FIVE Collision

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A week and some days had passed and the girls knew something was up. Ada hadnt said anything but they knew. They left it alone hoping she would eventually open up. She hated that Gally had made her feel like this. She felt his gaze but refused to look at him. Now determined to just ignore him until she decided that she was okay with him. That wouldn't be anytime soon.

On the other hand every day spent with Newt was nice. He seemed to know exactly how to deal with her feelings and he knew she wasn't just a silly headed girl.

"Newt, do you like any of the girls?" She asked out of the blue pulling weeds out on her knees. He blushed and her eyes widened. "You totally do!" She practically squealed. Okay maybe he was wrong about not being silly headed. "Who is she?" She tackled him. "Tell me." She suddenly realized in her excitement that she had pushed him over and now was on top of him. He blushed even more. "Oh sorry Newt." She said sheepishly getting up and attempted going back to work.

She tried to ignore what had happened. After a little bit of silence had past she heard him clear his throat.

"I do like someone though." He said quietly. She stopped what she was doing to listen. He was looking down "But it'll never work. Not here. There's no point starting something here behind these walls." She stopped to look at the large walls surrounding them. Her eyes landed on Gally working with the builders.

She sighed internally and grabbed for Newts hand. His fingers closed around hers. She was so grateful for him and tried to comfort him in this small way.

"When we get out you should tell her." She said softly. He looked at her opening his mouth to say something until he saw Chuck coming to say hi.

He withdrew his hand and plastered a smile on his face. "I will." He said pushing her shoulder as he left her with Chuck.

She didn't realize she was being watched by the one person that she wanted to start something with.


Supper had come and she was extremely hungry. She lined up with everyone else seeing some sort of meat and potatoes going on. Grabbing her plate she followed everyone to sit at their table.

She felt someone sit next her but was too hungry to notice until she looked up to see the shocked expressions on her friends faces. She turned with a mouth full of food to see Gally looking down at her with a smirk plastered on his face.

She struggle to swallow and form words.

"Hi." She said her brows wrinkling together.

"Hi." He said everyone at the table was looking at them.

"Hi, Gally." Anna said sweetly. "What brings you over here?" She asked.

"Ada." He replied. She blushed feeling confused.

"Ada why didn't you say anything?" Chuck said wide-eyed elbowing her.

"There was and is nothing to tell." She shifted uncomfortably at everyone's burning gazes.

"You didn't tell them about our kiss?" Gally asked. Anna snorted so out of character for her usual graceful behavior. "Shame, Some friend." Gally added beginning to eat. Everyone stared. She looked at Newt for help but he seemed to be enjoying the show. He only shrugged his shoulders at her.

Chuck laughed clearly enjoying the show as well.

After supper nothing had seemed to go back to normal at the table. She knew she had hurt her girlfriends but there was nothing she could bring herself to do or say at the moment. Gally didn't seem to care. He simply finished eating and kissed her on the cheek before he left.

She rose on shaky legs to put her plate away following the girls to the homestead.

"What the..." Paige asked as they walked back.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys. I just didn't know what the heck was going on with us. To be honest I still don't know." The girls laughed.

"It's okay we forgive you. We all thought Gally was taking his sweet time. But I heard that he saw you and Newt getting too close." Kari said.

"Where'd you hear that?" She asked embarrassed.

"Chuck." Anna said. "He knows everything." She replied sounding mystical throwing her a wink.

"That's the thing he's never said anything about us being something." She said.

"I think maybe seeing you with Newt changed his mind." Kari said.

"Boys." Anna said running her fingers through her hair.

"What's with you and Ben?" She asked Anna as Paige and Kari walk ahead.

"Ben and I have an understanding. He has a pretty intense job with running and I know it can be dangerous. We just decided to be together without being together. Without putting a label on it" She said slyly.

"Kinda what Gally's doing?" She asked.

"Ben mentioned that Gally talked to him about something he never thought he'd hear. He promised to tell me more about it tonight though." Anna laughed. "I guess we know what it was."

"Its a fine line though."  She continued. "If we never make it out or if one of gets hurt or feelings change for only one of us were bound to be hurt anyways." She kicked the grass in frustration. Then swung her arm around Ada's shoulders. "This place destroys love."


Anna's words stuck with her as she woke up early the next day. A shower was what she needed. She let the water wash away all the crud from the previous day. As she walked from the showers and almost out of the tree line she saw Gally walking towards her. The determination in his eye caused her to worry about what hed say this time.

"Gally?" She said deciding to walk by him. He turned and caught up to her. "Can I help you?" She said sounding irritated.

"Yes you can." Gally replied. Unfazed by her attitude. She stopped walking turning to him raising her eyebrows expectantly. "Would you be my girlfirend?" Gally asked. She rolled her eyes and continued walking to the homestead.

"Im serious." Gally said grabbing her hand and pulling her into the trees. "If you want lets give this a shot. Even if it doesnt work out. At least we tried. Id rather give this a shot then regret it later." His voice was soft. A moment had past before she turned to face him. The sun was rising and cast a flattering light on both of them.

"Fine." She sighed unable to remain mad him. Gally smiled and came to hold her. He kissed her and she kissed back. The kiss deepened and she found herself being picked up and taken deeper into the forest.

Had she ever done anything like this? she thought. They let go of any fears as they got lost in each others embrace. Using their bodies to forget for one moment where and who they were. Focusing only on quenching their desire secretly hidden away in the trees.


"I hope no one heard or saw us." She said dreamily. Gally's strong arms wrapped around her from behind.

She sighed feeling content and holding his arms. He slowly kissed up her neck sending shivers down her body and leaving goosebumps on her arms.

"I have to go." She said. He groaned as he continued to hold her. She looked back at him and kissed him while she turned around.
"Bye." She said pulling away.

"I'll find you later." He called after her. Her cheeks hurt from smiling and she still felt dazed walking back to her quarters.

Walking in Anna was the only one there. She said hi absentmindedly. Until she saw her face. She did a double take.

"You hoe! " she squealed.

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