Part 3

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  Betty laid Jughead's arms. She smiled. "I missed that." She said kissing him. "Me too betts." It felt so good to have him here. She just wished it would stay that way and he didn't have to go back to Toledo. Maybe she can convince him. But where would he stay? With her? She brushed it off and kissed Jughead once more. They got up and went to pops with Veronica and Archie.
"When did you come back?" Archie asked.
"Yesterday. When I heard that Betty is u know I came straight here." He said quietly not wanting everyone to hear. "Oh ok. Planning one staying long?" Archie asked as he ate a fry. Jughead looked at Betty and then back at Archie. Betty waited for his response. Eager to know what it would be. "I- I want to. But where would I stay?"
"You can stay with my dad and I." Archie told him. Betty smiled. "I wouldn't want to im-"
"Jughead you know you are always welcome at my house." Archie told him. Jughead smiled and nodded. "I'll have to talk to my dad. I'm sure he will understand given the reason." Jughead said holding Betty's hand making her smile.

Later that day Betty and Jughead went back to Betty's and watched a movie. Jughead called his dad after the movie was over to talk things out. "Okay dad. I'm sorry again. But thanks. Bye."
"So..what did he say?" Betty asked him as she sat at the edge of her bed.
"He said....I can stay!" Jughead told her. She jumped up and hugged him making him fall to the floor along with her. She laughed as laid on top of him. She sat up. "Sorry." She said continuing to laugh. He pulled her back down and kissed her lips softly making her heart skip a beat. They continued to kiss as it become more heated. He slipped his hands underneath her shirt. The door opened making Betty pull away. Damn! She should have locked it. "Oh my god mom!" She yelled as she got off of Jughead and stood up. He got off the floor and cleared his throat. Alice looked down and picked up his beanie handing it to him. He smiled awkwardly grabbing it. "Thanks." Jughead said. "Uh mom can you leave please." Betty said embarrassed. "Sorry to interrupt Elizabeth. I just came in to say that dinner is ready." Alice said smiling at the both of them, then walking out, purposely leaving the door open. "Oh my god." Betty said laughing. "Wow." Jughead said. Betty walked out the door with Jughead following behind. Just before they went down the stairs, Betty turned around. "I'll make sure my mom isn't home next time." She whispered in his ear before walking down the stairs. After dinner they went back upstairs and ate some ice cream and cuddled for the rest of the night.

The next day Betty woke up to the sound of her alarm. "Ugh nooo. School." Betty groaned. Jughead woke up and rubbed his eyes. Betty turned off the alarm and started to get out of bed. Jughead grabbed her waist. He pulled her into a kiss making her smile. She smiled and got out of bed and got ready for school. After she was done getting ready she walked out of her bathroom to see Jughead fully dressed. "So now that your back are you going to transfer back to river dale high?" She asked hugging him. "Yeah. That's the plan." He told her kissing her lips. "Okay good. I got to go but I'll see you after school?"
"Yeah. I'm going to go to Archie's and talk to him and his dad." Jughead told her. She nodded and they went their separate ways.

Betty made it into Riverdale High. She always one of the earliest there so she can talk to her friends and hangout before school actually starts. She got a text from Veronica to meet her and Kevin in the student lounge. She put her phone back in her pocket and opened her locker to get her chemistry book. She shut her locker and heard her phone chime.
'Have a good day beautiful love you.' She read Jughead's message and smiled. She made her way to the student lounge still looking down at his message. Suddenly she was grabbed by the waist and pulled into a janitors closet. She was pinned against the wall. Oh for fucks sake. "Nick I don't have fucking time for this. You didn't learn your lesson last time." Betty said pushing him off of her. She tried to leave but Nick blocked the door. "So. I heard your boy toy is back in town. Is it for good?" He asked her. "Yes it is." She said. "Hmm. Shame. Also congrats gorgeous heard the news." He told her pulling her close to him and touching her stomach. Betty gasped and pulled away from him. "What the fuck are you talking about!" She told him. "Well you are pregnant aren't you?" He asked. A rush of panic went through her body. "How- how do you know. I only found out a couple days ago." She asked getting creeped out. "I have my ways." He said walking towards her as her back hit the wall. She looked up at him. "Shame it's his. It could've been mine." He told her leaning in and kissing her lips. Betty pushed him off of her and slapped him hard in the face. "Don't ever touch me again!" She said. "Or what!"
"You know what." She said as she unlocked the door and walked out. Nick sighed and gritted his teeth. Betty walked to the student lounge and saw Veronica, Kevin, Cheryl and Toni. "Hey girl." Veronica said smiling at her. "Hey. Sorry I Uh had to use the bathroom." Betty said as she sat down. "It's okay." Betty nodded and took a deep breath. Jughead better hurry up and transfer.

A/N: NICK TAKE A HINT! and yayyy Jughead is baaackkk!🤗🤗 And so am I! Omg I'm so sorry I haven't been active at all. I've been meaning to for soooo long but never had the chance or time to. But I'm going to try to update at least once a week❤️I love you all and hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment your thoughts and hope everyone had an amazing thanksgiving ❤️❤️❤️

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