FOUR Confession

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The next day she stood in the garden with Newt. She was happy she was able to work with him. Newt had a word with Alby and the other keepers and informed them She had chosen the gardens. However, Newt eyed her suspiciously all day. 

"What?" She asked after catching him squinting at her.

"You seem dazed." He replied then realization dawned. "He kissed you. Didn't he?" Newt laughed. "Ew, Was his lips as rough as his humor?"

She laughed. "No we didn't kiss. We just talked."

"You mean all you did was talk and your acting like your on cloud 9? Youve got it bad love." Newt said his accent getting thicker towards the end. He nudged her before walking around her.

She blushed muttering at him to shut up as she saw Chuck approaching. Last thing she needed is Chuck bugging her about Gally too. Its only been like three days.

" I have to pick up after you so could you  please jump off your cloud and help." He laughed and threw a small twig at her. She laughed throwing it back.

Newt smirked at her and she just decided it was best to ignore him.

"Newt, how long have you been here." She asked quietly.

"A few years." He said somberly. She stopped working and looked to see him looking at her. "I was scared. Still am but I know that as long as we have each other we'll be okay. That's why I see you girls as apart of us. Our friends." She stared at him as he pulled to tangled up the vines so that they would sit nicely. She put my hand on his arm.

"Thank you." He smiled at her and they went back to work.


Days had gone by and Gally hadn't approached her. She was beginning to think that he was ignoring her because he realized the kiss confirmed he had no feelings towards her. Which also made her feel cheap. She hated knowing she had let someone kiss her without him confessing any sort of feelings. Cheap, he had made her feel cheap. She would never allow him to kiss her again she decided.

She looked up while she worked to see Gally walking closer than normal to go to the woods. She wiped the sweat from her brow and he didn't look at her direction. 

She stuck to her resolve and brushed off the feeling in her stomach and continued to work with Newt. She managed to get herself to stop staring at him and stayed close to Newt, the girls and the runners. Frypan only needed help some times but she was starting to enjoy his company. He had an easy temper and a quick wit that always had her laughing. He made her laugh and that was all she needed when she felt a little overwhelmed at the possibility of staying here for as long as Newt had. Laughter was always the best medicine.

Late one night when she were coming back from the kitchen she bumped into Gally.

"I'm sorry." She said quickly walking around him.

"No, I'm sorry." She heard him say. Her pace slowed but she kept walking. She heard quickened steps behind her. "Ada can we talk?"

"About what?" She asked quietly still feeling anger at his rejection.

"About us." He said. She stopped and took a deep breath seeing his face and uncertainty caused her to feel hope. Her previous resolve crumbling looking into his eyes. "Are you into Frypan?" He asked quietly.

"No." She said raising her eyebrows. "He's a friend and why does it matter to you? You don't even talk to me. Should I not talk to anyone and just wait for you to decide to speak to me?" She turned away shaking her head at his nerve. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to face him.

"I wasn't sure what I wanted. This place is all I have. All we have and its easier to focus on us surviving. But I know I don't want you with anyone but me."

"That's not what I want to hear?" She said.

"What do you want me to say?" He growled.

"I'm not a belonging that you can dangle at arms length and no one can touch while you figure out your feelings. I am not a possession!" She began to get a little louder. "Figure out what you want. Maybe I'll still be interested when you do." She turned to walk away.

Grabbing her again he turned her around and brought his lips down on hers. Electricity shot through her body and sparks traveled up from where he rested his hands. She returned his kiss and felt him smile as she parted her lips and a sigh escaped. He deepened the kiss and she felt her hand move to cup the side of his face. He broke the kiss abruptly and stepped away clearing his throat.

"That's why I don't want you with anyone else. You feel the same way." He said. His voice sounding deeper than before. The coldness of the air that carried his words were like a slap in the face. "I don't want you with Newt, Frypan or anyone here or what ever shank comes up in that box. But I can't just be with you. Not here. Not behind these walls."

He left then. Leaving her shivering in the cold and an empty feeling filling her stomach as she watch his silhouette disappear. 

Her legs finally carried her to the homestead and into her hammock. There was when she silently cried. So he had made up his mind. Leaving her on fire only to let her burn out. The darkness was comforting.

How could she ever let him go knowing deep down how she felt about him?

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