Chapter 9: A New Mark

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Mark ran into the lobby of the entertainment building tears brimming. His mind heavy, weighing in on what Jackson said. As he stood there sniffling and trying to calm down his five other friends spotted him after grabbing food from the cafeteria. They ran back to check on the young Taiwanese male and see what happened. "Mark, what happened? Why are you crying?" Jaebum asked, naturally being the leader he is. 

"J--Jackson...he...he said that we have to prac--practice respect. But then he attacked me and...and said he was better than me."

"Well I mean he isn't ly--"

 "Shut up Bambam!!" Yugyeom said to the elder, tackling him to the ground. 

"Mark don't let it get to you." 

Mark sniffled. "How am I not supposed to let something like that get to me!? You know how I am!" JB and his friends sighed. 

"I try hard. I just want to be good at what I do. Am I not enough?" 

JB patted his friend on the back. "If you weren't good at what you do they wouldn't have picked you to be a trainee with us." Mark seemed taken aback by his words.

"Look Mark...if your feelings are hurt so much, it means you care what Jackson thinks. So make him respect you," Youngjae added. Jinyoung nodded. 

"Practice so hard, show him that he's wrong. That you are better than him." 

"Yeah, then he'll have to respect you!" Yugyeom said. 

"You're the hardest working guy I know Mark. Show Jackson that." Bambam nodded. Maybe his friends were right. Mark had been so preoccupied with Jackson that he hadn't focused on himself. Mark wasn't a crybaby or a quitter, Mark worked hard at everything he did, and worked to be the best. It's what made him different from Jackson. Jackson slacked off all the time in class, Mark didn't. This time would be no different. Mark would work hard to prove him wrong. "Thanks, guys."

Feeling motivated Mark said goodbye to his friends and re-entered the practice room on the 7th floor. "Oh is the crybaby back to finally practice?" Mark firmly nodded. 

"Are you gonna just sit there Jackson like a slacker? Or are we gonna dance?" Jackson became wide-eyed. He scoffed, rolled his eyes then stood up. 

"Fine Tuan. Let's go!" The two boys stood up and began to dance.

For the first time, Jackson saw an intense focus and determination in Mark's eyes. Mark wasn't paying attention to Jackson at all, only looking at himself in the mirror. The moves came easily to him and he danced hard, he danced with a passion Jackson had never seen before. If the instructor was here he definitely would have said Mark was outdancing Jackson. Mark pushed himself harder and harder, which only made Jackson try harder and harder. Once the routine ended and both boys collapsed from exhaustion. "I'm going to the bathroom," Mark quietly said. Jackson was in a quiet shock, the disbelief written all over his face. 

"No way. Was he always this good?" Jackson pondered. "You're something else, Tuan." Before Jackson could think any further Mark re-entered the room. Jackson was excited to see this new Mark...he was eager to dance with him. They pushed each other. They competed with each other. If you saw the two of them now, you would think they were long-time rivals. It lit a fire in Jackson. "Ready for round two Mark?" Mark nodded. "Let's go." The two boys took to the center of the floor, ready to begin the routine again.


Sorry updates have been a bit slow. I've had so much trouble finding time and effort to write. Hope this story isn't boring. Markson's relationship is beginning to change and some action is gonna happen soon. I promise ;)

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