He hated WCKD." She spat finally. "Lets get that blade out and out of this uniform at least." She cried. Minho nodded.

"I'm sorry but we have to hurry." Brenda said putting her hand on Ada's. Ada nodded and pulled him out of the coat. They knew they would have to leave him and her heart broke knowing that they wouldn't be able to bury him. So she covered him with the coat.

Placing a kiss on his forehead she said a silent good bye and got up with they others as they said their silent goodbyes. She saw Minho and the sadness in his eyes and pulled him into a hug. He lightly hugged her back. She pulled back and kissed him on the cheek before a berg flew overhead. The covered their eyes as it blew dust everywhere. It was Jorge and Vince. They yelled up as it lowered. Climbing in Vince pulled her into a hug.

"You kids are crazy." He said.

"Thomas would of gone to the top." Brenda said.

So the berg lifted they looked down to watch Newt's body grow smaller and stood out of sight.

They had found Thomas and Teresa holding each other as the building was surrounded by fire. She looked to see them share a kiss and looked to see Brenda staring shocked. Teresa had made it and as Teresa pushed Thomas onto the berg she fell as the building collapse. Ada watched her fall feeling no emotion as she did. Good riddance she thought. Newt was dead because of her.

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