Chapter 8 - Alliance Done

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Lotor POV

Last night was amazing~

I invited the members of Voltron on my ship. I'm currently with Princess Allura and the green paladin as they analyze the galra technology.  Lance, Jess, and Hunk went to hang out for a bit, while the others decided to test each other's skills and train a bit. The green paladin picks up a box and gives us a small smile, "I'll be right back I got to show Hunk some of this, be back in a few!"

I was focusing on some old tech in a dusty box, my action interrupted by Princess Allura. "Prince Lotor, what do you see in Lance?" I contined to look through the box and smile grew on my face, "Prin-" I was cut off, "Call me Allura" I turned my face a bit to see her blushing but I brushed it off.

"Well Allura, Lance is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Ever since the day he came into my life, my once bleak days have now turned into a world full of color. He...completes me. He makes me want to protect him and others as well, he's my light. And ever since Jess has joined our family I have so much to live for and protect. He's my everything." 

I was lost in thought, I then felt someone's hand on mine. I quickly pulled away and turned around. I see Allura blushing with lustful eyes, and her hands are on my chest. "Lotor, be mine instead, I will birth you, children. I'm far superior to Lance, leave him and give me a chance." 

Anger flew through my body, I pushed her away. So hard that she fell on the shelf. "YOU FILTHY PIG! YOU THINK YOU CAN SEDUCE ME AND TALK BAD ABOUT LANCE, THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! WELL, YOU THOUGHT WRONG, THIS ALLIANCE IS OVER." 

I walk over to the door but I'm stopped by the green paladin. Princess Bitchface notices, "Pidge he attacked me! Blast H-" Pidge looked pissed, but not at me at her. "ALLURA YOU BITCH! Lotor I completely understand that you want to cut off the alliance and you should! Go take Lance and your generals and leave, it's time for me to expose this bitch. She pulled out a small device from her phone and clicked the play button.

The cameras got it all. 

Allura screamed for her to stop but it was too late. 

I ran past her to find Lance and the girls, as I ran through the halls the audio played. "He's my everything."  I ran past rooms the video was able to be seen. "I'm far superior to Lance, leave him and give me a chance." I found everyone in the meeting room. Lance, Jess, Coran, my generals, and the Paladins. "THIS ALLIANCE IS OVER."  

Lance looked stunned, "Lance!" He turned around, Jess jumped down from his arms. He just stared at me with teary eyes, Jess pushed his legs a bit. Lance ran over to me, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my lips. it was short but loving, when our lips parted his smile, "I love you too." 

I wrapped my arm around his waist and we made our way to the members of Volton. "I understand that what she did does not include you guys at all. Although we are no longer in an alliance, I hope that we can meet again in a better time." They all smiled at me, Shiro spoke up, "I'm so sorry for what has happened, and I fully understand why you called off the alliance. I think this is the best thing." The generals and the members of Voltron said there goodbye on good terms.

The peace was interrupted by her. "You can't believe him! He's a Galra! A lying, cheating, Galra! And if Lotor doesn't want me because of the failure then I'll end him!" She aimed a blaster at Lance before I could react a barrier formed, the color being a mixture of blue and red creating little spots of purple. Jess's and Lance's eyes glowed everyone was shocked. Lance spoke, "Jess, protect Papa and the others." She looked at him with determined eyes and nodded.

Lance stepped forward, Allura got scared and kept aimlessly shooting. He doughed every blast, then he was in front of her. He slapped her in the face causing her to fly across the room. He floated over to her, looking down at he scared princess. "If your father could see you now, he would be very disappointed." Then floated back to us and Jess's barrier disappeared. He stood in front of me and help my hand, "Let's go home."

As we walked off the ship, I turned around. "Blue! Don't give them too much trouble! I'll see you again soon! Farwell" The Castle was filled with roars with not only blue but all the others as well. I smiled and walked back with my family, then we left leaving the castle behind. 


Shiro POV

Ever since Lance and the others left, we've been avoiding Princess Allura like the black plague. We don't listen to her commands or pay her no mind, we've lost all respect for her and have been planning in secret. We are planning on leaving with the lions and joining Prince Lotor's team. 

Tonight, while she's asleep.

Mini Timeskip

All of our stuff was packed and everyone was suited up, I tied Lances Lion to mine. I was the last to get one, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" I glare at her, "We quit, we are no longer going to help you and we're taking Voltron with us!" She tried to blast me but the blue lion roared. It shot Ice at her and the yellow lion kicked down the doors and we were off. Pidge started trying to find Prince Lotor's ship and save the universe. 

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