It's just Sandrew Pricards.

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  • Dedicated to tortuga.


Last time Britton rode me he stood on my back and slapped his thighs together. He was really heavy and I could feel my brain pressing againt the back of my eyeballs. Ready to pop them right out! Pop! Goes the weasel! It matters. He knows and cares. Choves. 

Chove is the brink of happiness, the pink peak of despair. Desparaldo. 

Desparaldo is the horse baby of mother horse second time. She has birthed many times but he was number two in the line of new life. So that makes him my brother horse. Brother Desprace. We called him Depper for short because it's shorter than his actual birth name on the certiicat certificate that Britton gavee gave him. 

From now forward, tehre there will be no back. Only correctionof correction of time. 

Once I was wandering through the (when I was a wee lad baby horsey) and I got lost out there in the desert. Britton's farm is full of cactus but I went past the fence today. He hadn't been taking my medicine because the doctor gave him too small of dosages so he wasn't paying attention to the feline and animal whereabouts. Through the farm. I got lost out in the sand and dirt. Wind saved me. That was when I met Wind. Now we are flying kites together every summer day. In the fall, we pick leaves and throw ourselves into cherry piles. Mother horse was so upset that day, I remember, she said to me, "My only child, I would have been the chatty Cherie if I had lost you because you cause me to become quiet my peace and serenity my Chove. You are love." 

That was when I knew that I was the destiny. 

Herons have been invading the farm lately and I throw rocks at them every time they do. They kill themselves against Britton's house, sometimes twenty at a time, and it frightens me. I become a werewolf and trick Britton into thinking that I'm his pal Chek, so he lets me hide under the bed. Pet me Britton, please, just a little scritch. Right on the chin. There. Like that, yep. Right now I am rubbing my chin on the maple tree branch, imagining Brittons little finger nails digging in and flaking off the dead skin. 

Britton is pale as snow and I couldn't find him. 

Farmer Joe is pale as Britton. 

Mother horse is pale as Farmer Joe. 

Mother horse is from the snow. 

Snow is the farm. 

Chove is farm. 

Lorse. Hang on. We're coming t o g e t t eh  he a he's getting away. Catch him before he escapes. 

"He's getting away!"

"Catch him before he especiallies!" 

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