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#30 in the changlix tag😪😪 thank you and it makes me laugh bc changlix is the side ship in this story. but I love yall❤️

"I love you."

The words were like a cold knife that struck vulnerable skin. It took a moment for Jisung to register exactly what Minho had just said.
They were comforting each other one moment and then boom! Minho confesses his undying love.

And Jisung just said-

"Haha okay yeah."

And left.

The boy had to go somewhere, and he really didn't have any other friends besides Felix. The orange haired boy gave Jisung his address for whenever he needed something work related. Let's just say this was work related.
The instant he walked into Felix's house, he began to regret everything he had said and done to Minho.
He told him he liked him, he kissed him, and he fell in love with him.
So why couldn't he tell him that?
Oh well, the door to Felix's house bursted open as Jisung sprung inside.
Felix was sitting in his kitchen and jumped out of his seat with surprise.
"Jisung? Why are you here? Work ended-"
Jisung started to sob, the tears spilling down his face as he cried, sinking into a fetal position on the floor.
Felix ran to his side and collapsed to hug him.
"What happened?" he yelled.
Somehow, the freckled boy always had distraught people running into his house.
Knowing how to handle the situation by now, Felix rubbed circles into his friend's back. Jisung finally began to settle down and could mutter a few words.
"I-I'm s-so stupid!" he blubbered, writhing in Felix's arms. The freckled boy didn't know how to react, he just kept rubbing Jisung's arms.
"Tell me everything," he said soothingly.
Jisung looked up and rubbed his eyes.
"Minho told me he loved me. And I fucking walked away-" he cut himself off with another loud sob, drawing the attention of Felix's father. His son ushered him out of the room with a wave of his hand.
Another figure stepped into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes wearily.
"Felix I just woke up from a nap, what the-"
His eyes settled on the crying boy.
"Jisung?" he asked while squinting.
Felix and Jisung looked up.
"Seungmin?" Jisung cried out. Felix still held Jisung but seemed confused when Seungmin leaned in to hug him too.
"You know each other?" Felix assumed.
"Well duh, we have the same historical studies class and we met and hung out at Jihyo's party," Seungmin answered.
"Now what's wrong?" the boy asked, sorry clouding his eyes.
"I'm in love with someone," Jisung mumbled.

Seungmin drew back from Jisung and tapped his chin.
"Did they confess to you?" he wondered.
Jisung and Felix both nodded. 
"Then say it all back. Plus more."

Jisung wished he could have Seubgmin's easy confidence.
"Take your time, Jisung, don't listen to my dimwit roommate. He hasn't fallen in love before-" Felix started. Seungmin slapped a hand over his mouth.
"I have you know I'm in love right now!" he yelled. His eyes unfocused and he immediately regretted saying that.
Felix raised an eyebrow and Jisung began to crack a smile.
"Who is the lucky person?" he egged on.
Seungmin wipes his face with his hands.
"Guess you guys are my best friends now," he began.

"It's Hwang Hyunjin."

Seungmin covered his eyes and began to fake sob.

"The boy from the record shop?" Felix demanded with an eager smile. Jisung pondered for a moment.
"Hey he was at Jihyo's party!" he commented.
Seungmin nodded at both of the other boys.
"I only went to see him, and Felix, why else would I get a job at the cafe right next door to you?" He muttered.
"I thought it was because we were bonding," Felix pouted.
"No, it was because Hyunjin worked two doors down."
"You are really in love," Jisung said to Seungmin, patting his shoulder.
"Well look at us," the boy said, gesturing to the three of them sitting in the floor of Felix's kitchen, "We all are."

Felix giggled, a deep sound coming from the sweet looking boy. "I think I have a way to settled both of your problems."

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