Chapter 2 - Join Me

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Lotor POV

I pick up my blue angel bridal style and return to my ship. "Retreat! We got the blue Paladin!" I look over to the blue lion to see a barrier around it. 'That's interesting~'

I started to walk on my ship to see the yellow paladin staring at me, aiming his blaster but seems hesitant. I gave him a sad smile, "I'll take care of him." The yellow paladin but down his blaster and nodded. The ship door closed and the ship took off, I carried my blue angel to my room and laid him down. His eyes had tear stains, but he is still so beautiful. He is like a moon that shines in the dark, those foolish creatures tried to destroy my moon.  I lightly kiss his forehead, "I'll protect you, my moon."


Lance POV

I feel so warm. I hug the soft pillow and moan, 'It smells so good, like lavender.' I then heard someone, giggling. 'Wait, what happened on the ship?' Everything's coming back to me. I shot up to meet 4 multicolors girls looking at me. One giggling, 1 smirking and another one glaring at me. I was stunned, I looked around to see a bedroom that looks fit for royalty. The lights had a purple hue and the sheets were soft and warm. I must be on a Galra ship, wait... a GALRA SHIP!?

The girls in front of me must have realized that I've connected the dots. The salmon colored one spoke up, "Don't worry we're not going to hurt you, we just wanted to see our future new recruit!" I started to process what she said, I looked at them in confusion, "New Recruit?"

"Generals back to your post! Leave this room apparently!" The girls saluted the white-haired man and left. If I'm being completely honest he looks gorgeous. I look at the chucking man and give him a confused look, "Thanks for the compliment~ But I think the real beauty us in front of me~" 

I felt my whole body heat up, 'I can't believe I said that out loud!' He walked out up to me and kneeled down on a knee, "I would like to ask you if you would join me and my generals. Now I know what you're thinking, 'why would I join the Galra'. Well the last time we met on the battlefield I shot you with my laser, that laser had a bug cam and I saw the way that for "teammates" treated you. My goal is not to take over the universe but to defeat my father, his way of ruling is going to not only destroy the universe but the kingdom as well. So, what do you say?"  

I thought for a second, I thought about Voltron, blue, earth. I've finally made my decision, "I-

Hunk POV

It's been a few months since Lance was taken. The first couple of weeks everyone went crazy, and tried to look for him but failed. Everything changed when Pidge found Matt, everyone stopped looking for him. Coran and I were the only ones trying to look for him. Everyone thought that Matt would take Lances place as the paladin of the blue lion. But that plan quickly flew out the window, because the blue lion has had its barrier up since Lance left. Their bond was strong.

Matt tried to bond with the lion but it wouldn't budge. Pidge tried to hack it with the help of Allura but It only made the Lion reject everyone in site. The lion went crazy and started to freeze the ship, by the time she was done she froze the room where the lion has been held. It took some time but we were about to break the Ice and get to our lions. Where we got them the weight of the situation started to sink in. 

They started to realize what Coran and I said was true and then continued to realize that we can't form Voltron without Lance. And if we can't form Voltron then the universe is screwed. I am the only one who knows where Lance is, but I have a gut feeling that if I tell them then Lance will be stuck in this hell hole. 

To be completely honest I have a feeling that Keith, Shiro, Allura, and Pidge don't care about Lance. It took them almost 2 months to realize the importance of Lance. Once the situation sunk in, then they started to care. 

~7 months later~

I was in my yellow lion looking for any possible places Lance could be. Then I saw a purple glow on my screen, it was a message from a Glara ship. I opened the message and an alert popped up.

"Hunk to not tell the others of this message!" I clicked the ok button and a video appeared. The first thing I say was Prince Lotor, he was smiling ear to ear and looked somewhere on the side. "Come on! Its started!" I was a bit confused but then I saw lance in new blue armor and he was happy. 

"Hunk, it's been so long

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"Hunk, it's been so long. I have to tell you everything that has happened since I've been gone. I know this is a risk of the other paladins finding me but you have to know."


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