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Dean checked us out while I watched Clemtin.

She looked at me "you need to stop eyeing me, it's not like I'm going to run."

"But what if you make a move?" I asked.

She shrugged "then I never needed help to save my sister."

She smirked at me. I rolled my eyes then said "what kind of trouble is she in?"

Clemtin said "She was taken by a demon, and I heard that the Winchesters were good at that stuff, so I tracked you down."

"And where did you hear such a thing?" I asked.

"Jessica told me." She turned to look at the front desk "what is taking him so long?"

I looked at the front desk as well, but he wasn't there.

"Oh,no" I whispered.

I grabbed her arm and marched to the front desk.

I asked the lady at the front desk "did you see where the guy that was here a second ago, went?"

She was a nice looking old woman. maybe in her 60's. She smiled "Dean Winchester won't be checking out for a long time, neither will you."

I looked at her puzzled then Clemtin tugged on my arm saying "Sam, I think we have trouble."

I turned around to see the lobby empty except four man individuals. I recognized one of them. He was the one that told me about the Alamo and the reason the hospital shut down.

He said "I knew I would see you around."

I yelled "what did you do to my brother?"

The woman behind me spoke "like I said, he won't be checking out for a long time."

I still had a grip on Clemtin. I tugged her arm so she would look at me. Then I placed my arm across her shoulders and tugged on her right arm then nodded.

She nodded back, for she knew what to do.

Then I sprinted on the left side of the four men as Clemtin ran on their right side. Two went after me as two went after her.

I ran towards the bar and hopped over the counter. I stared throwing large bottles of alcohol at the two men. That did nothing. Then I took salt shaker from the counter, broke it then threw it on them.

They yelled in pain. Then I jumped over the counter kicking one of the men in the face making him fall. I grabbed the other ones collar and punched him up his jaw making him fall.

As I was doing this Clemtin led the other two to the lobby part of the room. As the men ran after her, she kicked a wooden table over making the legs of the wood splinter off. She grabbed one of them and stick it through one of the men's head.

The other one attacked her getting on top of her. She screamed trying to wiggle out, but failed.

I ran over to her. I picked up one of the other table legs and whacked the man that was on top of Clemtin upside the head making him get off.

I offered my hand to help her but she said "I dot need your help."

She got up herself while I said "you did when he was attacking you."

She rolled her eyes "shut up!"

We Heard foot steps coming our way. We looked up and saw another group of men. I grabbed clemtins arm and led her to the exit of the hotel.

We ran there and made it. They stopped running after us, for they couldn't get out. It was like a force field was keeping them in.

I looked at the woman. she guided her hand to the entrance of the hotel making more men and woman run out, but nothing happened. she was controlling them.

"Let's go to he car." I said then started running towards the garage.

She followed me "aren't you going to save your brother?"

"Of course I am, I just need some gear." I said.

"What were those things?" She asked.

I said "They were ghosts, but solid. They found a foot hold on the hotel, so they are trapped. And they have nothing else to do except follow that woman's orders."

"How is that possible?" she asked.

I stopped on my tracks and turned to her "I have no idea, but we need to get some gear and save Dean."

She nodded her head. I kept running to the garage while she followed.


I led Clemtin to Deans impala. I opened the trunk revealing countless weapons.

I turned to Clemtin. She had the look of bewilderment across her face.

She said "wow, Jessica wasn't lying."

"You think she would?" I said loading a shot gun with salt rounds.

She shook her head "of course not."

I tried to cock the gun, but it was stuck while I did so I asked "do you know how to shoot this?"

She took it away from me "and I know how cock a gun correctly." She did so.

I picked up another gun saying "I was testing you."

"What ever you say 'Sammy'!" she said in a mocking tone.

I rolled my eyes, then she said "the disease that spread around the hospital was started by the owner Bob Cernel."

"You know this place used to be a hospital?" she nodded like it was obvious. Then I said "I thought you were new to town."

"That was just apart of the act." She said. "Now can I tell more about what I know?"

She knows more? might as well. so I said "please do."

She began "Bob went to Africa the weekend before bringing a disease that made you crazy. You become this hipper kid with ADD. then your body gets over whelmed shutting down all your organs, thus causing you to die."

"How do you know all of this?" I asked while cocking my gun.

She smiled "I did some research."

"What else do you know?" I asked closing the trunk of the car.

She looked at the floor rescanning her brain then said "I know that all those people that attacked us were the sick patients that died of the disease."

I started walking out of the garage as Clemtin followed. I said "and that woman is controlling them."

"Correct." she said "so, what's the plan?"

I sighed "we sneak in with out them knowing."

"How are we going to do that?" she asked.

I stopped in my tracks "I don't know."

She walked ahead of me saying "I know where their storage entrance is, and that leads to the basement."

I nodded my head catching up to her "that's good. and the first place we check is Dean and i's room, that's our best bet."

We reached the exit of the garage then she said "great, we have a plan. lets go!"

Then she stared running. I did too.

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