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All I saw was darkness upon darkness. nothing but pitch black air filling the room. at least I think I was in a room. The only thing I knew for sure was that I was in a reclined chair. and I was tied up.
Even though the chair was reclined back leaving me in the most comfortable state, I had to get out.
I grunted and groaned trying to shake the chair to the floor.
I kept thrusting my body making the chair slightly move in different directions, but before I could make any progress the lights suddenly turned on nearly blinding me.

I kept my eyes closed for the light was to sudden. I blinked a couple of times trying to become immune to the bitter light.
When my vision regained I saw were I was. I was in a living room. the room had an empty fireplace that was blackened by past fires with an iron rode that leaned against the wall to tend those past fires. there were two book cases on either side of the fireplace and around that was old wilting wallpaper.
The chair I was sitting in only faced this. whatever was behind me was beyond my vision.

But I could hear shuffling. the first thing I did was yell "Clemtin?"

I heard nothing, just more shuffling. then I yelled "Dean?"

Still no answer. I jerked my chair again. I needed to see what was behind me. I needed to see if it was Clemtin, or Dean. I needed to know they were safe.

I was becoming impatient, so I placed my feet on the floor and pushed myself backwards making the chair flip back.

When the back of my chair plummeted the floor I tilted my head back to see a woman sitting in a desk smiling at me.

She stood from her desk and walked towards me. she walked gracefully like a swan. and also like a swan she had a long neck. she had long white hair pulled into a side braid.

She crouched down in front of me and pulled the chair up with little effort. I was looking at the fireplace again.

She walked around flashing black eyes. she was a demon.

"What did you do to Clemtin!" I yelled.

She laughed "sam, you shouldn't be worrying about clementine."

"Who are you?" I asked.

Her black eyed smile grew "I'm sorry I didn't formally introduce myself. I'm Bella Delgoto." she raised her hand to shake mine but she let out a little laugh reminding me that I was tied up. she said "I know a fun fact about you. you hunt horrible things like me. like clementine, but You don't know any fun facts about me."

I scowled "the only thing I want to know is where the hell did you put Clemtin."

She rolled her eyes "I didn't put that on her birth certificate. I put clementine." she smiled "like the flower."

When I heard that the tension in the room didn't seem easy. I said "wait your her-."

She cut me off "Mother, yes I was. but I wasn't really motherly. didn't stay long enough to see her grow. I didn't stay long enough to know what she could do." her expression became sorrowful.

"What are you going to do to her?" I asked.

Bella's expression leaped with excitement "I'm going to drain her of her powers. you know she's very powerful."

"I know she is, but after you drain her of her powers will you let her go?" I asked.

She laughed "Sammy, you are a man of a million questions."

I took a deep breath, for I was loosening my patients "will you let her go?"

She smiled a grateful smile and said "Sammy, she won't live to see a day without those powers, she'll sadly be too weak to carry on."

I shook from my chair grunting trying to get out, but it was no use. I lost hope when Bella kept laughing at me. I wanted to cry and scream in her face. it was the only thing I could think of doing sense I was tied up.

She walked towards me and placed a hand on my shoulder. she looked at my face concerned and said "you shed tears for my daughter?"

Was I crying? I couldn't be. I sniffed trying to recover myself. then I hide my face in my shoulder.

Bella grabbed my chin and forced me to look at her and said "have you fallen in love with my daughter?"

I didn't say anything, for I didn't know how to answer that. did I like Clemtin like that? or was it just instinct that waned to keep her alive?

"Boy, you better answer me." she threatened.

I breathed out. I have never been put on this much pressure In a long time. this pressure made me shake and tremble. then I said as quietly as I could "I think."

Suddenly a stinging slashed across my face. she slapped me making my ears ring then said "you think very boldly Sammy."

Then she headed toward the door. "wait!" I yelled "where are you going?"

She laughed once again "why, I must get on with draining the powers of your poor little lover."

"Lover?" I spat.

I couldn't see her when she said this for she was behind me. beyond my vision. "Sammy, I had this similar conversation with my daughter. if I weren't killing her, you would have had a chance. but things happen for a reason." then I heard the door shut.

I grunted in frustration trying to shake myself out of the ropes, but it was useless. I was never going to get out. at least not in time to save Clemtin. she's going to die and I can't do anything to stop it. I shook and shook myself trying to slid out of the rope that was tightly tied around my chest and legs.

Finally after countless moments of shaking and grunting to get out I stopped.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I lost her. just like I lost Jessica, and I didn't even know where the hell Dean was.

I felt like crying. I felt like sobbing. I felt like screaming. I wanted to hate the world. I wanted to hate Dean. and I wanted to hate Bella, but mostly myself.

While My thoughts trailed through my head a book fell from one of the shelves.

I looked at the book that fell from the shelf. the book was brown leather, and it had golden words imprinted on them that said 'the world of Jessica brown'.

Jessica's last name wasn't brown, but her name was Jessica. at That moment I realized that Jessica was in my presence.

"Jessica, is that you?" I asked.

Another book fell from the shelf. That wasn't really an answer, but I knew it was her when the fireplace suddenly lit with fire reminding me of the way she died.

I smiled with pain "I need your help."

After I said that a trail of tamed fire made it's way towards me. it went towards my legs that were tied up.

I spread my legs as far as I could which wasn't a lot sense I was tied up. the fire climbed the rope blackening it. then it burned off.

Then the fire without burning me climbed up my leg and towards my chest making the rope that ties me down to the chair weaken. Then the fire burned the rope clean off.

I stood up and said "thank you."

Then I grabbed an iron rod that was by the fireplace for a weapon and walked out the door carefully.

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