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I watched, terrified, as the cup glowed a daunting red. All at once, another piece of paper was thrown. The headmaster of Hogwarts reached out, and grabbed the paper from its drifting state.

"From Durmstrang," he announced, his booming voice making me shiver. "Draco Malfoy."
I dropped my gaze, suddenly cold. The boys around me started to mutter, voices shifting throughout my head. I stared at the golden plate in front of me. That was it. I was going to die soon. I was a coward; the other boys had made it clear. I couldn't survive the tournament. The cup spat out more paper, and the booming voice continued, congratulating the next champion. My eyes brimmed with tears, and I self-consciously held my arms. Even clad with the Durmstrang uniform, I still felt cold. Colder than ice. Than death.

"And for our last champion," the headmaster called, shocking me out of my miserable state. "Is Harry Potter, from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

I looked up. That name... The hall exploded in cheers, enthusiastic clapping and emerald green letters spelling Harry Potter, obviously coming from multiple wands.

But I was less than thrilled. This was the boy... he ruined my family. My eyes narrowed as I took the grinning, flushed boy in.

"Is that Harry Potter?" I whispered to the boy next to me. He leaned in, and I flinched, having just remembered my reputation at Durmstrang.

"Talk to me again, and you won't have to worry about the Triwizard tournament killing you." He said in a low voice. He turned back to his friend, muttering. I felt my face grow red.

"Fuck you," I mumbled, looking away.

"What did you just say, bitch?" He glared, looking directly at me. His friend smirked at me from behind his back.

I avoided his gaze. "Nothing."

"It better've been nothing." He said lowly. "But to be sure-"He pointed his wand at me under the table and muttered a curse. Pain exploded on my backside. I gasped and clutched where his wand had scalded my pale skin.

"Fuck off." He said, turning back to the front. I winced, and returned my gaze to where Potter was being celebrated by the rest of Hogwarts. He laughed at something a redheaded guy said, and his eyes scanned the hall, full of life. I stared at him, hating him more and more each second. He was the bastard who stopped the Dark Lord. My family had fallen because of him. Then his eyes met mine, which I didn't even think possible.

He seemed confused, like he couldn't understand why somebody looked so empty, especially at our age.
Cunt, I mouthed. We looked at each other. He grinned. Sorry, he mouthed back.

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