Holiday Outings

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I've lived in the Cobra mansion for 4 weeks now. A lot of deals; from drugs to weaponry, lumber to luxury vehicles, have gone down, some I've gone to, some I couldn't because it's confidential, aka murder.

Reid finally fixed my window and whatever else was wrong with the room.  It feels open now, but the space only reminds me how empty and lonely it really is.

I've been trying to work on getting into some type of communication with the little family I have, just to make sure they know I'm okay.  Apparently I need to build more "trust" first. I don't think they're too worried though, seeing as me going MIA when I was dating Adam wasn't too uncommon. 

I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a bit of a relief to be away from the overwhelming stress and noise I call my life, even if the relieving situation is completely fucked up and not ideal at all.  I know how weird and dumb it sounds, but it's true.

Sometimes you just need to get away, though this is definitely not the get away I was hoping for.  Some people go to Jamaica or take a cruise, but Claire Hampton has to get kidnapped and whisked into gang activity.

I shuffled through the remainder of clean clothes in the closet and dresser, I was left with the thin scraps of "clothing" and risky clothes with leather, zippers all the way up short skirts, bralets, and camis. I refuse.

I looked around the room and felt sick, I have nothing in here. The two or three items of furniture, the clothes, hell- the blinds don't scream 'me', nothing does. This has to change.

As I exited my room to go to Reid's office he exited his office in direction of the stairway.

"Reid," I gently called out to him. He turned towards me and cocked his left eyebrow. Shit, he's so hot without even trying. I need to focus.

"I wanna go to my old apartment and get some of my stuff, furniture, clothes-"

"Take Mikey and Rico." He nonchalantly replied, turning towards the stairs once again.

"Just like that?" I asked, marveled.

"I expected it, you'd want to do it sooner or later; go before I change my mind."

He then disappeared into the depths of the stairs, he's so confusing; but I'll have to dissect his erratic behavior later. Right now I get to proclaim myself in the house- in my room at least.

I threw on a white spaghetti strap bodysuit and a pair of plain black cycling shorts, it's starting to get cold, I should wear the rest of this while I still can. I pulled the tongue of my white Reeboks straight and quickly braided my hair down into two messy braids.  I opened the door to go ask Rico and Mikey to take me to Adam's and they were already there.

"Ready to go, C?" Rico asked leaning in my doorway.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Let's do it.

We rode to, formerly, Adam and I's downtown apartment in Mikey's black RAM 1500, they gave me the whole speech on not telling him about them, trying to run into the sunset with him, all that bullshit- but the truth is I'd rather bathe in monkey feces than go back to Adam.

I stood, winding my knock up, outside the heavy tan door with the number 76 placed on it, the teal hallways washing memories and remorse all over me; the great deal I got on the apartment, not the asshat living in it. I took a few deep breaths, my fist slightly shaking.

"You got this, we're right behind you." Mikey reassured me. I took a good look at the two buff, intimidating men behind me. I'm okay.

I confidently knocked on the door and folded my arms, waiting for Adam to open the door.

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