I Wait(25)

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What's the point of loving someone if they won't love you back?
What's the point of loving someone if they won't love you back?

The woman looked down at her son with tender eyes.
"Why is someone so you g asking me such a thing?" she wondered aloud. Her son stared at her with glossy eyes.

"I don't think daddy loves me," the boy commented, playing with the cuffs of his sweater.

His mother grimaced but shook her head.
"He does, Jisung, he just has a funny way of showing it."

"Okay," Jisung said, looking down, "I'll wait then."


"Jeez man I dunno. Why did you ask me that?" Felix mumbled, staring directly at Seungmin with wavering eyes.
Seungmin scratched his head.
"There's no way that he could possibly love me, Lee, he's fucking Hwang Hyunjin, he could have anybody he wants so why me?"

"Technically," Felix said, "We don't know if he's gay, he might not be. You thought Jeongin was gay and he's straight so-"

Seungmin threw his hands down by his sides, drawing the attention of nearby walkers. The two boys were walking the sidewalks of the main street, the floristry and record shop coming up as they ventured.

"Let's stop in here and find out," Felix mumbled, making sure his statement was out of earshot from Seungmin.
"Ah, okay?" he whined when Felix dragged him into the record shop.

"Ah Seungmin!" a warm voice called.

Hyunjin came out from around the cash register and hugged his friend. He pulled away and cupped his face, staring idly into the others eyes.
"I missed you."

"Gay," Felix whispered, warning the attention of his boyfriend, Changbin, who was restocking albums.

"Yeah, and what about it?" Hyunjin said.


Hyunjin grinned and took his hands off of Seungmin's cheeks.

"You guys are so fucking dumb," he whistled.
Changbin let out a small laugh and snorted.

Seungmin stared at him with raised eyebrows.

"I'm gay. Why else would I have kissed Jisung at your house? Or said that I wanted to kiss y-"

"OKAY," Seungmin yelled, his face flushing. Felix and Changbin started to snicker.

Hyunjin snapped out of it.

"Hey Changbinnie," he muttered. Changbin's head quirked up behind a display case.

"Cover my shift yeah? Seungmin and I are going to the cafe to get some scones," Hyunjin finished. He grabbed Seungmin's hands and pulled him out. Felix met Seungmin's eyes and winked.

"If he wasn't so goddamn attractive I probably wouldn't agree," Changbin sighed, earning a slap from his boyfriend.


Seungmin's hands grew clammy and normally that wouldn't be an issue but-
"Holy fuck Hyunjin is holding my hands and we are walking together and-"
"Did you say something?" Hyunjin asked, turning his head to smile at Seungmin and they strolled.
Seungmin's shook his head, pursing his lips. Hyunjin looked dreamily at him.
"You're really cute."

Seungmin didn't take another breath u til they reached the cafe.

"Hey guys," Chan said when the boys walked in. The two sat down at a small table then Hyunjin quickly stood up.

"Chan," he mumbled, bringing his mouth to the elder's ear.
He whispered something which even when straining to listen, Seungmin couldn't comprehend.
"Got it," Chan concluded and put down his apron, heading into the back room.

"What was that about?" Seungmin tried to ask as Hyunjin sat down in front of him. Hyunjin ignored the comment.

Instead he looked right at Seungmin's eyes.
"I know I kissed Jisung the other day and that probably made you mad, seeming as you guys are good friends and stuff," he began, twirling his thumbs in circles.
Seungmin stayed quiet.
Chan came over with a small plate of two chocolate chip scones and then returned to his station.

Hyunjin picked up the scone and pointed it at Seungmin.

"You know Minnie, I always wondered why you never hung out with me more and for a while, I thought I did something to you," he continued.

Hyunjin dropped the scone onto the dish and leaned forward. His nose barely touched Seungmin's and his breath clouded the others mouth.

"I guess I did. I made you fall in love with
me," Hyunjin concluded.
Seungmin's eyes widened.

"How'd you-"

Hyunjin leaned back with a scoff. He tore off a piece of the scone and bit it. He chewed and shrugged.

"Oh I don't know, the dates were extremely suggestive, and you talk in your sleep-"

"When have I slept in front of you?"

"Oh people have told me things-"

"Lee Felix I swear to fuck-"

"Actually," Hyunjin calmly interjected.

"While making you fall in love with me, I fell in love with you."

Those words were heaven to the starving ears of a love-exasperated boy.


Then he was gone.
The boy had vanished, leaving the store quickly and quietly, leaving Seungmin alone with his thoughts.

"I guess I'll wait," he murmured, cheeks red as he pulled his collar up.

Chan smiled from behind the cash register.
"Things finally working out eh?" he assumed.

Seungmin felt his heart flutter, his breaths coming in short.

"I fell so hard!" he gasped, clutching his chest.
Chan just laughed and cleaned up the scones as he made Seungmin leave before closing time.

Waiting was okay, Seungmin could live with it.

That gave Chan hope that maybe he could wait too, wait for himself to calm down.

It gave Hyunjin hope, that waiting wouldn't get his heart broken.

Oh wait.

My bad.

That's not a story that he should tell.

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