TWO Gally

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"You ready Greenie?" Someone knocked from outside. She looked at the girls and they motioned for her to answer the door.

"Hi." She said quietly. Looking to see a tall blonde boy with dark brown eyes framed by a raised eyebrow. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth in amusement.

"My names Newt. Was told to come give you a tour." His accent though caught her off guard causing her to frown up at him. His eyes danced curiously.

"Gave her a quick run down Newt. Shes all yours." Paige said coming to the door. She put a hand on her shoulder. "Go get 'em." She winked and pushed her out the door.

"Lets go." She followed him while Newt explained the jobs and how she would take a whack at the jobs here in the glade and see which one she was good at. He took her to see the blood house and the gardens. The gardens looked like the job she would want the most.

Next on tour was the gathering areas and the kitchen. Nothing of to much importance was mentioned. He lead her to where the builders were. That's where she saw the boy again. Barking out orders. He was observing something before turning to see them approaching. He looked away and she attempted to keep her face composed despite her fluttering heart.

"Who is he?" She pointed Newt following her gaze.

"That's Gally. Keeper of the builders. Keepers are the leaders of the different jobs here in the glade." She muttered a soft oh in reply. "There's going to be a fire tonight. In your honor. Maybe you'll remember your name by then." Nodding and looking towards where he was walking her to next.

It was toward the opening in the walls. "No one is allowed in here unless your a runner. Are you good at running?"

"I don't think so." She snorted. "I think I'd like to try the gardens." Newt smiled.

"That'd be with me." She could feel herself growing comfortable towards him by the time he took her back to the girls quarters.

"See you tonight Greenie." Newt said turning to walk away.


She felt the cold stream of water hit her face but didn't care. Keeping her eyes closed rubbing the dirt and sweat from her face. She rubbed her head feeling the warm water heated by her head of massive hair run down her body. Breathing hard she felt a twinge in her head. "Ada" She whispered quietly. A smile spreading slowly across her face.


"My names Ada!" She announced once back at their quarters. The girls squealed around her.

"Well that's cool." Anna says. "But, lets do something with your hair for tonight." She fingered her hair gently. They opted to leave it flowing down her back.

She heard a loud rumbling in the distance. The girls all looking at her slowly.

"The maze doors are closing for the night." They explained and continued braiding her hair. They planned to let the braid out just before the fire so she could have nice curls.

"Looks good. Let's knock 'em dead." Paige said. There was an electricity in the air when she neared the fire. Boys were dancing about and yelling around. The drum beats created by a small group of boys surrounded her senses. Her eyes of course scanned for Gally. He was sitting with some builders seemingly enjoying himself before he spotted her. In fact all the boys watched the group of girls approach.

"Lets welcome Ada!" Anna yelled and raised her hand that was entwined with hers. Everyone joined with her whoops of celebration. She walked around meeting everyone knowing that she would forget all their names come morning. Newt approached with a smirk and handed her a clear mason jar full of a brown liquid.

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