Chapter 9 - Needed That

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Lance POV

I snuggle closer into Lotor's chest with a sleeping Jess in my arms. The things he said to Allura flowing through my mind.

"Lance is the best thing that has ever happened to me."

"My once bleak days have now turned into a world full of color"

"He...completes me"

"He's my everything."

I smile a bit, "Lotor, you're my everything too." I felt his soft lips on my forehead, "And you're holding our future, our universes stars in your arms." I hum in agreement and yawn. Lotor gets out of the bed and tucks Jess and me in. "Take a nap, I'll be back in a little while. I love you~" I give him a small smile, "I love you too."


"AHHHHH! Jess! Get papa! AHHHH! He's coming!" Jess starts to panic a bit but runs out, "IT"S TIME! IT'S TIME! PAPA! UNCLE HUNK! EZOR!" The door closes. "AHHHHHHH! VICTOR! PLEASE BE PATIENT. AHHHHHH" The door opens and Lotor and the gang arrive. "LOTOR! VICTOR IS READY TO SEE THE UNIVERSE!"

Everything was going so fast, but the whole time I felt warmth in both hands. On my left was my beautiful daughter Jess, she's grown up so much. On my right was Lotor, he smiles at me. "It's almost time my love!" Then everything speeds up, but I heard nothing. I opened my eyes to see my baby boy, Victor. He was still, he wasn't moving.

I look up to see a man with tan skin with long white hair and brown on the tips. His right eye color is ocean blue and his left is violet. He smiles at me. I start to cry. I wipe my tears to see a tan girl with white hair that went down to her lower thigh. She has dark blue eyes, it was Jess. 

The man smiles at me, "It's time to wake up."

*Dream end*

I wake up to an empty bed, I saw a light blue note on the side of our bed. I open it.

"Go to the training room to find the next clue, by the end of the game you'll never feel blue."

I step out of bed, start to stretch a bit and make my way to the training room. I step through the door and I see some blue petals leading to the gun room. I walk through the door to see a note on my dark blue sniper gun. 

"You shot my heart, and you saved my days. Go to the place where you decided to stay."

I think for a moment. 'Gun, and where I decided to stay." I got it. 

I walk over to the ship hanger were the Lions attacked. I saw a heart made out of white petals and my helmet in the center. There was a note~

"2 more places to go. Find the place were our love continued to grow. Candles were lit so we'll never forget. After this place, we'll start a new pace."

I quickly make my way to our secret room, once I walked in I saw a single lit candle and a note next to it. 

"This next place you have never been, but you are about to get a nice win. Changes will be made, but we were meant to face this dark age. Use this map and you will see, the stars will guide us with great speed."

I look at the map and follow the line, and I end up with stars as my guide. A large window and stars light up the whole room, I look up to see Lotor with his hands behind his back. I walk closer to him but stop when I see him holding a small box. I look at the box then at him in confusion, he opens up the box and a silver ring shines. Tears slip from my eyes, Lotor walks closer to me. 

He looked at me in the eyes and he took my hand, "Will you be my queen, my wife, and my light? Will you marry me?" I smile at him as the tears slip down my cheeks, "Yes, yes!" He puts the ring on my finger and we lock lips.

He picked me up and we made our way to our room. This moment together it was just us, and after that dream. I needed that.

You Deserve Better (Lotor x Lance)Where stories live. Discover now