Chapter 14: Gaga

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About a week had passed since Jackson and Mark's heart to heart, and things were noticeably different. "Those two have been getting along really well lately don't you think?" Bambam asked JB while pointing at Jackson and Mark who were playfully gallivanting and playing tag in the practice room. 

Jaebum turned his head and looked at the two boys. "Yeah, they have. It's kind of weird to see them so close all of a sudden." JB had noticed the change in Mark and Jackson's relationship, but he didn't say anything about it to Mark. He knew that the two of them getting along would only benefit the group and strengthen their bond and teamwork. 

"They've been coming back to the dorm later and later every day after practice. Just what do you think they're doing?" Jinyoung asked.

"Practicing," a husky voice suddenly called out. Jinyoung, Bambam, JB, and Youngjae all turned to see a smiling Jackson giving Mark a piggyback ride. 

"Duh? Practicing and working hard to improve. Would you rather we didn't get along?" The other four boys all shook their heads and began packing their things. 

"Well have a good practice. Don't kill each other," Youngjae said. 

"I wouldn't dream of it," Jackson warmly stated. Mark tried to hide his face in Jackson's back as it flushed red. The other four boys left leaving Mark and Jackson to practice as always.

The past week after Mark and Jackson had come together, the two had mastered all the dance routines they had learned. So, they usually practiced the routine about three times then spent the rest of the time bonding. This was usually them watching movies, engaging in deep talks or just goofing around. The other members, of course, had no idea about this. Today, Mark and Jackson decided to watch a horror movie because Mark loved horror movies and wanted to watch one with Jackson...though this is where Mark learned another thing that made them different. Mark liked horror movies, Jackson did not.

"Are you sure you want to watch this Jackson? You seem kind of...on edge," Mark asked the younger. 

"I'm fine Mark I said we can watch whatever you want," Jackson replied. His anxious face clearly not matching his words. 

"Could be the high and mighty Jackson Wang is afraid?" 

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" The older laughed in content at the younger's antics and turned on the movie.

Only a half hour into the movie and Jackson had screamed at the top of his lungs many times per minute. He mostly screamed, 


"AHH!", "NO! NO! NO!"




And things of that nature. Mark laughed each time, also feeling grateful the practice room had soundproof walls. The two were sitting on opposite sides of the room with blankets, Mark using his to stay warm, Jackson using his to cover his eyes and hide himself.

Mark finally stood up and paused the movie. "I'm supposed to be scared but here I am laughing at you over and over again Gaga." Mark had discovered that Gaga was an affectionate nickname given to Jackson by his mother, and ever since Mark's been using it. Little did he know other than Jackson's mother, he was the only one to call Jackson "Gaga". Jackson didn't mind though it sounded just right coming from Mark.

"Let's just do something els--"

"No! Stop, stop it. It's fine." Jackson interrupted. 

"You wanted to watch this Marky, so let's watch it." Like Mark had grown accustomed to calling Jackson "Gaga", Jackson grew accustomed to calling Mark, "Marky". 

"But you're scared. Even though you say otherwise I can tell you don't like horror movies." Jackson blushed in embarrassment and turned away annoyingly. 

"I'll be okay. Just put it back on. I can tell you really want to watch it." Mark really did want to see this movie, but he also worried about Jackson. 

"But Marky when you do, could you...come sit here with me?"

Mark looked at the younger a bit surprised but then chuckled. He turned the movie back on and ran and sat next to Jackson. As the movie went on, Jackson gradually wrapped his arms around Mark, as Mark's head found itself resting on the younger's broad shoulders. The two sat comfortably as Jackson held Mark in a back hug. They had grown comfortable with physical contact as their friendship grew, and both of them seemed to be big on cuddling. A month ago it would've been unbelievable to see the two so close.

The movie finally ended. Though Mark wanted more, Jackson was extremely grateful it was over. "Mark it's 9:30 we better get back to the dorm!" 

"Crap, you're right Jacks let's go!" The two packed their things and began running together. 

"Slow down Gaga you're going so fast!" Jackson grabbed Mark's hand and intertwined their fingers. 

"You're just slower than me Marky, come on. Or would you rather me leave you behind?" Mark was pulled to run side by side with Jackson. He looked down and examined their connected hands. He really liked the sight of his hand intertwined with Jackson's and he couldn't explain why but it made him happy, and he never wanted it to end. "Never ever Gaga...never ever."


;) I'm loving the new Markson dynamic and I hope you guys are too! They're finally past their differences and getting close! Ugh I loved this chapter! :)

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