TEN Gone

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Teresa arrived while everyone was at the gathering and everyone was already up in arms about Thomas surviving a night in the maze the confidence that Minho confirmed how Ada felt about Thomas being the one to save them. It was a chance everyone was desperate to take.

Newt had jumped into the box. Upon reaching the crowd she heard him announce that it was a girl. When she immediately said Thomas's name they all looked at him. He looked just as confused. Teresa held a note saying she was the last one. Panic was thick in the air. How were they supposed to survive without the supplies that were sent up monthly?

Teresa was taken to the medjacks hut. But remained out cold. Not before muttering Thomas's name a few times more.

Gally came to them then. Concern etched into the lines of his forehead.
"This greenie is going to get us killed." He said. He was fuming that Minho and Newt had chosen Thomas's side. Newt had made him a runner and  with Alby out she was grateful for him taking his new role in stride.

Gally on the other hand was beginning to worry her. "You know what if Thomas is the one that gets us out of here." She said testing the waters of Gallys temper.

"At what cost?" Gally said turning angry eyes at her. "We've already lost Ben and now hes killed a griever." Gally stood up.

"Gally we have to try something though if we stayed here we don't know what other sick games these creators would try play. This place isn't our home its our prison." Ada said.

"We don't remember what home is and I cant have Thomas hurt us or you." He said leaving her. She could understood where he was coming from. But in this case hope tramped fear. If there was a possibility they could get out she knew she was willing to try and she hoped Gally would come with them if they did find a way out.

It was decided that Thomas was to be locked up as punishment for running into the maze as a non-runner. Ada met Newt coming to have supper. They looked to be the first ones.

"What's on your mind?" She asked Newt. He smiled at her.

"Not a lot. Ive been thinking though." He paused looking around. "Why would they send a girl up so soon and how did she know not only her name but Thomas's as well?" He asked.

"Maybe they had a bond stronger than WCKD could erase before they were sent up here." Ada replied.

"Do you think Thomas knows her?" Newt asked. Ada nodded.

"I think he does. Maybe just her face. That or hes in love" She said she watched as Chuck went towards the cells carrying some food and a torch. She smiled not about to saying anything and looked back at Newt. He seemed to be deep in thought. Bringing his hand up to hold his mouth. She smiled because she loved when he did that. She began to blush at the thoughts she was having.

He looked at her then. "I wonder what we were before the maze." He said.

"You mean you and I, or everyone to everyone?" She asked startled at how he looked at her but managed to stay cool.

"Both I guess." He said shrugging. About to answer her gaze went to the group of people finally coming to eat.  Everyone seemed to be excited but not really saying much because Anna was with them.

"I don't know. Do you ever have a random memories?" She asked him. He looked at her deciding whether or not to tell her.

"I did of you once." He said finally. She looked at him confused. Anna sat beside her then. She had remained quiet and was a shell of the bubbly person she was before. Ada prayed she didn't lose Gally.

"Hey Anna." Newt reached across and grabbed her hand. She turned her hand in order to hold his. A small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. She squeezed his hand and began to eat. The strength of her friends reminded her how important everyone sticking together was.

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