Part 2

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  Betty arrived at pops. She looked around and saw her three friends sitting in the usual booth. She sighed and walked over. Veronica and Archie were sitting next to each other so that left her no choice but to sit next to Jughead. She smiled at him before sitting beside him. "Hey betts." Jughead said smiling at her. "Hi." She said smiling back. 'Well he's acting normal so he probably didn't realize what I was trying to do last night.' She thought to herself. That was a good thing. Right? No. She wanted him to realize and kiss her. Oh well.

"So what are our plans for today? Well like after this?" Veronica asked them. "Oh uh I don't know." Betty said. "Yeah I didn't think we would have plans after this." Jughead said making Veronica roll her eyes. "Oh come on! It's a Sunday. Let's do something before we have to go back to school." Veronica said. Archie nodded. "Ok fine. But what?" Betty asked. "Mm... how about a movie?" Archie suggested. "Yes!" Veronica said clapping her hands. "Ok. The bijou?" Betty asked. "Mm no how about we do it at my house. We can have a movie day!" Veronica said. "Sounds good." Archie said right away. Betty nodded. "I don't know." Jughead said unsure if he wanted to spend a long period of time watching Archie and Veronica flirt and make out. Plus how does Betty feel about this? Doesn't she still have feelings for Archie? He brushed those thoughts out of his mind and waited for Betty to decide. "Um sure for a little while." Betty said showing a half smile. "Ok now Jughead?" Veronica said looking at him. Betty turned to face him, waiting for his response. "Uh sure." He said seeing Betty smile at his response.

  After they ate at pops, they drove to the store to grab some snacks for the many movies they were going to watch. After that they went over to Veronica's. "What should we watch first?" Veronica asked searching through the movies. "Mm I don't care." Archie said. "Yeah same." Jughead said taking a gummy worm and biting it. "Fine. Let's watch the notebook." Veronica said before opening the movie case and putting the dvd in the player. Archie and Jughead groaned. "What! You said you didn't care." Veronica said rolling her eyes. "Okay but now I'm going to. Seriously the notebook." Jughead said rolling his eyes and sighing. "Oh come on jug suck it up." Betty teased. "Betty I'm sorry but this movie is so boring." He said. "It is not!" Veronica interrupted before plopping down beside Archie making Jughead move closer to Betty. They all crammed in one couch so Betty and Jughead were very close.

   Throughout the movie Jughead moved closer and closer to her. He placed one of his arms on the back of the couch where she sat. She took advantage and slowly moved closer to him throughout the movie. They were practically cuddling. Betty blushed as she noticed how close they were. She looked over and Veronica and Archie and saw they were surprisingly watching the movie. Shocker. They put in another movie as they ate and enjoyed each others company. It was dark outside and they probably watched about four or five movies. Archie and Veronica were passed out on the floor as Betty and Jughead were still awake. Betty began to doze off though. Jughead saw the end credits roll and turned off the tv because he was tired of the movies they have been watching. He yawned as he closed his eyes.

  He woke up laying on Veronica's couch. He checked the time on his phone, squinting due to the brightness. The clock read 10:45 p.m. He yawned once more and decided he should probably go home. He tried to get up but realized Betty was literally sleeping on top of him. She had one arm around his waist and the other tucked in her chest. He smiled as she stirred in her sleep. She was so beautiful. He snapped out of it. He should really get going home though. He tried to gently shake her awake but it didn't work. "Betty." He quietly whispered. He shook her gently as she slowly woke up. "Hmm?" She said quietly half awake. "I need to go home and you are kinda on top of me." He said laughing a little. "Mm so stay so I can sleep." She said drifting off again. "Let me drive you home. Your mom is probably going to kill you if your not home on time." Jughead explained. Betty sat up on top of him and nodded. "Yeah." She said as she yawned. She checked her phone. "Great I have like a dozen messages from her." She said rolling her eyes. She got off of Jughead and stretched her arms.

They walked to his dads car. She got situated as he started the car. They drove to her house in silence. "Ok well goodnight betts." Jughead said as he looked over towards her only to see that she was asleep again. 'Dang she must be really tired.' He thought. He smiled as he unbuckled, got out of the car and opened her side. He picked her up bridal style and carried her to the front door. Before he even got to the door, Alice had already opened the door with her arms crossed. "Ugh. Put her upstairs quickly." She said allowing him in. He nodded as he walked up the stairs with her in his arms. He gently placed her on her bed and covered her with her blankets. He placed a small kiss on her cheek. "Ok jug you've been up there for too long get out." Alice said making him roll his eyes. "Goodnight beautiful." He said smiling before walking out of her room. Betty heard what he said and smiled.

A/N: ☺️awww. I hope you liked part 2 Of chapter 1 so far😁😁❤️❤️❤️. There will be way more to come. I hope you guys enjoyed and comment your thoughts. I think this one is a little bit longer than the other one I'm sorry if it's not but as I go on they will get longer I promise you that. Ahh I'm so excited for you guys to read future chapter of this. I love you all.😘😘

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