Chapter 25: Yubin Knows Best

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The next day Mark decided to go to the dance studio before practice and before the other members arrived so he could clear his head. It was early in the morning, none of the other members were even awake by the time he left. For Mark dancing was one of the best ways to clear his head. It helped him enter a place free of his thoughts and the world around him. The music took control and his body would move to it, Mark completely focused on dancing. It was the sweetest escape. He took his place in the center of the room facing the mirror and began dancing to the song that was loudly playing:

"Lemon bit haessari nal bichweo~~

Jamshi sesangi Slow motion~~

Ara nae gibun tashin geol~~

Just feel alright~~

Pyeonhan T-shirts du baren Flat shoes~~

Inneun geudaero Fine ~~

Yeoyuroun miso shiseoneul ppaeseo (ppaeseo) oneuldo Fine~~

That's what I am what I Like~~"

Mark's dancing was on point hitting every point and doing every move to perfection. Sweat dripped down his face, he was breathing heavily. He was putting all his effort into this. His anxiety levels were quite high because of the manager's announcement and despite his high effort and near perfect moves, not even dancing was helping him clear his head. He feared getting left behind and not debuting with his six other members, but above all, he feared that he would get split up from Jackson. His beloved Jackson that he had to climb a mountain just to be with.

Mark stared at the silver ring on his finger. The thought of splitting from Jackson was unbearable. "All because they want to debut this group as six. Why!?" Mark thought. They had gone through so much to even get to this point and now another obstacle stood in their way of being together, and another obstacle stood in his way of debuting. Before, Mark's biggest dream was to debut as a singer, but now he wanted to share this dream with Jackson. Without Jackson, Mark would be distraught. Mark wanted to cry just looking at the shining piece of silver.

"That was really good Tuan." Mark looked up to see a slender, stylish woman standing in the frame of the practice room door cooly. 

"Yubin...what are you doing here?" Mark said, shocked by the legend's sudden appearance.

"Heard one of my favorite songs coming from this room and hurried over. You look like something is bothering you. Care to spill what's on your mind?" Yubin said, walking into the room towards Mark.

"It's just that...the company decided they want to debut us as six. I can't imagine debuting without any one of my members...or even worse not being the one to debut," Mark confessed. "I came here to clear my head before practice but it's just not working. Why would the company decide that?"

"I don't's such a weird decision. JYP usually doesn't like even numbered groups," Yubin remarked. She glanced down and saw Mark fiddling with the silver ring on his finger. She quickly smirked before turning her face back into a serious expression. "That all that's on your mind?"

Mark looked up confused. Yubin smirked and pointed to one of her fingers causing Mark to look down and realized...she had noticed the promise ring. "I can trust you right Yubin?"

"Mark there's a reason that half of the people in this company come to me like I'm their second mother. Haven't you heard the people around here say, 'Yubin knows best.' You can tell me anything," she nicely professed. Mark sighed. 

"I'm...I'm dating Jackson. This promise ring," Mark held up his hand showing off the ring Jackson gave him. "It's from Jackson. I'm worried that if only six of debut, we'll be split up. Not only am I stressed I won't debut or be with my friends, but I have to also worry I won't be with my boyfriend. It took us so much to even be with one another. We overcame a lot to be together and now it looks like another challenge is standing in our way."

Yubin nodded her head seriously. "Just like I said the first time I met you at your audition've got some guts. You could get in a lot of trouble for this Mark. Some people around here can be really ugly and vindictive." Mark nervously laughed. "Like I said I won't tell. But I totally get why you're stressed. I should be. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, the decision is up to the company. You and Jackson are cute together," Yubin remarked pointing to Mark's phone which was on the ground. The screen was lighting up from texts, revealing his screensaver, a picture of him and Jackson. 

"This woman notices everything", Mark thought as he looked down in embarrassment. 

"If it were up to me, I would debut all seven of you. I hope everything works out for you Mark. You deserve've worked hard. I'm rooting for you. A lot. You're a good kid. I wish you didn't have to suffer any of this." 

"Thank you," Mark responded with a bow. 

"Try and cheer up though okay? And enjoy the time you have with everyone. I'll see you soon," Yubin said, walking out with her back to Mark, throwing her hand up to wave. Though Mark couldn't see Yubin had a signature smirk on her face as she stylishly walked out, flipping her long, silky hair.


Did you guys know what song that was? Produce 48's "I Am" which is a BANGER! Months later and I still love that song. Anyway after Wrong Number Bro I really wanted to give Yubin a bigger role, so this story is serving that purpose!  Yubin is a queen and I wanted to treat her like one. So anyway hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! :)

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