Fight Night: Part 2

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Navarro circled me, his heeled shoes clicking through the heating midnight breeze. 

Sweat furrowed my brow, ready for the action.

"There's a lot you don't know Claire.. a lot you fail to realize." My eye twitched, listening to his words slide into my head.

"Reid... he's far from my friend, far from my ally." I gently gasped, he's doubling crossing Reid?  My heart started to pound. What is he planning?

"He did something, unaware, and it will forever haunt me." He seethed, continuing to circle me, like a vulture.

"So I thought to myself: 'What can I take from Reid Braxton to win, he's a ruthless, cold, extreme man, presumably heartless?' But I realized, him being heartless was a big lie because we have his heart right here.  His love, his queen, his all."

"A weak spot." He scoffed.

I counted in my head, planning what comes next. 

I imagined all of the worse outcomes, now I just have to avoid that. 



"Maybe it doesn't have to end so cruelly for you, Claire.  Maybe I could have you as mine." He licked his lips, finally stopping the pacing.

"Ew, no.  How old are you- like 58?" I gagged, continuing my mental counting.

"38." He chuckled.

"Life hasn't been kind to you." I laughed, Navarro chuckled under his breath as he waved his hand, his guard came and punched me in the face, striking me down and bruising my cheek.

I spit out the blood welling in my mouth and chuckled.

"Is that all he's got? Bitch." I said as I stood up, dusting myself off.

"My brother's name is.. was Evan Richards, does that ring a bell?"

My eyes widened, the throbbing of my cheek suddenly didn't matter. 

Reid killed his brother.

"Ah, I see it does."

I smiled, willing to play his game.



"You know how sexy it was to see Reid kill him in cold blood?  His brains splattered all over the old building, pretty sad to die there." I shrugged, smiling once I saw Navarro's eyes.

"Hold her." He growled.


I looked out of the window, expecting Claire's car, I groaned once I noticed she wouldn't be here any time soon.  I looked down to my watch, the screen lit up, reading 1:38 A.M. She should've been here hours ago.

These are the times I hate the most.  Claire's terrible with time, she's often way too late or early.  I get incredibly nervous when she's late, my mind automatically believes something has happened to her.

These are also the times when I scold myself for not installing the tracking device in Claire's necklace, like Mikey suggested. 

"Reid!" I quickly turned around, seeing Jessie with his phone in hand. I approached him, eyeing his demeanor.

"What is it?"

"Claire, she sent an S.O.S." He sighed, catching his breath. 

I felt myself threatening to lose it. She's hurt.

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