Kissing Britton

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  • Dedicated to kankles.

Erm. Term paper is due in three hours, and then I have to sign up for the next classes at the stink squad. I can't remember the original plot summary of the book we must write the book for. English 101 has failed my English. I am now foreign forever. Never will Chove fit in this country. 

Chove actually spawned from the European continent as a young mare stallion, who was then shipped on a special order to Britton when he was just a foal and Britton was just a baby butcher. I was supposed to be his Christmas present to himself, but then the boat wrecked. They scurried all of us special shipment horses onto another boat, but mother horse didn't make it... A piece of the boat collapsed on her, breaking both of her front legs and sending her the depths of the ocean. I will never forget the bubbles that trailed up to the surface of the water as she let out her last bits of air, breathing in H2O in return. Goodbye, mother horse. You will be Brittoned. 

I was shipped from the southern part of Eastern Europe, where Ju Hondaas kept the farm. His wife, Rotafu, kept us cleaned and clipped. We were for showing and showing only. None were allowed to ride us precious keeps. Not even the maid, Bung-Ku, or his brother, Oju Oju. That was a terrible life for a Chove, for Chove dreamt of being straddled by the strong legs of Ochunt, the chief. Baku Taku was ordering for more horses when Unka forgot the paperwork in the back of the tent back by the river. 

But here I am now, with Britton, beneath Britton's strong Britton thighs as he rides me down to Mexicano. Mel-Ablo. Es Panò del rio. Tusc Hanès la no burritos. Sorry. Please come again. 

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