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a/n; thank you for 2k reads omfg I love youuu

The cool water lapped over the ankles of the boy. He stood in a vacant beach with the smell of the salty air stinging his nostrils.
"I wonder if I should swim..." he pondered. His feet took him further into the ocean until his shoulders were barely covered with the icy water.
Then the water started to surge. The sky started to darken. The water started to creep up the boy's neck and finally covered his head.
He was drowning.
Minho awoke in a cold sweat, fumbling his hands through his hair.
His hair was soaking wet with sweat, or sea water? Minho couldn't decide.
He didn't want to.

The hospital finally discharged Minho four months after the accident.
He had internal bleeding which cleared up and all his fractured and broken bones finally healed, much to his resentment.
The ambulance took him home, much to his resentment.
The house was empty. There was no smiling Jisung to hug him. There was no warm pizza to greet him. There was no love in his house anymore. It didn't feel like his house anymore.
He threw his crutches onto his bed.
The room faintly smelled like Jisung.
The sweet mix of his shampoo and his body scent made Minho grimace, but also smile.
He sat down tiredly on the bed, running his hands up and down his thighs.
Minho heard a thump. He was alone, it was nothing.
He stared at the floor in agony, eyes finding the pile of bills he owed money for.
"Yeah and then Seungmin laughed at me!"
The murmurs came through the walls.
Just the neighbors...
"Really? I mean-"
The door to Minho's room opened. Minho heard another thump.
"Holy shit."
It was the sound of a bag of grapes and a half gallon of chocolate milk hitting the floor.
It was the sound of the choked gasp of two boys.
Then, another voice.
"Hey wait, you guys forgot your-"
Then it was four boys standing in silence.
How long had it been? 4 months? A year? A decade? It felt so long.
Seungmin didn't even know Minho.
Felix wasn't friends with Minho.
Jisung didn't want to like Minho.
But there they were, gazing at him as if he'd never left, looking at him as is he had never been hurt.
"Hey..." Minho whispered.
Felix was the one who broke the silence.
He scoffed, laughter in his throat.
"Hey? That's all we get? We are legit your best friends and haven't seen you in four months man!"
Felix smiled and ran to Minho, wrapping his arms around his neck. "Welcome back bud," he mentioned. He softly hugged Minho. Minho's lips quirked up slightly.
"H-Hi," Seungmin said, waving cutely. He smiled in the doorway.
"I'm Seungmin, sorry that you don't know me..."
Minho raised his hand.
"It's fine, any friend of Felix is a friend of mine," he added.
Felix turned. "Hey Ji-"
Jisung has tears running down his face, and his legs were moving back. And he started to turn. And then he started to run. And then the door slammed. And the bike was unhinged. And Jisung was gone.

"Fuck Minho, he still loves you..."

a/n; short chapter today bc I'm scared for my test tomorrow and then mid terms at next week!!! may be a bit inactive so bear with me

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