Part 2

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Betty woke up and got ready for school. 'Ugh finally the last day before homecoming.' She thought as she got ready to take a shower. About a half and hour later she got out of the shower. She wrapped herself and hair in a towel and walked back into her room and got her clothes and changed. She did her makeup and did her hair. 10 minutes later her phone chimed.

'Good morning beautiful. I'm outside.'-Jug💗
'Okay I'll be right out.' She replied back. She put on her shoes and grabbed her phone and what she needed for school and walked down stairs. "Bye mom! Bye Polly!" She yelled towards the kitchen before walking out. She saw him leaning up against the side of his dads truck with a smirk on his face. She smiled as she walked towards him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her lips. "Let's go eat really quick." Betty told him. He nodded as they made their way to pops.

After breakfast, they drive to the school and walked to the student lounge. "Hey Betty." Veronica said. "Hey."
"Oh my god I'm so excited for homecoming tomorrow we are gonna have so much fun!" She said kissing Archie's cheek. "I know. This will be the first time I bring my boyfriend." Kevin said smiling at Joaquin. "Yeah I'm excited." Betty told them. "So, what time should we meet up?" Cheryl asked walking in. "Um. Cheryl. This is kinda a group date thing. And well." Veronica told her. He smile faded. "Oh I see. Well carry on then." She said pretending to smile and walking away. Veronica rolled her eyes and continued to talk to them. The bell rang and they went their separate ways.

After school they all went to pops. Then Veronica and Betty hung out a while at Veronica's house. "So. Did you guys you know do it yet?" Veronica asked her winking. "Oh my god Veronica. No we haven't we have only been dating for what like a week?" Betty told her rolling her eyes at her best friend's question. "I know but you have known him for a long ass time." Veronica pointed out. "Ok but still. Ok well we almost did it yesterday but then my mom and sister interrupted us." Betty told her. "Oh my god!" Veronica said. "What?" Betty asked. "I can't believe you were gonna do it with him. And while your mom was home. Scandalous B." Veronica said laughing. "Oh shut up you asked!" Betty told her as they laughed. She ended up spending the night.

The next morning Betty woke up. She checked her phone and it was 11:33. 'Damn how long did I stay up?' She brushed off the thought and saw Veronica entering the room in a robe. "Hey sleepyhead." Veronica said as Betty got out of bed. "Let's eat and then hang out for a while then start to get ready." Betty suggested. Veronica nodded as they went downstairs to eat some breakfast. After they ate the watched Netflix for a while. Veronica turned off the tv. "We should probably start getting ready it's 1:45." She told her. Betty nodded. "I need to go back to my house to get ready so ill meet you back here at 7:00." Betty told her. "Okay see you then." Veronica said. Betty drove home to get ready.

   She did her makeup for about 35 mins then did her hair. She straightened it and pinned one side. She got changed into her dress. It was a beautiful off the shoulder, high- low, gray dress. She paired it with sliver heels. She put some lip gloss on and grabbed her phone. She heard the door open downstairs. That must be Jughead. "Betty! Jughead is here! I want to get pictures!" Alice yelled. Betty walked out of her room and down the stairs. Jughead was at the end of the stairs and his jaw dropped. "Wow Betty you look! Wow!" He told her smiling. "Thank you jug. You look very nice too." She told him kissing his lips. She pulled away as she saw a flash of light. "Really mom?"
"What. Its memories! Ok, get together then I'll let you go." Alice said. After pictures they headed over to Veronica's.

They arrived at Veronica's and waited for her since she wasn't quite ready yet. Finally she came down. She was in a black strapless dress. She had her hair down and a stunning red lip. She looked beautiful. They had her mom take some pictures then they drove to Riverdale High. "This is gonna be so great. I just know it!" Veronica said. "Me too." Betty said. "I'm gonna go find Kevin. I'll be back." Betty told Jughead. "Hey." He heard a voice behind him say. "Oh hey Toni glad you could make it." He told her.  "Yeah thanks for inviting me. I've never been before. You since Southside high doesn't throw these kinds of things." She explained. "Yeah well have fun." Jughead told her. She smiled. "You too. I'll catch you later." She said before walking off. Betty walked back with Kevin and Joaquin. "Hey let's dance." She told Jughead grabbing his hand. They danced beside Veronica, Archie and the rest of them just having a great time. After a couple upbeat songs a slow song came on. Betty wrapped her arms around his neck as he held her waist. "I'm glad to be here with you Jug." She told him. "Me too Betts. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else." He told her. She smiled as she kissed his lips softly and swayed to the music.

Cheryl sighed as she sat alone. She had no date. Even her stupid minions had dates. Sure she got offers but the thing was she didn't want to go with any of them. She wanted to go with someone that made her heart beat fast and make her feel special. "Hey." She heard someone say. She looked beside her to see a beautiful pink haired girl. "Uh hi." She said. "I'm Toni Topaz." She said holding out her hand. "Cheryl Blossom." She said back grabbing her hand and shaking it. "So what is a beautiful girl like you doing here sitting alone?" Toni asked. "Sadly enough. I don't have a date. So I'm just sitting her alone. What about you?" Cheryl explained and asked back. "Well my friend Jughead invited me but I was also trying to think of how to ask you to dance." Toni admitted making Cheryl blush. "Really?" She asked. "Yeah. So what do you say? Wanna dance?" Toni asked holding out her hand once again for Cheryl to take. "I'd love too." Cheryl responded grabbing her hand and pulling her on the dance floor.

   They were having an amazing time. But sadly it had to end eventually. "We are gonna head out." Veronica told them. They nodded. Veronica practically dragged Archie out of the gym. "Well goodnight. We are going to head out too. Had a great time." Kevin told Betty and Jughead. They waved goodbye. "Well we should probably head out too. Want to go back to my trailer. My dad isn't there." Jughead said. Betty looked at him. "Oh my god. Betty I- uh I didn't mean it like that. I'm not saying let's go to the trailer to- you- know. Since my dad isn't home." He explained nervously. "Jug. It's okay." Betty said laughing. "Ok." He said sighing in relief. They walked to the truck and drove to the trailer.

   They went inside and sat on the couch. They turned on the tv. "I had such a good time with you tonight Jug." Betty told him. "Me too." He told her, leaving over and kissing her lips. She kissed back as she placed a hand on the side of his face. They slowly pulled apart. "I should probably get going home actually. My mom might be wondering where I am." She told him getting up. "No." He said grabbing her wrist. "Stay. Please." He told her standing up. Her eyes trailed down to his lips. His did the same. They leaned in as their lips touched. The kiss became more heated. Betty pulled away and grabbed his hand. She led them to his bedroom and shut the door. She kissed his lips once more as he gripped her hips tightly. He reached behind her and unzipped her dress. She took it off, letting it drop to the floor. He took of his black jacket as he sat on the edge of the bed. She pulled away from his lips and sat on his lap. She kissed his jaw and neck while she unbuttoned his shirt. He slid it off alone with his beanie. He flipped them over. He kissed down her body making her gasp and yell out his name. He kissed her neck. He took of his pants and climbed back up to face her. "Betty. Are you sure? Because I will stop if you want me to." He told her. "No I don't want you to. I want this. I want you Jug." She told him. He smiled as he kissed her lips.

A/N: OHHHH FINALLY!!! also CHONI is rising???😍😍😍 And I know I said that the last two parts of this chapter were going to be about homecoming. The next part of this chapter will sort of be about it. It will be more of what happened after❤️❤️❤️Hope you enjoyed. Comment your thoughts. I LOVE  YOU ALL SOOO MUCH❤️💗💗😘😘

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