Hidden Away(31)

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"Have a good day Felix!" Woojin commented as Felix hung up his apron. Felix smiles and turned around, "You don't have to keep covering my shifts you know..."
Woojin just waved him off, "Go spend time with your boyfriend!"

Felix's eyes widened. Boyfriend.

He grimaced slightly but winked at Woojin anyways. "Thanks hyung!"

Walking out of the floristry, Felix walked left instead of right. He passed by the record shop without looking up to see if Changbin was working.

It was all so bleak.

He just begged-begged that he wouldn't see her. Anyone but her would suffice. He hated her-


An arm pulled Felix by his left arm into an alleyway. Stunned, he opened his eyes wide to look at who pulled him.

"Mina, you fucking bitch."

"Miss me Fe?"

Mina stood with her hands on her hips, a smug smile draped across her lips. Felix felt vomit resurface in his mouth.
"Seriously I wanted to go one day without seeing you-"

Mina's hand found Felix's throat. "You better shut the fuck up, I need something from you," she hissed, hand pressing down further on Felix's skin.

"Fuck," he croaked, "what?"

Mina loosened her grip and let a fake smile show on her teeth.
"You're little friend Jisung? I want him."

Felix wheezed as she let her hand fall. He rubbed his neck. "Hell no, Minho told me you tried to attack him!"

Mina clicked her tongue, black hair swaying as she shook her head. "He drank my punch, Fe, he's all mine."

Felix glared as he checked his pulse. "Last I checked we weren't friends so don't call me Fe-"

Mina clamped a hand over her mouth. "I'm going to get Jisung whether you want me to or not. You're the one who is gonna help me," she argued, eyes glimmering.

Felix licked her palm and growled, "And what are you gonna do because I'm definitely not helping?"

Mina wipes her hand on her shirt, appearing revolted at the Australian boy.
"I don't know if you want to know, Fe..." she trailed off.
"Fucking try me, amuse me, Mina."

Wrong choice of words.

Mina slapped the side of her thigh and two more girls entered the alleyway.

The shorter grabbed Felix's hair and threw him into the ground. Yelling, Felix fought to stand back up. The girl put her knee in his back and twisted his arm. The second girl placed several blows toward Felix's back and legs.

Wriggling, Felix managed to get his arms free and grab at the second's girl's hair. He pulled down with such a force that the girl fell on top of him. Rolling, Felix sprang up, catching his breath. Mina faced him as she glowered through a right hook to Felix's shoulder. Stumbling back, the boy fell over the shortest girl's body as she then tackled him. She swung her legs over his abdomen and repeatedly punched Felix in the face.

With his arms stuck in the grip of Mina, Felix had no choice but to face the blows. He felt something crack in his nose as he swore. Blood started to trickle into his mouth.

"Gross!" the girl on top of him exclaimed.
Felix looked up and saw Mina shake her head.

"Sana get off of him," she mumbled. The girl, Sana, stood up and wiped her hands on her skirt, the blood on her knuckles not being her own.

"You're gonna help Mina, okay?" she spat, eyeing Felix. Felix didn't move. He didn't blink. He didn't breathe.

"Hey, come on, before someone notices-" the last girl said, scrambling to her feet. It was the girl that first attacked Felix, but you wouldn't know because of her small pigtails and light eyes.

"Shit Tzuyu is right!" Sana gasped, covering her mouth.

Mina just stared down at the boy in the concrete. "No one will believe you got beaten up by a few girls. Go home, Fe, and start planning how you'll get Jisung for me."

With that, the girls were gone. Felix sat up and wiped his nose. He definitely had to reset it from Sana's punches. His body aches but he knew the girls were right. No one would believe him. Felix would be weak.

After checking his appearance in the bathroom mirror of the cafe, Felix ran home. He caught sight of a short boy ahead of him but decided not to slow down.

The boy reached out and grabbed Felix into a hug as he ran, causing Felix to stop short.
"Hey," he mumbled.

Changbin. "Hi," Felix murmured, trying to hide the pain of Changbin's squeezing his bruises.

"What happened to your nose? There's dried blood-" The shorter began.

Felix pushed away form his boyfriend and smiled. "I've just been stressed that's all, a nosebleed from stress ah..."

Changbin nodded and placed a chaste kiss on Felix's lips. He let his hands linger on the taller's cheeks.

"That explains why I haven't seen you in a while, my boy must be so busy..."

Nodding, Felix took Changbin's hands off his face.
"I have to go, I have to do some homework for....umm-"

Changbin tilted his head. "Really? I thought we could go out to dinner or something? Or maybe have a paint night? I know you really like art-"

Felix just kissed Changbin's talkative lips again and started to walk away.
"I'm so busy Binnie, but I'll make it up to you later!"


Leaving behind the confused boyfriend, Felix finally reached his house and entered where he was met Minho and Jisung.

I'm back! sorry this sucked. this is just the side of the story you didn't get to see in the previous chapter. till next time!!

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