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Han Jisung:
can u pick up grapes for the house.
Jisung is typing...
and chocolate milk.
Lee Minho:
Minho is typing...
You act as if we're married|
You act as if|
You act as if you pay me rent lmao
Han Jisung:
well sorry I just wanted it.
I'll get a job. I'll make it up to u.
Lee Minho:
I'm just playing|
I'm just|
It's okay really, don't sweat it.
Han Jisung:
thank you, I love u
see u later
Lee Minho:
wait what
Han Jisung:
Jisung is typing...
Sorry force of habit see u later

Change Contact Name?
Han Jisung|

Minho powered off his phone and chucked it across his bed. He'd been sleeping on the floor more often, only occasionally switching with Jisung for his bed. It was fine though, because now the room had a faint scent of the younger boy and it calmed Minho.
The brunette stood up and went to the window. The breeze drifted in and sent goosebumps to Minho's arms. It was chilling, but comforting. Minho could never close that window.
He grabbed his wallet and headed for the door to get his bike. Pedaling quickly, the boy made it his goal to reach the small convenience store and make Jisung happy.

Jisung had classes to attend. He had essays and papers to write. He had a major to earn.
He had a life to live.
"I'm not ready," he mumbled, shoving his pencils into his bag.
The boy proceeded to walk home in the bitter wind. Jisung could feel the weather turning his nose rosy in color. He could barely feel his trembling hands.
He didn't even notice when his lip started to shake and his vision became blurry.
He didn't seem to care when frozen tears began to fall into the grass beneath him.
Jisung pushed the spare key into the lock of the house Minho shared with him. Before he turned it, he stopped.
He wasn't worth the time and energy that his hyung put into caring for him. He wasn't worth the effort.
"I'm better off alone," he finally muttered as he pushed his way inside.
Turning the corner of the hallway to the kitchen, Jisung threw his bag down. He was greeted with a smiling Minho, contradicting his sour attitude.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Minho whimpered. He put down two shopping bags and walked over to the blonde boy. Jisung ignored the pet name. There was no response, just a quickened heart beat, a blush, and tears.
Lots of tears.
Minho sat at the granite island and cradled the younger in his arms. He willed to lull him into some state of calm. He had no idea what could have gotten his baby so distraught.
My baby? Shut the fuck up Minho. The elder pondered.
His brain switched back to the issue at hand.
"What's wrong Jisungie?" he whispered soothingly.
Jisung sat in the chair next to him and wiped his nose. His face was red with tear stains and the cold. Minho somehow couldn't take his eyes away.
"I probably look so gross, I'm sorry hyung," he said when he noticed his hyung's eyes in him.
Minho shook his head with an empty mouth.
"Just tell me what's up?" he inquired. The younger nodded.
"I'm such a burden to you. I respect if you want me to leave. Times have just been so hard-"
With that, Jisung began to sob again. His forehead collided with Minho's collarbone and he wrapped his arms around the boy.
He hated seeing the boy like this. He hated seeing him with anything but a smile on his face.
"Baby," he murmured, raising Jisung's head to meet his eyes.
"Never think that you are a burden. I'm glad that you are here. If I thought you were a burden, would I have done this?" Minho exclaimed. His fingers latched around the plastic bags and he pulled them across the table.
Letting go of Jisung, Minho unpacked three gallons of chocolate milk and four bags of grapes.
Green grapes.
Jisung's favorites.
The boy's face lightened and he ripped open the grape bag.
"I love the green!" he cried out. His hands were filled with dozens of the circular green fruits.
"I'm glad because those are my favorite too..." Minho trailed off. Without thinking, he grabbed Jisung by the sides of his head and pressed his lips to his forehead.
"Talk to me anytime," was he said as he stood up to leave.
Jisung wiped the last of his tears away and focused on the sound of his chewing to calm down the rapid heart rate that that damn boy gave him.
If only you knew, Minho, how every small thing you do just makes me even more infatuated.
Jisung put the grapes and milk in the fridge and pressed his fingers to his head. It was warm, like the warmth of someone's hug.
The boy knew that it would not cease because the river of desire within him commanded it not to.
a/n ; sorry if this sucked. I just love these boys.
the others will come in soon. don't worry!

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