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"And the winner for the 2018 Asia Artist Awards' Artist of the Year - Music is...GOT7!!!" The crowd erupted in loud cheers and applause. GOT7 stood up full of nothing but smiles. They looked around the venue taking the moment in. This is what they dreamed of, this is the life they had been wanting to live. People found them entertaining, people loved their music, people were brought to smiles by them. They were accepted. They were wanted. They were loved. And it made them so happy.

"Our beloved Ahgases...this award is because of you! Thank you so much! We love you!" JB proudly yelled, holding up their award as the other members cheered. JB continued to give GOT7's acceptance speech, thanking countless others and promising to work harder. GOT7 had worked extremely hard the past few years since their debut to get to where they are now. Putting in countless hours at the studio, practice room, and with each other had finally paid off. GOT7 was at the top of the mountain as one of today's most popular K-Pop groups, both in Korea and overseas. This is what they dreamed of, and it finally came true.

Once the award show ended GOT7 was sitting backstage, letting the moment sink in, reminiscing of all the good and bad times they had been through. 

"Tonight is so amazing." 

"We deserve this." 

"I'll remember this moment forever." 

The seven boys happily confessed as they drank champagne together to celebrate. The seven boys came to a group hug before toasting with one another, more united than ever.

Mark's eyes met Jackson's eyes from across the room. He grabbed his glass and walked up to his boyfriend. They clinked their glasses together and took a sip. They placed their glasses down before Mark took hold of Jackson's left hand, their two rings clinging together as always. "Has it really been five years?" Mark asked. 

"Since what? Our debut or since we became a couple?" Jackson chuckled. Mark giggled in content. 

"Both. I'm so happy right now. All my dreams have come true. I've debuted...I still have you. I'm the happiest I've ever been." Mark and Jackson's relationship lasted all these years, all keeping it under the wraps from the public eye surprisingly. Despite all their ups and their downs, they were still together and stronger than ever.

"Can I make you even happier?" Jackson probed, spinning Mark into a back hug. 

"What do you mean Jacks?" Mark giggled furrowing his brow. Jackson suddenly released Mark, the loss of his lover's grasp catching him by surprise. He saw the other members looking at him in shock, wide grins filling their faces and cheers being shouted. 

"Turn around stupid," Jackson ordered. Mark spun around gasping in shock, throwing his hands to cover his mouth, eyes going wide and tears begin to build up in his eyes.

"Mark Yien Tuan...we didn't get along when we first met, we were rivals quite honestly. We were so different from each other, polar opposites that seemed to never get along. But somehow, some way we made the one thing we had in common bring us together. We debuted. And well that's something I'm extremely proud of...but nothing can beat the ultimate prize I got out of this. You," Jackson sweetly confessed while kneeling down on one knee. 

"I never thought love and my soulmate would bloom out of this crazy journey...but I'm glad it did. I love you. More than anyone or anything I've ever loved in this world. In fact, you are my world. Here we are five years later and I love you more than ever, and I have to pinch myself and make sure this is all real because I get butterflies every time I tell you I love you and think about how you're my boyfriend. Mark, I want to take care of you forever." Jackson pulled out a small box from his jacket pocket. 

"You make me happier than I ever thought I could be. I promised I would love you eternally...and I think it's finally the right time. So, Mark Tuan, let me do one up from that promise ring...by accepting this engagement ring and marrying me?" Jackson affectionately proposed, revealing a shiny, silver engagement ring.

A tearful Mark nodded without hesitation. "Of course I'll marry you, idiot, I love you. I'd never say no to you." A smiling Jackson stood up, slipping the engagement ring onto Mark's ring finger and capturing his lips passionately. They were so in love, everyone in the room could feel it. 

"Now that we're tying the knot, our bond will never ever be broken. I love you Mark Tuan...forever." 

"I love you, Jackson Wang...always."

Just about five years ago, it would have been impossible to see Mark Tuan and Jackson Wang so in love. Like Jackson had said, they were too different from another that most people say they would be enemies, constantly butting heads. But somehow, some way they were able to build a connection together, change for the better and love bloomed beautifully. It wasn't easy to get to this point. They had plenty of ups and downs...but they overcame them together, and it made them the strong, unified and nearly perfect couple they are today. Mark and Jackson were more in love than ever and were on cloud 9. Though their love story was just a tad bit different, unconventional and definitely dramatic, it is just as beautiful as any other, and today marked the day where their love for each other was solidified as forever.



Different is over! ToT I hope you guys enjoyed this story! I loved it in the end! Markson so cuteeeee! I've been so happy to see this story get views, votes and comments, you guys are amazing! I'll keep coming up with different stories and keep writing, and branch out of Markson! I'll try really hard to be back soon with my next book, I'm just super busy!

I can say though, that my next book is going to be one for Q x Younghoon from The Boyz, hence Younghoon's cameo in this story! It'll be a bit of a spinoff from a story that my friend is working on right now titled Q&A. When they publish it I will be sure to post an update here so you can read it! And I'll come with the my Bbangkyu story details soon!  It's in the planning stages now, so hopefully I can write soon...but for now, that's all you need to know.

So again, thank you so much for all your support! You guys are amazing! <3

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