Chapter 5 - Confusion to Love

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I look at my reflection to see myself, with white hair, and marks under my eyes. My blue eyes looked more detailed, I was speechless. Lotor spoke, "I knew it, your part Altean."

Lance POV

I looked at at the water staring at my reflection, then the water moved. I looked up to see Lotor in only a towel around his waist, he walks over to me and I start to walk backward until I hit the rim of the giant tube. I look up to see Lotor looking down at me, I was a bit scared until he grabbed my hand and led me to a large step on the side of the bath and set me down with him. "Lance, I'm not going to hurt you. The door to this room can only be opened for those who have Altean blood flowing through your veins." I thought about it for a while until I realized something, 'Lotor was able to enter the room so is he...'

I look up at him, "Are you part Altean?" He smiled at me and nodded, he closed his eyes and his skin started to turn into a fresh brown color. When he opened his eyes my body started to heat up. After a couple of minutes of us talking his skin turned back to its lavender skin tone.


Ever since that day with Lotor we've become closer. We would meet in that bath together more frequently and talk about the past, the future and our dreams. I also started to spend some nights in Lotor's room, I would brush his hair in the mornings and we would go our separate ways. Since it becomes difficult to hid the Altean features I have to wear my mask more when in the hallways so Glara soldiers that walk around from time to time. Lotor's generals know and seem to be fine with it, so when I'm around them I'm able to take it off.



I walked into Lotor's room expecting to see him but instead, I see a note on a pillow with my name on it. I open it,

Dear Lance,

Meet me in our special place, I have to ask you something important.

Love, Lotor

I put on my helmet and make my way to our private bathroom, once I open the door I take off my helmet. The lights are off and candles lit up the room, purple and blue flower petals spread across the floor, white petals lead me to a table with fruits, a note with my name on it and a small folded towel.

Lance, strip and once you're done count to 10 and turn around.

- Lotor

I took off my clothes and wrapped the short towel around my waist. I started to count. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10" I turned around to see Lotor holding a bouquet of white flowers, "Lance, will you be my lover?" I was a bit taken back by his question but I gave him a warm smile and walked towards him. Once I got close I got on my tippy toes and kissed him before I could pull away Lotor wrapped his arms around my waist and deepened the kiss. When our lips parted, I looked at him in the eyes, "Yes"

He led me to the bath, sitting on his lap we enjoyed each others company and letting our emotions flow freely with ease.

Shiro POV

We need Lance. We can't form Voltron without him and the blue lion doesn't let anyone near him except Hunk and Coran. No one can pilot the lion and it's becoming harder to keep alliances with plants without them seeing Voltron. Planets we try to save don't want us to come near them, they say that a small Galra group protects them from Zarkon.

The team and I thought they were crazy but soon our alliances have been broken due to this small glara group protecting them when we couldn't.

"All paladins come to the meeting room! I repeat all paladins come to the meeting room!"

Allura, Keith, Pidge, Hunk and I sit and the meeting began.

Allura - We need Lance. We can't form Voltron without him and due to this, the planets we have alliances with chooses some glara fleet over us.

Shiro - Allura's right, we need to sneak onto Prince Lotor's ship and take Lance back.

Keith - That could work but it's going to be hard. Lance is well trained and if we aren't quick then we could get caught.

Pidge - I have a theory on this small galra group, I think it's Lotor and his Generals.


Hunk - I agree with Pidge and I have a better idea. We should talk to Prince Lotor, maybe even form an alliance.

Allura - It's to ri-


Allura turned around and saw that someone was trying to contact the ship. Allura answers it, the first thing she sees is Prince Lotor. He spoke, "Hello Paladin's of Voltron, I would like to set a date for us to meet and form an alliance together to take down my father. Ar-" "Papa!" The door quickly opened and closed, a small child with dark blue eyes and white hair ran up to Prince Lotor, "Can you help mama and I find my doll?"

Prince Lotor picked up the small child and kissed her forehead, "Of course, go find Mama and ill be done in a minute." The small child's eyes glowed and she nodded eagerly, he put the child down, the door opened and she was in the hallway. "Jessalyn! Where are you!" That voice sounded so familiar, the little girl smiled, "I'm right here Mama!" Then the door closed and everyone's attention was on Prince Lotor. He looked at us, "So, do you accept."

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