ch40 - pt.2

52 3 0

I am smiling like a full blown lunatic.

"Back to being annoying I see?"-Devon says with an arched eyebrow as he slides in the booth across from me.

I can't stop grinning as I sit opposite him at Mable's bakery, a chocolate cupcake sitting in front of me. Of course he takes it annoying, but I can't help it.

The reason you might ask? He chose to eat a chocolate cupcake as well. The same one as mine!

You know by now how much he loves sweets (not!), so you can imagine what kind of a shock it was for me when I heard him propose this bakery for our first date, then I almost had a meltdown when he ordered the same thing I had.

This is a whole new Devon and I think it's the result of me rubbing off on him. And I love it!

"Don't even pretend you don't like this side of me."-I say as I lean on the table, taking the cupcake in my hands.

"Who said I didn't?"-he asks with a smirk and I chuckle at him as I shake my head.

"I wish I could go back in time to that first day we met and tell that guy how things would end up." He chuckles at my words, but stops once he sees me looking at him with wide eyes.

"What?"-he asks concerned while I lean forwards before I ask in a hushed tone.

"Is that a power too? Can demons time travel?"-I ask and he chuckles.

"No Evie, they can't. I don't think it exists as a power. If it does, I haven't come across someone that has it."-he responds as I sit back, continuing to stuff my face with chocolate.

He eyes his cupcake and I would have laughed if my mouth wasn't full. Swallowing the food, I point to his plate.

"It won't bite you, it's just chocolate."-I say, making him sigh in defeat.

"I don't know what the fuck I was thinking ordering this."-he responds as he takes the cupcake.

"Maybe how that chocolate cupcake reminds you of me?"-I tease with a wink and watch him smile at me.

"You think so?"-he asks in a teasing tone too before taking a bite of his food.

I squint my eyes at him, pretending to be doubtful.

"Am I wrong?"-I ask and nods with a grin.

"Completely of the charts."-he says, leaning forwards after putting his cupcake down. "I was thinking how fucking sweet your lips are and that reminded me of the cupcake."-he winks before sitting back as I exhale the breath I didn't know I had been holding. 

Like I said, a whole new Devon has come back. And this one flirts like crazy! 

"Can I be honest about something?"-I say as I watch his moves with a bit wide eyes. 

He is eating, so he just nods at me with furrowed brows. 

"The you that went back home and the you that came back are completely different and it's kind of freaky."-I blurt out and his moves halt at my words.

Devon looks at me for what seems a few minutes too much before a shy smile spreads on his face. Wait, is that a blush I see on his cheeks?! Holly hell, Devon is blushing! 

"I have to agree with you on that."-he speaks as he finishes his cupcake before arching an eyebrow at me. "But what kind of freaky does it make you feel?"-he asks with a tease and I chuckle as I shake my head. 

"The one where I am thinking you have been replaced with someone else."-I answer with wide eyes and a grin, one that falls when his face turns serious and as strangely as it is, I find myself starting to panic for a fraction.

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