The Next Day...

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   Tuesday, 8:30am

Kai's POV

*Yawn. Oh..i'm in the hospital.I forgot. I want to get up from bed but my leg is still broken from yesterday's accident. I scanned the room for something to help me up when I saw Hana.

She is sound asleep,resting her head on my bed. I couldn't help but smile. I brushed her hair away from her face and playfully poked her cheek.

Suddenly, her eyes opened slowly and she got up."Oww.."

Hana's POV

"Oww.." I said. My body was stiff from the sleeping position I was in.I stretched my arms out widely.

"Ah? You are awake!"Kai said brightly. I nodded, adjusted my hair and searched the room for a socket to charge my dying phone. After charging my phone, I turned to Kai who was pouting.

I laughed."What?"

"Could you help me up? I need to go to the"

I searched the room for the crutches. ?! There's none!

"Hurry..I really need to go!"Kai said pleadingly.

I sighed. I took his arm carefully and placed it over my shoulder. I slowly got him off the bed and limping at a fast pace towards the bathroom.But the moment when he lean on me harder for more support, his weight brought me down.

I stopped."Wait Kai.Hold o-". Too late. His arm slipped away from my shoulder and he was falling forwards!Without actually thinking, I grabbed him around his waist and pulled him up.

He quickly rested his weight slightly on me before actually realising our position.

My arms was around his waist and he was literally hugging me from the side for support.For that one moment, everything stopped and my heart skipped a beat.He was staring into my eyes.Wake up!

Everything resumed normally and I took his arm to rest on my shoulder. Finally, he limped safely into the bathroom. I called for a male nurse to take care of Kai while he is in the bathroom.

While waiting for him, I went downstairs into the streets to buy new clothes for myself. I didn't have much money left so I can only afford a plain purple tee and I wore it together with my dark blue school skirt.I fashioned the style with my black school tie.One of these days, I have to return home.But,how?

I returned to the hospital and Kai was already in bed with a tray of hospital food in front of him.He pushed the tray away and faced me.

"Hey,Hana.."he said."Don't you have school today?"

I shook my head.

"How come?I'm pretty sure that school just reopened after the holidays,"Kai scratched his head.

"Well.."I began."It's a long story.I'm sure you will not want to hear it."

Kai turned away,looked at my charging phone and turned back to face me."Your phone has been vibrating non stop since I came back from the toilet.I was curious and I saw that, your mother has been sending you texts and calls throughout the night."

My eyes widen and I lowered my gaze. He patted my hand and said,"If you need someone to talk to, I'm all ears."

I wanted someone to talk to so bad.I wanted to tell my friends but I'm afraid that they might tell omma my whereabouts.I pursed my lips and finally decided to tell him my story.I mean, it won't do any harm right?

"It started on Sunday,"I began. Kai sat upright and listened to me. "My omma placed me in an arranged marriage with a guy that I do not know well or like. I wanted to marry for love and not for my omma's sake. So I argued with her. The next day, I woke up and realised that I missed school. I went downstairs and saw omma and the guy that she wants me to marry. They talked about the marriage as if I approved.My heart and mind nearly burst into flames as I stood up for myself but omma,as usual,she must get what ever she wants and she scolded me.So, I ran away in my school uniform and came to Seoul. I was exploring Seoul when I met you. I wanted to go home but, I just don't know... how.Or when, or....." I clenched my fists tight.

As I looked down, I felt Kai's hand lift up my chin and I faced him. Our eyes met and he pulled a strand of my hair back behind my ear. He gave me the "it's-gonna-be-okay" look and smiled.
   Kai's POV.

Hana. I listened to her story and I felt, sympathy for her in a way that makes me want to take care and protect her from what ever out there. I sighed and broke the silence.

"Aigoo~This hospital food is bad. I wanna eat something else," I whined hoping to cheer her up.

"What do you want to eat?"she asked.I gave her my brightest smile and said, "Chicken! I'm sure it won't damage my broken leg or sore back!"

She got up and went out of the room. I stared at the door, waiting for her to return.

After a few minutes, she came back with puffy eyes and a red nose."Okay.The doctor gave you permission.So.."She unplugged her phone charger and began dialing.While she was ordering the chicken, I realised her voice was thick.Like she just finished crying.

She killed the call and smiled cheerfully at me."The order is set! They'll arrived within 15 minutes!" She took the television remote and switched it on.

"Hana ya.."I said, carefully choosing my words."Were you crying?"

"No I wasn't. I have...uh..allergies."She replied without facing me.

I knew that she was definately lying, but I decided to keep that to myself.

We watched pororo and a short part of The Little Prince. Soon, the chicken arrived at the hospital. Hana paid for the order and brought in the chicken to me. We ate together in silence while watching variety shows. I constantly glanced at her eating happily despite her problems at home.

I want to get to know her more.

I want to be closer to her.

I don't know where to begin.

But I hope the answer won't be never.

Hello again!~ Sorry for late update.I was still constructing ideas in my head. I hope that this chapter is alright! :)
p/s: I'm still thinking of ideas for the next chapter.So, please be patient!Thankyou!~ ^^

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