Cactus Blossom(12)

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Seungmin only blinked at his roommate, Felix.
"What are you talking about?"
Felix only stared back.
"You idiot," he muttered and looked to Jisung.
Jisung shrugged. "I don't know either."
Felix scratched his ear and sighed.
"We create a plan to get both of your men. We get a gift or something to win them over," he suggested.
Seungmin scoffed, "What is this? Medieval times?"
Jisung pondered for a moment.

Felix could have a point. Getting Minho something sweet would make up for the fact that he responded like a jackass earlier.

Jisung smiled a bit, the tears clearing from his eyes.

"Let's do it."

Felix winked at Jisung and stood up, the other two boys following. "Invite Minho to the floristry," he announced.
"What about me?" Seungmin addressed, pouting a bit.
Felix waved him off and got ready to head back to the floristry.

Jisung took a deep breath. This was it. Felix has given him an idea on how to apologize, and it started with calling Minho to ask him to go to the small flower shop.
The bell of the floristry door chimed.
The boy he knew oh so well stepped in.
"Han Jisung," he said, hurt in his eyes. Jisung wanted nothing more than to take back his reaction.
"Hyung," he stuttered and took out a small plant from behind the counter.
It was a small cactus, the flowers just beginning to bloom. Jisung's teeth chattered with his nerves.
I can do this.
"I was a jackass earlier, and I miss you. I miss your touch and I can't really operate without you-" He began.
Minho rubbed his wrist. "Neither can I, I thought you hated me."
Jisung stepped out from behind the counter, the cactus still in his hands.
"A cactus can't operate without water. You are my water. You give me a reason to live when everything went south," Jisung whispered, gazing into Minho's eyes. Minho started to blink, the tears forming.
"You idiot," he muttered.
"You make me bloom, Minho," Jisung commented, "I need you."
Jisung our the plant down on the table and put his arms around Minho's neck.


"I love you too," Jisung stated.

Minho didn't move, but smiled sadly down at Jisung. "Jisungie, I'm not some charity case. Don't feel bad and pretend-" He took Jisung's hands form around his neck and held them for a moment.

"I guess some things aren't meant to be, okay? Don't feel bad," he whispered, the look of pain replacing itself in his eyes. He turned to leave the store, not really sure why he responded to Jisung's call anyways.

"Hyung!" Jisung cried. Tears of his own began to fall on his face. "I'm serious!"
He ran ahead and placed his hand on Minho's shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.
"You never trust me when I say I like you, huh? What's wrong with you?" Anger started to form in his chest. He just wanted to prove himself.
Minho slapped Jisung's hands off of him and spun around. The same cold emotion in Jisung's chest was burning in his eyes.
"There is something wrong with me, Jisung. You wanna know what it is? I'm unlovable. I pour all my feelings into someone and they never love me back. And then I spend the rest of my days wondering what is so repulsive about me!"
Jisung took a step back. His heart was pounding with disappointment.
"You think that little of me? You think I'm not honest with you? You think I don't have trust issues either after my mother died? Minho-"
Minho started to sob. He wiped his eyes with his sleeves.
He started to run off.
Jisung followed.
Jisung grabbed him.
Jisung cupped his face.
Jisung kissed him in the dusk light.
"Why do you have to keep doing this? Making me feel like I'm special to you," Minho cried out.
Jisung didn't hesitate. 
"Because you are to me. I don't care if you don't believe it because you are in so many ways."
They both stood there in silence, just crying with one another.
"I'll ask you again, Minho, would I have done all of this if I didn't love you?" Jisung quoted, tilting his head.
Minho turned his head and slowly said no.
"Exactly. I love you. And now I don't care who knows it."
Minho shook his head, meeting Jisung's eyes after a few painstaking minutes.
"I'm a fool, Jisung. How could you fall in love with me?"
And with that, the elder left his roommate crying on the street.
The bed was cold that night. Jisung was furious, slamming the door as soon as he stepped foot in the house. He closed that stupid fucking window that Minho loved to keep open. He wrapped all the blankets around himself and pressed two fingers to his lips.

Jisung would have kissed Minho more if he knew that it would've been the last time.

"Why doesn't he think I'm serious?" he whimpered to himself, his voice disturbing the quiet night. Jisung was freezing against the lack of body warmth. He finally knew what it meant to be alone.

His phone never buzzed with a notification from Minho, so Jisung took it upon himself to text him first.
The messages wouldn't deliver. The calls wouldn't go through.
Frustrated, Jisung clung his phone across the bedroom and squeezed his eyes shut.
"Fuck you," he muttered as one single tear slid down his face.
"Fuck you for being so perfect."

Minho never came home that night.
a/n: hi everyone!! I love you all💓💓 thank you for being here.

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