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"And I, won't hesitate, no more, no more,
It cannot wait, I'm sure,
There's no need to complicate, our time is short,
this is our fate, I'm yours,"

Chan's voice quietly hummed, barely louder than the beeping of the hospital room.

"Thank you," Jisung whispered, not bothering to look at Chan. He nodded and left the hospital room, Woohin following in pursuit.

"Minho," he stuttered. He looked at the sleeping boy and started to chuckle. "Why do the worst things always happen to you?"

"I don't know," Minho responded, though his body never stirred and his lips never moved. Jisung spun around, watching Minho walk into the hospital room and take a seat next to him.

"What the-"

"You're asleep, Chan sang you to sleep, but don't worry! This isn't the end of our story, I'm not dead," Minho smiled, taking Jisungs hand in his.

Jisung smiled back, appreciating the comment.

"What happened to you?" he went along. Minho started at himself and clicked his tongue.

"Blood loss."

Jisung let go of Minho's hand and recoiled.

"B-Blood loss?"

Minho nodded. His smile disappeared and he seemed saddened suddenly.

"You're too innocent, Jisungie," he mumbled. Jisung turned to look at him, "No I am not!"

Minho grimaced. "You said it yourself when I first met you! You wouldn't understand..."

Jisung grabbed Minho's wrist and growled, "Why do you have blood loss?"

Minho shook his wrist free from Jisungs clutch and groaned.

"See for yourself."

He reached out both of his arms and rolled up his sleeves, putting his palms towards the ceilings.

Lines on lines lines on patterns etched into delicate pale skin, only held together with the scabs of future scars and dried blood.

"You don't even wanna see what I did to my legs."

Jisung started in horror, the scars of lines haunting him. He never knew- never could ever realize that Minho could ever make himself feel bad enough to do this.



The boy stirred away, his head shaking as his sat up.

Chan looked over at him and smiled gently, "Woojin and I are going to go, are you okay here by yourself?"

Jisung nodded and watched the two boys leave. He turned his attention back to Minho.

"Was the dream I had really right?" he whispered to himself.

He gingerly stood up and pulled back Minho's covers, noticing the doctors kept him sedated.

He gazed at Minho's arms, bandaged with cloth.
I shouldn't do this, he thought to himself. But he had already started wrapping the bandages off.


There were lines of scars decorating Minho's arms with a hatred red stain.

Jisung didn't want to see anymore, the tears were already lining his face.

He rewrapped the boy's arms and moved out of the room where he stumbled into the doctor.

"Hi! Are you a relative of this patient?" she asked, smiling sweetly at Jisung. Jisung wiped his tears and nodded.


The woman sat him down in a chair in the hallway, the situation feeling a bit too much like the one before.

"I'm Dr. Pyun, I looked over Lee Know's records, and he tried to commit suicide twice, do you know anything about these occurences?" she asked, clicking her pen.

Jisung opened his mouth and then hesitated. Dr. Pyun looked at him and offered sympathetic eyes.

"It's alright, he will be fine."

"Is his name Lee Know or something? Last I checked it was Minho-"

The doctor appeared embarrassed for a moment and covered her mouth. She filtered through some papers and pulled out a cream colored one.

"I'm sorry it's just that, Lee Know is his birth name and we are looking at his birth certificate, most doctors don't get the tangible registration of name changes-"

Jisung stopped listening. I wonder when he was going to tell me that.

"Anyways," Jisung began, "I wasn't close with him a long time ago when he first tried but the second time I stopped him." The doctor nodded and took a few notes.

"Any reason why?"

Jisung shrugged. "The societal expectations he puts on himself to be the best he can be, to be the best for me even though he doesn't ever feel good enough...."

The doctor didn't look up, but Jisung could sense her remorse.

"Is there a parent I could contact?"

Jisung shook his head. "You should find some death certificates of Minho's mother and father, they died the same day."

Dr. Pyun nodded, hating the circumstances she was given.

"So you are the only one I can speak to about him?"

"Well-" Jisung started, remembering Minho's sister.
"He has a sister, but I don't-"

"She's dead, I have her death certificate."

So he really had no one huh?

Well now he had Jisung.

"He has me," Jisung put forward. "I'll protect him."

Dr. Pyun had a slight glimmer in her eyes. She took out a pamphlet out of the stack of papers she had.

"This is the Seoul Rehabilitation Center, don't be scared, it isn't anything harmful, but patients who are seen with this type of depressive injury usually go there to get help," Dr. Pyun explained. Jisung flopped through the packet, scanning the facility.

"I don't want to leave him," he muttered softly. The doctor must have heard because she touched his hands quietly.

"Visiting hours apply, and it's within a reasonable distance. He would be there for half a year and-"

Jisung shoved the pamphlet into his pocket and shook the doctor's hands.

"I'll do anything in this goddamn world to make Minho better, so be it."

Dr. Pyun nodded eagerly and started filling out application paperwork.

Jisung bit his lip as he walked away, the hospital becoming eerily quiet.

"Minho will hate my decision," he mouthed to himself.
But little did Jisung know, Minho would go through anything just to see that blonde boy smile and be happy.

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