The king of crush.

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  • Dedicated to all the special.

  He saw all of his soldiers killed by the darkness, and nearly died himself. He left us with an army.

  Then let us go.

  There isn't enough copper in the news. We need to hear more about the copper supply. What's going to happen when you live alone? When you have to start doing your own dishes?

  I am a wolf right now. I am not horse. I am running through the woods. You love the way my paws pitter patter on the pavement. Except there is no pavement. There is just... Dirt. And occasional grass.

  Right now I'm on a mission to find my mother horse. When I was a young foal, I was taken by a large group of Native Americans to be theirs. They did not take my mother, though I have not seen her since. I must find her.

  Will she recognize me as a wolf? Or think I am hunting her?

  She will probably think I am hunting her. But that is when I'll shout, "No, mother horse, it is I. Your long lost baby. I am Chove. Chove I am, mother horse."

  And she will pounce upon me, and most likely hurt me with her large hooves. I won't mind though. It is love.

  I am love.

  I am Chove.

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