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    Monday, 9:15pm

   Hana's POV

  I was being treated for about an hour at the hospital. My arm that had a long scratch and my knee that was bruised, was treated with medicine and besides that, I was fine. I was more worried about Kai. I just met him that night and he saved me from an accident.

   Right now, he is being treated in a room. (sigh). Suddenly, I saw 12 men exit the elevator and was frantically searching for  Kai.

  "Where is Kai?"." Have you seen Kai?". "What happened to him?". I heard them say. I got up and went up to them.

    "Kai is being treated in that room.The nurse said that he is alright except that he hurt his right leg."

    One of the men went up to me and said, " I'm his manager. I heard that Kai got into an accident.Do you know what happened?"

    I looked at each one of them, lowered my gaze and said, "He saved me from the accident." When the manager's expression turn from worried to serious, I quickly added," But I'll take full responsibility I promise! I owe him my life!"

   They all exchanged looks and walked right pass me. I frowned and turned around."Who are you people?"

   They stopped in their tracks and looked back at me.An extremely tall guy, with gorgeously good but cold looks asked me," You don't know us?". I nodded. Then another said,"Aigoo-ya kkaepsong.."

    I frowned. Suddenly they all gathered together and said in sync,"We Are One! Annyeonghasaeyo we are EXO!"

     Ahh..Now it makes sense.Kai is from this boy group,EXO.  He is EXO's Kai. "Are you guys, like..celebrities?"I asked. One nodded. Wait a second.If EXO are celebrities, does that mean that Kai is a celebrity as well?


     I left the shop.Suddenly, a tall and tan man pushed and ran pass me. Followed by a group of screaming teenage girls holding out their cellphones.I frowned.What the-? It's not everyday you see that happen in the streets.Well,that's in my case.

Flashback Ends I get it. No wonder there were so many people who recognised him. After a minute or two, two nurses and a doctor exited the room and informed us about Kai's condition. He broke his right leg due to his wrong landing and positioning and his back is very sore from the strong impact when he fell.Lucky there was no severe damage to his head,just a slight cut to his forehead.

    Everyone was allowed to enter the room after the nurses and doctor left. The manager was settling a matter over the phone and sat outside the room while the rest of us entered the room.

    Monday 10:00pm

Kai was lying down on the hospital bed half asleep. He smiled when the boys entered showing their care and concern for their member.

   I walked slowly towards his bed and stood at the end of it. Kai stared at me and silence fell across the room. All eyes were on us two. I felt bad and I couldn't look up.

   "Kai..are you okay? I'm sorry.." I apologised. He took the bed remote and adjusted the bed to a sitting position.I took a few steps forward to his side. I still couldn't lift up my head. I felt bad and sorry.

    He swallowed and asked," Are you okay? Were you hurt?" All eyes in the room widen including mines. I looked at him. "Why are you worried about me?You should be scolding me for being so blind!I was stupid! If I had seen the taxi coming, you wouldn't have been injured and none of this would have happened!" I said almost in tears.Yes,I am being emo but so many things happened today and theres nothing I can do to undo it.

    He replied," I am worried because..I am .I had to save you because...I wanted to.I know that I just met you tonight but, I just felt that....".The 11 boys stood in the corner of the room.

    It was silence all over again until the manager entered. "Yah..what should I do now? Kai is hospitalised for the next 2 weeks because the doctor wants to monitor his condition and who's going to look after Kai while our schedules are tight?Your noonas are all so busy preparing for your comeback..aigoo." He fell into a chair and slouched down low in his seat.

     Suddenly a tall member with ears like an elf(no offense but he looks so cute and charming!^^)spoke up."Yah," he pointed at me."Didn't you say that you will take full responsibility?You owe him your life right?Since you are free, why don't you look after him for the time being?We will visit him often,so no worries.." All eyes fell on me. Psshh..why did he remember what I said earlier? I took a deep breath and said, "Okay.Fine."

     The manager stood up immediately, gave me a pat on the back and thanked me. The boys smiled.

     Gosh, where are my manners? I turned to face all of them and bowed, "Annyeonghasaeyo, I am Min Hana.Call me Hana or Minha is okay.I am seventeen years old.Nice to meet you."

    The boys blinked and began introducing themselves.

    "Yo, I am LuHan.".

    "Hello, I am Xiumin and I am the oldest in the group."

     "Hi, I'm Sehun and I'm the maknae."

    "I'm kungfu panda Tao."

   "Hello, I am healing Lay."

   "Hi.I am EXO's leader and Tao's omma, SuHo."

   "What's up, it's Kris."

  "Hi, my name is D.O and I'm the main vocalist."

  "Haha! Hello, I am Chen and I'm also the main vocalist."

  "Me, Baekhyun. And I'm the main vocalist as well."

  "Hi, I am happy virus, Chanyeol."

  I turned and faced Kai.

"Hello.I am EXO's main dancer Kai."

The manager clapped his hands and waved goodbye to Kai. The 11 boys wished Kai a speedy recovery and left with their manager.

    I cleared my throat. "So..uhh..You better get your rest and sleep.I'll be here if you need anything."

   Kai smiled and said,"Thank you." He pressed a button on the bed remote control and the bed adjusted itself to a sleeping position. Soon, Kai fell asleep.

    I sat down on a chair beside his bed.I've got nowhere to go. All I can do is sit here and do nothing. I rested my head in my hand as I stared into empty space.After minutes later, I fell into a deep sleep.

   Heyy~How's the story so far?Everytime I write I am visioning(?) it like a movie in my head but it's difficult for me to write them down in words.So I seek understanding and I hope that this chapter is alright! :)
p/s: I dont wish for Kai to be severely hurt in the accident(poor Kai!:'( )so I just made his injuries minor:)


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