Chapter 1 - Mission Fail

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Lance POV

"Lance don't fuck up like always! You only have 1 shot!"

"Keith is right Lance! Don't mess this up!" I ignore the gut feeling in my core and push forward with blue. "Come on blue we can do this." While everyone else keeps the enemy busy I quickly rush towards Prince Lotor's ship. I see an opening, I place the dark blue crystal-like bug in the tube and push it down. Then aiming my blaster and shooting. The blue light almost shoots at Prince Lotor's ship but then his ship shoots at my laser. 

His blaster overpowers mine easily, blasting Blue and leaving me unconscious. 

Lotor POV

"Mission Complete Prince Lotor! Our device is successfully on a Lion!" I smirk, "Thank you Ezor." I walk back to my room with my mind on one thing, 'I'm one step closer to defeating my father.'

Lance POV

I wake up on a bed, I try to sit up but I'm stopped by a warm voice. "I'm glad your awake, Hunk left some food for you a couple of minutes ago."  That warm voice is Coran. Out of all the people on this ship Hunk and Coran are the nicest to me, Pidge can be a bit difficult but she can be nice once in a while. I turned my head and reached out for the note next to the food. I open the folded sheet of paper, 'Feel better soon! I'll check up on you later! -Hunk'

I smile a bit and get out of the bed. "I'm going to look for the others, thanks for the help, Coran!" He smiles at me, "Of course Lance, anything for you!" I walk out to look for the others but stop in my tracks when hearing an all too familiar voice.

H - "We can't replace Lance, he's one of us and he works the hardest out of all of us!"

A - "Hunk I don't know where you've been, but that's not Lance. Lance doesn't do anything around here but flirt!"

S - "I have to agree with Allura, we need to find another paladin for the blue lion."

P - "There may be a chance that my Brother Matt is alive! Maybe he can be the new paladin?"

K - "That's a good idea, Allura already tried so Matt may be our only hope!"

Warm tears fell from my face, I ran. By the time I stopped running I was in the training grounds. "Castle start off where we left off." The training ground started to glow a bit, "Start level 62." I've been stuck on this level for a while now, and I need to let off some steam. I was doing good, my vision started to blur. "Level 62, fail." The glowing stopped and I was left on the floor with warm tears flowing down my cheek. 

Lotor POV

The blue beauty, his cry angers me~ "Acxa! We're going to Voltron to retrieve the blue paladin, he's going to be very useful to us~"

Lance POV

Everything they said clouded my mind. "Lance! What's wrong!?" I look up to see Coran's worried face, I just cried harder. "Lance tell me what happened!?" I told him everything, and by the time I was done everything went black. 

Coron POV

I quickly carried Lance to his room and left to give the others a piece of my mind. I slam the doors open, "All of you are*bleep* and should be ashamed of yourself! You have the audacity to not only talk about Lance behind his back but try to replace him! HE WORKS HARDER THANK ANY OF YOU AND SURPASSED BOTH SHIRO AND KEITH IN THE TRAINER GROUNDS!" Keith shot up, "That's not true Shrio and I are both on Level 50 and Lance is just a useles-" MY anger grew 3 folds, "Shut the *bleep* up! He's on level 62! And if you call him useless on more time than I'll punch the living daylight out of you!" I was interrupted by Hunk, "Coran is right, all you are fucking pricks and treat Lance like crap! And you know what I hope Lance decides to leave! Because he's probably better off ina fucking black hole than on this ship!" 

Hunk and I leave the room, leaving the others stunned. On our way to Lances room, the castle started to shake and there was a huge crash. "ALL PALADINS! THE GALRA HAS INFILTRATED THE SHIP!" 

Lance POV

"ALL PALADINS! THE GALRA HAS INFILTRATED THE SHIP!" I shot out of bed and quickly grabbed my weapon. I ran down the hall, my thoughts going a mile a minute. Before I could turn around the corner, I felt strong arms around my waist and a cloth on my noise. I tried to struggle but everything went black.

Lotor POV

I pick up my blue angel bridal style and return to my ship. "Retreat! We got the blue Paladin!" I look over to the blue lion to see a barrier around it. 'That's interesting~' 

I started to walk on my ship to see the yellow paladin staring at me. 

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