Broken (32)

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a/n: i'm so so so so sorry i haven't updated this in like a month i've been so stressed with finals but now it's summer so i'm back and ill wrap this book up. thank you for all the support
Felix day on the edge of his bed, hands trembling as he fumbled with his phone.

He had to do it. He had to help Mina. He hated Mina, so so so much. But he had to otherwise-

There was one thing he had to do first.
"Hey Lixie! Are you free today? I'm glad you called me....I miss you a lot-"

"Come over now," Felix said as Changbin, his boyfriend, continued to ramble on the other side of the line.

"On my way, is something wrong?" Changbin asked worriedly.

Wordlessly, Felix hung up and held his breath.
It should be easy, separating the two love birds once Minho left for rehab. He and Jisung would naturally grow apart...
The thought of breaking up the happy couple made Felix nauseous.

There was a slight rap on his front door. Changbin let himself in and made his way to Felix's room.

"Felix I-" Changbin's mouth dropped open as he looked up at his taller boyfriend.

Felix forgot about all the bruises on his arms and stomach. Not to mention the slight swelling of his nose after he reset it.

"What happened?" Changbin cautiously asked, walking forward to take a better look at his boyfriend.

Felix broke down, tears streaming down his freckled face. "I- I"

Changbin held him for a moment, tenderly touching his skin where he hadn't been injured.
Once Felix calmed down, they sat on his bed so he could speak.

"Mina, she-"

Changbin cocked his head to the side, "Who?"

Felix sighed as he looked at his palms. "My ex girlfriend, the one that attacked Jisung, and the girl responsible for my battered body," he let out a slight chuckle as if to say how pathetic it was.

Changbin perked up, "You used to date her?" Nodding sadly, Felix opened his mouth to speak again.
"She was my first girlfriend but then I realized I was gay, I came out to her and she told me I was a faggot and she would get revenge, now she-"
Changbin rubbed his boyfriend's back gently as he buried his head in the crook of his neck.

"She came back to get it..."

Changbin felt heartbroken, to see his boyfriend like this was the last thing he could ever want. "What does she want?" he asked confused.

Felix shook his head as his tears drenched Changbin's t shirt. "I can't tell you that."

Respecting him, Changbin sat in silence with Felix in his arms. He continued to cry before Changbin finally asked to dress his wounds.


This was it. Minho was leaving that day for 6 months at Seoul Rehabilitation Center.
As much as he doesn't wanna admit it, Jisung would miss spending every moment of everyday with Minho. Living alone would be difficult at times, but he still had college classes and his friends to distract him.

And Minho and Jisung loved each other. They would make it through.

Jisung brought the rest of Minho's bags out to the taxi. He helped the driver put them in the trunk before he saw Minho finally come out of the house.
"Remember when I found you walking here after your dad sold your house..." Minho mumbled. Jisung chuckled sadly, "You only remind me every five seconds. But yeah, it was a great moment."

Minho sadly held Jisung's hand in his before letting go. He pulled his hoodie over his head and gave it to Jisung. "Just so you don't forget what I smell like..."
Jisung smiled as he put the sweatshirt on.
"I'll bring you chocolate milk and grapes as much as possible? Yeah?" he promised the elder. Minho nodded with a bright smile.

"You know it. I'll be back in no time."

He pressed a soft kiss to Jisung's forehead before moving to leave. Jisung caught his wrist and pulled him into an embrace, one with locked lips in a passionate goodbye kiss. But it wasn't goodbye, more like a, see you later.

"See you later."

Minho climbed in the passenger seat of the car and drove away. Jisung felt a pain in his chest as the car became smaller and smaller in his view but he knew one thing was certain, Minho was going to be okay.

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