EIGHT Jealousy

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Things with Newt didnt really improve and before Ada knew it a month had passed. She had just began getting used to the noises beyond the maze and better at working with Newt anticipating what he needed before he asked her.

She no longer thought of a way out. Putting her trust in the runners. Minho took it seriously and was always studying his drawings. So the least she could do was trust him.

Alby took the girls to the wall. There they finally carved their names into the wall and had a celebration. Gally had his concoction and had gotten himself fairly drunk.

This also meant that the girls were getting drunk as well. Kari sat almost falling asleep against a tree. Minho sat close to here. Not saying much to anyone and keeping an eye on her while she slept. Since Steve had been released the boys seemed to be keeping a closer eye on them. Which was nice. Steve hadn't come around to much. He was miffed that he was even punished in the first place.

She didn't feel like drinking though. Her stomach had felt upset for the past couple of days. She was managing her anxiety thanks to the greenery around her and she had to keep reminding herself of her new family who was going to look out for her. In the end what mattered the most was that she had found Gally. There was some peace knowing that if they were stuck here for a while then at least they were together. Something was in the air though. With the noises in the maze she knew change was coming.

Gally came to sit with her on a log. Putting his arm around her waist and kissing her shoulder. He held her close and she could feel her heart turn over for not only him but the people who sat with her around this fire.

"Want to meet me in the woods?" He asked nudging her. His eyes clouded with desire.

"I don't know Gal. Your pretty hammered." She laugh and turned to put her hands towards the fire to warm them up.

She looked to her friends who sat on a log beside hers.  Anna was being held by Ben and she buried her head into his neck. Ada wondered if it was Anna who Newt had a crush on.

Newt was sitting with Alby staring into the flame and occasionally looking at Anna and when his eyes lifted to meet hers. She smiled at him and he looked away. Feeling a little hurt she decided it was just best to leave him alone.

Gally rubbed her lower back when she heard a screech in the maze. Everyone quieted. Ada wondered if one day they would ever get over those walls.

She decided to excuse herself to the bathroom. Kissing Gally telling him where she was going. She did her business and was walking back to the fire when she saw a sillouette causing her blood to run cold. But she relaxed once she saw it was Newt.

"Didnt want you to be alone after what happened with Steve. Im sure Chuck would be here if he was allowed to be here tonight." He chuckled.

She didn't say anything being a little confused at his sudden friendliness. She stopped close enough in front of him to be appropriate. He noticed the space she put between them.

"Im sorry Ada." He said looking down and at her. "I just... been feeling not myself." His accent sent shivers down her arms. His voice low and deep. "Im sorry how I acted can we just forget about it."

"Of course." She said quietly and he smiled at her. They both turned to walk back to the fire and her gaze went to the box. "Do you think it'll be another girl?" She asked Newt.

"Im not sure. All I know is I hope that things stay normal." He looked at her and she smiled in agreement. They had reached the fire and she looked to find Anna close to Gally. He had his arm around her back listening closely to what ever she was saying him. She felt a pang of jealousy. Newt looked at her once he noticed what was going on.

"I think I'll head to bed." She said looking at Newt feeling a little embarrassed. "I haven't been feeling to well." She knew that she should ask Gally whats going on but she was a little afraid something was going on. How could she compete with Anna? She left Newt standing alone. Maybe he was mad that she didn't want to fool around in the woods with him.

She lay in her quarters feeling like she'd blown something completely out of proportion but she just couldn't help the way she felt seeing him holding Anna. When he made a big deal about Newt and her just talking. Tomorrow she'd ask tonight she was too tired to overthink what had happened. She fell asleep the moment her eyes closed.

The morning came too fast as it always did and Ada found that she was still so exhausted. Her emotions were in turmoil and she couldn't help but just feel sorry for herself.

She got up and got dressed. Thankful she wouldn't be hungover today. After she finished getting ready she went to find Newt to head for breakfast. He was groggy but concern crossed his face remembering the previous night.

"You okay?" He asked reaching for his white sweater. He smelt strong of Gallys drink and she found herself feeling sick. Newt laughed at her expression.

Walking to breakfast she caught the smell of the meat. Immediately causing her to bend over. She clutched her mouth in horror and made a mad dash to the woods. Once covered by a a tree she let go of whatever liquid was still left in her stomach. After wretching she stood. Trying to stand she looked towards Newt who was looking worried.

"Ugh that was terrible." She continued walking towards the kitchen. Newt looked at her all morning like he was analyzing something.

As much as she hated being under his scrutiny she knew he was just going to look out for her. which was a nice feeling compared to how Gally was making her feel. He hadn't showed up for breakfast yet. Newt sat with her while she tried to eat. She ended up only drinking as much water as she could and even that was sitting funny. Everyone slowly trickled in for breakfast. Gally never ended up showing and neither did Anna. Which would of made her feel worried about something more happening but Ben wasn't around either.  Chuck came to sit with them.

"Morning Ada." He said and she smiled and gave him a small side hug. "Where's Gally?" He asked and she only shrugged.

Finally at work she saw Anna's hair flowing freely while she worked with the medjacks. Ada quickly looked to see Gally was at work as well. She could feel a knot forming in her stomach as the day progressed. Gally came and wrapped his arms around her making her tense. Turning around she smiled.

"Where were you this morning?" She asked trying to sound normal. She unconsciously pulled away from him.

"I slept in. Where'd you go last night?" He asked raising his eyebrow at her.

"Slept. I was tired. I saw you with Anna and didnt want to intrude." She said looking at Anna.

"What?" Gallys eyes widened. "She was thanking me for building dividers for the showers. She kept bringing you up but you were gone." She felt a little relieved.

"And that's all you did?" She squeaked.

"Yeah she was pretty drunk and her and Ben left." He looked at her. "I only want you." He said kissing her head.

"Why was your arms around her?"

"She was drunk.. falling over drunk. I was just trying to steady her." She looked up at him. He was smiling at her. "Dont be jealous babe."

She rolled your eyes and reached behind his head to pull him down to kiss her. Suddenly the alarm sounded for the box's arrival.

"Well continue this later. Duty calls." He kissed her one last time. Running to the direction of the box with the other gladers.

By the time she pulled herself together and put some stuff away she was approaching the box when she saw the Greenie running across the field. A boy she thought and then chuckled when he face planted but she saw how fast he was. She knew he'd be a runner.

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