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I walked out into a long corridor from the room. the walls had the same old rotting wallpapers from the other room. doors were scattered down the corridor which meant that I was in a hotel.

I looked around for a moment preparing myself for the future catastrophic things that were about to happen. that's what happens when you have a job like I do.

When I first got pulled into this business I didn't want anything to do with this. then Jessica died and I wanted to do everything I could to avenge her. years later I find Clemtin in need of me to help her find her sister, then this happens.

This can't happen. I promised her that I would help her find her sister. and that requires her to stay alive.

And she will stay alive, for I'm saving her.

With that goal burned into my head I check the closest door. I opened it to see an empty hospital bed.

I closed the door and went to the next one. another empty bed. I didn't know why these rooms had hospital beds, but that could only mean bad things when demons are involved.

I checked more rooms, but most of then were empty. accept for one. when I opened the door I saw a little boy in the hospital bed with many cords attached to every limb.

I walked over to the boy. I tapped his shoulder, but he didn't respond. then I gently grabbed his chin to look at his face. he looked so innocent. he was a pale brown haired boy.

I wondered what color his eyes were, so I carefully lifted the left eye lid to see a shimmered iridescent color. like clemtins.

I let the boys eye lid drop. I looked around the room to find a clue.

My eyes caught a clipboard that was tacked to the wall by the bed. I pulled it off the wall making the tack fall to the floor.

When I looked through the papers on the clipboard it said:

Name: Charlie epison
Age: 8
Power: half demon, half human
Treatment: drainage of powers

When I read "drainage of powers" I dropped the clipboard and ran out of the room.

I might have felt guilty about leaving the boy, but in the state he was it didn't seem like I could help him at all.

Discarding those thoughts I checked the next room. nothing. the room after that. nothing. I checked every room on that hallway and there was absolutely nothing.

I have to go on a different floor.

I found the door that went to the stairs. I sprinted down the stairs without even thinking.

Then I stopped for I heard distant conversation. I threw my back against the wall to hide myself and listened.

And man voice said "she is not talking nor is she responding."

A woman's voice (Bella) said "what's her condition?"

The man chuckled "it's not a condition it's a rebellion."

Bella "what do you mean by that?"

The man sighed "she isn't talking, she isn't cooperating, and she spit in one of the doctors faces."

When I heard that I laughed to myself. that rebellious act definitely sounded like clemtin.

Bella grunted in frustration "just sedate her."

My body shifted when I heard the unsettling news.

The man spoke "we tried, but she used her voodoo on us."

Bella sighed "it's not voodoo, that's another department, just try to sedate her again. I'll be in there in a Minute."
Then the clicking of her heels tapped down the hallway.

I turned around the corner to see the man walking down a separate hallway from Bella. sense Bella ordered him to sedate her the man would be going to Clemtin.
That's where I needed to be.

I followed the man down the hallway with careful steps for minutes until he opened the door to a room. I stopped in my tracks when the door opened hearing screaming. it was Clemtin.

There was a window that let you see inside the room. I slowly walked towards it to see Clemtin restrained to a hospital bed. her eyes were alarmed and filled with tears as well as fear.

At that Moment I felt helpless, but then I remembered that I brought an iron rode to defend myself and Jessica's ghost was at my side.

"What should I do?" I whispered.

I immediately got a reply. the window fogged up with warm breath. then words formed on the fogged window:

"I got it."

After that the doctors in the room with Clemtin blankly stared at random objects in the room. then they walked out of the room like lifeless zombies. and they walked past me like I wasn't even there.

When they were out of sight I walked into the room.

"Clemtin?" I asked.

Her chest was heaving as she looked at me with puffy pained eyes. then a smile appeared on her face "Sam!"

I let my iron rod clatter to the floor as I rushed towards her saying "Clemtin are you okay?" I placed my hands on her face whipping her tears away with my thumb.

She sniffed "get me out of here!"

I whipped away another tear "I'm on it." With that said I untied the leather straps holding the poor girl down. when I was finished she jetted out of the bed and jumped into my arms.

She started sobbing into my neck. She grabbed fistfuls of my shirt.

I held her close reassuring her that everything will be okay. it was like when she had that night mare. when everything lifted of the ground as she screamed in terror. I couldn't imagine what she's been through, or what happened minutes ago.

Now that I found Clemtin I have to find Dean, then we have to get the hell out of here.

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