Chapter 4 - Come Back

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Our video message has been going on for too long, so Hunk and I had to part ways. By the end of the call, Hunk looked happy and I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. The screen glows, "Call End"


It's been a while since the video message, and they finally came. The ship starts to shake and everyone gets in there post. The ship hanger opens and the lions appear.

It's Time

Lance POV

I put on my mask and stayed in the top corner of the hanger, I laid down and aimed my gun ready when needed. Then the battle started. "GIVE LANCE BACK TO US! NOW!" The Lions opened their mouths and the paladins Jumped down and started to attack. Acxa fought against Shiro, Ezor fought against Pidge and Hunk, Zethrid and Harti fought against Allura and Keith fought Lotor. The Voltron paladins barely touched Lotor and the generals, every time one of them try to attack the generals I would shoot at there weapons or hit their weak points in their body. I then temporarily paralyzed Hunk so he wouldn't get hurt.

I turn to see Keith aiming his sword at Lotor, "L! Get down here I need back up!" I look over to see Ezor in a bit of a pinch. I jump down and shot Pidge with my mini blaster, sending her flying across the room and knocking her out in the process. Ezor and I continued to an attack until the only one left were Keith and Shiro. They were surrounded, Shiro spoke up, "Give us Lance back! Where are you keeping him!?" Lotor and the other generals started to chuckle and laugh a bit, including me. Keith looked pissed, "THAT'S IT!" He ran towards Lotor, I stepped in before he could attack and shot him in the leg but his sword was able to crack and break my mask.

I then shot Shiro's arm, leg, and gut with an electric blast also paralyzing him. Keith ran over to him and started to panic a little and look back at the attacker, me. "L-lance" Once he said that the rest of the paladins looked at me with shock. I gave them a determined look, "I am not coming with you and I am not a paladin of Voltron, I am Lotor's General." The other generals stood behind me, "NOW LEAVE!"

I paladins quickly left the Hanger, before Keith returned to his Lion he aimed a gun and shot his gun at me. He was able to hit my side, then everything went black.


I woke up from my slumber hearing my name being called, I shot up, pain hitting my side. I ignore it and start to follow the voice. It led me to a black door, I touched it and walked it. I look around to see a giant bath, Blue lights illuminate the room. Gold designs dance on the walls, and a stack of towels on a small table. The voice got stronger, 'Bathe in the water and see the truth.'

I began to strip, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my waist. I get in the water, warmth spread through my body. My side starts to glow, I take off the bandages to see that my injury has healed. I smile, "What are yo-?! Who ar-!? Lance?" I turn around to see a shocked Lotor, I blush a bit. "W-whats wrong why are you staring at me like that? Wait, is this your place! I'm so sorry, I didn't know! This may sound weird but I a voice led me to this place and it just opened! I didn't mean to-" Lotor walked over to the table with towels and picked up a mirror, he quickly walked over to me and gave me the mirror. I look at my reflection to see myself, with white hair, and marks under my eyes. My blue eyes looked more detailed, I was speechless. Lotor spoke, "I knew it, your part Altean." 

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