Chapter 3 - It's Time

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Lance POV

I felt my whole heat up, 'I can't believe I said that out loud!' He walked out up to me and kneeled down on a knee, "I would like to ask you if you would join me and my generals. Now I know what you're thinking, 'why would I join the Galra'. Well the last time we met on the battlefield I shot you with my laser, that laser had a bug cam and I saw the way that for "teammates" treated you. My goal is not to take over the universe but to defeat my father, his way of ruling is going to not only destroy the universe but the kingdom as well. So, what do you say?"

I thought for a second, I thought about Voltron, blue, earth. I've finally made my decision, "I accept!" 


From then on I was apart of the team, I was working for Prince Lotor. The next day I got a new uniform to hide my face from the rest of the Glara. I quickly became best friends with Ezor and Zethrid. I lowkey ship them, but they don't have to know that~

We would hang out when we're free, sometimes mess around with the robots when they come around on the ship. At first, Acxa didn't like me, but over time we grew close. She's my go-to person to give it to me straight even if it's painful and I need that from time to time.  We're also training buddies, she would always beat my ass at first but I've gotten better thanks to her. And my shooting skills have improved greatly as well. 

The best thing about being here is that we cheer each other on, and recognize our improvement. Lotor and his team realize the importance of everyone on the team and don't treat others differently in the workspace. 

The last important detail that makes everything better on this ship is Lotor. Ever since I joined him he would constantly flirt with me when work was over. I never flirted back but I did play hard to get and teased him from time to time. To be completely honest I have a crush on him, and I really what to tell him but I am a bit scared. Thousands of 'what if's' flood my mind everytime I'm about to tell him.

Although I love my new life with Lotor and my new friends, I do miss Hunk and Coran. I asked Lotor if I could send a message to Hunks lions but he refused because there was a chance that Voltron would come and take me back with them. It was no secret that Voltron has basically disappeared since I left, it's been easier for the Galra. I feel like the real reason he didn't is that he was afraid of me leaving with them. I told him, "I promise I won't go without a fight because of I l-" I was interrupted by Ezor asking Lotor for something. 

Once she left he agreed but he had to be apart of the video. 

Lotor locked the doors and send out the live mail to the yellow lion, it was fairly easy since the bug was still on the ship. The screen started to glow, "Message Accepted"

I moved over to the side and let Lotor show on the camera first. Prince Lotor smiles ear to ear and looks at me. "Come on! Its started!" I walk over to see Hunk and I smile to see my friend safe, but he had bags under his eyes. "Hunk, it's been so long. I have to tell you everything that has happened since I've been gone. I know this is a risk of the other finding me but you have to know." Lotor and I caught him up with what's been going on and Lotor's plan, Hunk understood and trusted Lance's judgment since Lance isn't dead or traumatized like Shrio. Hunk also caught us up with what's going on on the castle. I'm a bit taken back by the fact that Blie hasn't been cooperating with the paladins. 

Our video message has been going on for too long, so Hunk and I had to part ways. By the end of the call, Hunk looked happy and I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. The screen glows, "Call End"


It's been a while since the video message, and they finally came. The ship starts to shake and everyone gets in there post. The ship hanger opens and the lions appear. 

It's Time

You Deserve Better (Lotor x Lance)Where stories live. Discover now