Chapter 12 - Future

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Lance POV and Timeskip 

Everything has been going very well since Lotor and I have become rulers of the Galra Empire. The war has ended and we pulled back any soldiers on the planets Zarkon has taken over. With the help of Voltron, we have been able to restore almost all of the damage that Zarkon has left us. We formed an alliance with the Blade of Marmora and Keith was able to meet his mother. Pidge found her brother and father and Hunk found his true love. 

Shiro found his long lost lover Adam on a planet they Zarkon took over, they got married and adopted a son named Luke. Ezor and Zethrid got married and Acxa and Keith just continue to flirt and train together. Jess and I have been practicing on our magic and fighting skill and we've greatly improved.  I was able to see my family again and the Galra is helping earth with there tech. 

There is only one issue and that's me. I've been throwing up for weeks and I am finally going to the doctor to see what's up. 

He gave me this white stick and told me to pee on it, I did so and then the stick started to turn pink. I didn't know hat that meant so when the doctor smiled at me I was confused. "You're pregnant" 


"WhAT?!" He explained to me how some rare Alteans and Galran male have the ability to produce 1 child in their lifetime. Then it all began to make sense, that's why Zarkon pocked my belly, he knew...

I thanked him and wrapped the stick in a cloth, and went to find Lotor. He wasn't in our room, the kitchen or in his office. I went to the throne room to see him looking at some holograms looking at a white, blue and green planet. 

"L-lotor" He looked at me and smiled. His smile soon dropped once he saw my nerves face, "What's wrong love?" I walked up to him slowly and gave him the cloth, he unwrapped it and started to cry. "Y-you're pregnant?" I smile at him and nod.

He runs up to me picks me up, we both started to celebrate until we were both interrupted by 'omg' and small squeals. Jess came into view. She has grown so much, she taller than before and he hair has grown as well. "Mama! Luke asked me out! Nothing can ruin this day!" 

I giggled a bit, "I can make it better~" She looked at me with a bit of confusion, Lotor kissed my cheek and smiled at Jess, "Your mama is pregnant." Jess jumped at us and started to cheer, "YES! I CAN GET A LITTLE BRO/SIS"

Min Timeskip

My belly grew over time and the gender was finally revealed, were having a son. Lotor and I decided to name him Victor. Hunk decided to stay on the ship with shay until the baby came to help Lotor and I out, he really the best friend a guy could have.

Lotor found a planet that would be perfect for the Galra to live on and since he's been helping with the preparations he's been a bit stressed. But I help him when I can and take care of the preparations so he can sleep and eat. 

When the baby started to kick Lotor shot out of his slumber and gently touched my belly. He's been so excited about the baby and his long wait was coming to an end. 


I was hanging out with Jess until pain washed over my body. The baby was coming.

"AHHHHH! Jess! Get papa! AHHHH! He's coming!" Jess starts to panic a bit but runs out, "IT"S TIME! IT'S TIME! PAPA! UNCLE HUNK! EZOR!" The door closes. "AHHHHHHH! VICTOR! PLEASE BE PATIENT. AHHHHHH" The door opens and Lotor and the gang arrive. "LOTOR! VICTOR IS READY TO SEE THE UNIVERSE!"Everything was going so fast, but the whole time I felt warmth in both hands. On my left was my beautiful daughter Jess, she's grown up so much. On my right was Lotor, he smiles at me. "It's almost time my love!" 

Then everything speeds up, I push and push until I felt empty but I heard nothing. I opened my eyes to see my baby boy, Victor. He was still, he wasn't moving. 

I started to cry a bit, "Give him to me." The doctor gave me sad eyes and handed me the baby. Lotor and Jess were frozen. Once Victor was in my arms his eyes opened. They were so beautiful, his right eye color is ocean blue and his left is violet. He had tan skin and white hair with brown on the tips. Once eyes eys met he started to laugh and smile at me. I giggled a bit and touched his soft cheek. Lotor started to cry and then he walked over to us. He looks at our son and kisses my forehead, "You did a fantastic job, my love." 

Victor looked at Lotor and help out his hands, Lotor gave him his finger and he started to play with it. Jess walked over and saw him, once their eyes met there was an instant connection. Victor gave her a give smile and held out a hand for her. She gave him a finger and he looked happy and satisfied. Victor was ready to face the universe. 

Years Later 

Victor has come of age and he was to soon inherit the throne today. Jess got married to Luke some time ago. She is as tall as me, her long white hair and tan skin completment her figure and her smile still beats the sun to this day. Victor is as tall as Lotor and his hair is longer than his as well. He is tall and muscular and his personality can bring anybody together. He is kind, determined, noble and a natural born leader.

The Galra live in peace on the planet Lotor claimed, the empire was rebuilt from the ground up and Victor will now make our world a better place. Jess, Lotor and I stand behind Victor as the crowd cheer for there new leader. 

Lotor wraps his arm around my waist and I lean in his touch. "What were your thoughts when you first saw me?" Lotor smiled at me, "I thought about a lot of things, but one thing I knew was that You Deserve Better."

You Deserve Better (Lotor x Lance)Where stories live. Discover now