Memory Lane

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"It's a very long story." Reid sighed while he rolled the small blanket over the massive rooftop.

"I want to hear it." I replied as I comfortably positioned my head in his lap.

"Okay, don't say I didn't warn you.

The story begins with my parents, Teegan and Apollo. They met in college at a frat party, which Teegan hated by the way-"

"If she hated parties then why did she go?"

"Her friends forced her. She never had the best taste in friends, she never had good taste in much of anyone really.

Resuming the story, Teegan and Apollo met at the party. As soon as he laid eyes on her he knew he wanted her as his new toy, she knew she really hated him. Teegan and Apollo were very different. Teegan was beautiful, stubborn, kind, and intelligent, much like you, but Apollo, on the other hand, was rude, arrogant, and extremely ignorant." Reid explained, making me blush at the comparison of his mom and I.

"Apollo could have anyone he wanted and he knew this, anyone but Teegan. He liked that because in his mind everything is a game, love, being his favorite to play.

Apollo stalked after her for months, successful trapping her, using his conceding charm. Their relationship was anything but delightful, they were two opposites, both fighting for dominance and boundaries.

After three years of college, filled with Apollo's abusive infatuation, Teegan found out she was pregnant-"

"With you?" I asked, accidentally cutting him off.

"Not yet, baby, but soon.

With Remy, my oldest brother. By blood at least.

Teegan, being the kind, loving person she is, decided to keep him because she couldn't abort her baby. Apollo was the exact opposite. During this time Teegan was head over heels in love with him, despite all of the reasons not to be, but Apollo couldn't say the same. It was all a game to him, Teegan's heart and the accidental fetus just happened to be collateral damage.

With him on board or not Teegan birthed Remy. For a long time, Teegan and Remy existed alone. Apollo played the field, seeing as all he had to do was call on his parents and with the snap of their fingers everything would be okay, Teegan had to deal with an infant and med school, alone, at that, because she didn't have anything close to rich parents, she worked for everything she had.

4 years later, Remy was a toddler, a clingy one. Apollo decided to be in their lives again, Teegan wasn't too keen, but she needed all of the help she could get, it was only a matter of time before she fell for him again, the only difference this time around was that he finally loved her too."

"After all of those years?"

"After all of those years.

As soon as Apollo entered their lives, Remy hated it. Teegan was his and his alone. As bad as it sounds, Apollo didn't seem too fond of Remy either, the difference in them was Remy actually showed his hatred for Apollo. Deep down I believe Remy knew what Apollo did to Teegan.

Finally, concerned, Apollo made Teegan get Remy checked out, they found out that he has bipolar and Intermittent Explosive Disorder.

Teegan refused to believe that her baby had 'issues' but she knew she had to get him help, which broke her heart.

After 6 months of treatment, Teegan thought he was okay, but Apollo knew otherwise. During this time, Teegan found out she was pregnant, yet again, with-"

"-With you?" I attentively asked with widened eyes.

"With me." He laughed while running his free hand through his hair.

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