Chapter 10 - Kill

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Lotor POV

It's time. Our plan is flawless and nothing is going to stand in our way. It's time to kill my father. 

1 week ago I sent my father a video message, asking for a fight declaring on my win and smothering his flaws with simple words. He accepted my challenge and knowing my father wanting me dead he will do it with his own hands. 

I look at the plant as we close in, I feel a warm hand on mine. I look over to see Lance giving me a warm smile and a determined look. I then felt small arms wrap around my leg, I look down to see Jess giving me a reassuring smile. He hugs my leg a bit tighter, "Let's kick there butts!" 

The ship Lands. I look at Lance and Jess one more time, "Do you remember the plan?" They both nod and Lances speaks up, "Only come when needed or giving the signal. We can help you from afar." I smile and nod, I then walk out with a sword in hand. 

I stand and wait, but not for long. A medium sized ship lands directly across from my ship and the giant door opens. My father walks towards me with a sword in hand, "So you want to fight? Do you really want to die from my hands? You are a disgrace and I will be glad to end your life."

I glare at him, then he makes the first move. Our fight was intense, our blades clashed making the earth around us rumble. I finally get him on his back, as I'm about to finish him I hear something. I look over to see a bolt of purple lightning aiming towards me, and it was going too fast.  I look over to see a blue barrier which bounces back the bolt to the caster. Zarkon kicked me off of him, I look over to see Hagger stumble back a bit in shock.

I look to the other side to see Lance, he looks pissed and his eyes begin to glow white. He looks at me, "I'll handle her." 

Then his own battle begins. I continue to focus on Zarkon and our battle continue. I ignore the screams from Hagger and the grunts from Lance. 

He ends up finding a way to get me on my back he smirks at me, "Any last words?" I spit in his face and start to move around, the sword comes down but is stopped by a barrier and this time its red. It pushes him off of me and our battle continues.

Then a bright light pulls our attention away from each other. We look up to see Lance and Hagger performing their final blast. Lance easily overpowers her, killing her in the process. Lance looks at me and gives me a weak smile. 

Zarkon stars off into the distance with a static face, I strick, cutting his arm in the process. He screams but continues to fight, 'stubborn bastard.' 

Our fight is soon drawn to an end as I stab Zarkon in heart, "Goodbye, Father." He falls, I turn around to see Lance giving me a small smile and a worried look. He walks next to me and we star at his dead body, he holds my hand, "Let's burn it."

I hum in agreement. He places his hand on Zarkons forehead and he starts to burn.

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