Chapter 7 - Do you Accept?

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Hunk POV

Allura landed the ship on a planet with no people on it, just plants and animals. Once we landed she called all of the Paladins to the entrance of the castle. We see a black and purple ship land not far from the castle. Allura looked at us with a serious face, "Ok, listen. Stay on guard. If things go south we take Lance and Flee. Ok?" I look the other way while the others nod. 

We hear giggling from the distance, the girl we saw on the video call came into view. She looked at me and her eyes sparkled, she turned around. "Mama! You were right! The Yellow Paladin looks like a Teddy Bear!" The others looked at me then back at the girl.

She ran back down the hill and came back up, holding a white stuffed animal in one hand and a tan hand in the other. She was holding the hand of what looked like an Altean, but he looked like Lance. Then the generals and Prince Lotor came into view, Prince Lotor looked at the Altean man and smiled, the man did the same. The Altean man picked up the girl, they proceeded to walk towards us.

The closer they got the more I recognized the man, it was Lance. Once they were in front of us I looked at Lance in aw. I started to cry, "L-lance?" He put down the little girl, smiling at Prince Lotor and hugging her stuffed animal. Lance shed a tear, "It's been too long Hunk." I pushed past the others and gave him a hug. He hugged me back, "I missed your hugs." Once we let go I look in all his features, "You look like an Altean!? What happened?" He giggled at my outburst, "It's a long story, I'll tell you some other time." Before I could shower him with questions I felt someone tap my leg, I looked down to see the little girl. "My name is Jessalyn! This is my papa..." Pointing at Prince Lotor "...and my mama..." Pointing at Lance, " Mama told me stories about you! And she was right, can I hug you Uncle Hunk?" She opened her arms.

I was drying from her cuteness, I picked her up and swung her around making her laugh. Once I put her down she ran over to Prince Lotor and Lance. Our happy moment was cut short by Allura, "Well let's get inside, it seems that we have a lot of topics we must talk about today." As we made it back inside the castle I looked at Prince Loter, and he looked at me. I mouthed, 'Thank You' he smiled at me and nodded. 

Once we got inside Coran started to tear up a bit seeing Lance, before he could ask him about his appearance Allura asked him to watch Jessalyn. Prince Lotor and Lance seemed fine with it and they were on there way. We all sat in the meeting room to discuss the alliance.

Lance POV

Silence filled the room and all eyes were on me, Lotor must have sensed the tension because he held my hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. Allura broke the silence by clearing her throat, "So before we discuss serious matters on the alliance the Paladins and I would like to ask some questions if that's alright." Lotor nodded his head.

A - Lance, how are you Altean?

I took a deep breath and looked at her with confidence, "I don't actually know after one of my missions I was injured when I woke up I looked completely different. Lotor looked through the security footage and no one was in my room while I was knocked out. We did some test, and we found out that I had Altean blood flowing in me." She looked a bit surprised but just nodded.

S - Why do you want to fight against your father?

Lotor looked at Shiro, "It's simple. My fathers' way of ruling is foolish and outdated. If I take the throne then peace will be regained not only with the universe but also with my kingdom. The Galra were not always vicious people, and not all of us are vicious in this war or in my kingdom. Taking him down for peace is a common goal that Voltron and my team have, so an alliance should be formed."

The tension in the room decreased a bit until Keith went and fucked it up.

K - Why are you two holding hands?

My face started to heat up a bit and Lotor's generals started to laugh. Lotor cleared his throat and gave Keith a calm smile. "Well he is my lover~ Why wouldn't I hold his hand to calm his nerves~ Red Paliden of Voltron." The room grew quiet with a few snickers from Ezor and Zethrid. Then 3 questions were given from Pidge.

P - Some of our alliances have been broken and some planets we try to form alliances won't accept due to a "Small group of Galra". Is this group you, and if this Alliance is made then will you allow me to learn more about you tech?"

Lotor focused his attention on Pidge. "Yes, my Generals and I form Alliances with Plantes and save them from my father's attacks when you can't. And yes if this alliance is formed then you may use and experiment on our tech."

She looked really excited, then Lotor focused his attention the Hunk. "Do you have any questions Yellow Paladin?"

H - You can call me Hunk, and yes I do. Who is Jessalyn, and why did she call Lance mama and you Papa?

I smiled at him, "We saved her when we got a distress call. Her village was being attacked by an animal in the forest. She was an orphan and was left behind so we took her in, so Lotor and I are her parents."

Once I finished answering Hunks question Allura nodded at Shiro and stood up, "This alliance should be formed, you may stay on the ship for the night and we can discuss future plans in the morning if you agree." Lotor stood up and shook her hand, "We agree." She let go of his hand and looked at me, "Lance, now that this alliance has been made I would like to ask if you would piolet the Blue Lion again. Ever since you left she won't let anyone go near her." I thought for a moment and then nodded.

"PRINCESS ALLURA! LANCE!" All of us looked up to Coran, he looked worried. "I CAN'T FIND JESS!" Then I heard a roar, it was blue. I shot up and ran towards the sound with Lotor following close behind me. When I got there I saw Jess on top of Blue, it looked like there were playing. "BLUE!" The lion looked at me and her eyes started to glow. I ran over to her and climbed on top of her head, Jess sat on my lap and started to tell me how much fun she had with Coran. "Lance! Jess!" Both of us look down to Lotor and the Generals smiling at us. Hunk and Coran were with them. Allura and the others were about to walk towards the door, but Blue blasted ice in front of them, creating an ice wall in front of them not allowing them to come any closer.

Hunk spoke up, "This has been happening ever since you left Lance, no one can come near her except for Coran and me." My eyes started to ear up, "Blue, you felt my pain before I left. I may not forgive them completely but it will take some time, but thank you for waiting for me." The other Lions started to roar, I could feel there happiness. Jess started to cheer with them and I laughed a bit. We climbed down from Blue and she ran over to Loter. He picked her up and kissed her forehead, making her giggle. Zethrid started to punch the ice, allowing us to leave and walked pass 4 stunned paladins.

"Mama! Papa! Can I have a sleepover with the girls?" We looked at each other than her and nodded. She went with the girls as Allura led them to some spare rooms. I led Lotor to my room, which must have been cleaned but Hunk or Coran.

He led me to the bed and we had a fun game of "twister" if you know what I mean. (I'll let your imagination go wild~)

Shiro POV

Allura thought it would be a good idea to talk to Lance in private to see if he's being controlled or anything. I don't think that's what's happening but she stubborn as a bull. We walk towards Lance's room door, about to knock but stop we hear some noises.

"Ah, you're so tight" "L-lotor, deeper" "A-ah"

Small moans were heard on the other side, I looked at Allura and she seemed stunned. I grabbed her wrist and dragged her way, "I think we should leave alone, they seem busy."

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