Chapter 24: Fatal Secrets

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It had been a couple of weeks since the Cardinal hired Gallagher to kill the Queen. And a whole two weeks where there was only one simple thing going on.

Cosette's plan was simple really: get Athos drunk enough to get him to holding milady hostage and shoot Cosette in front of her. He was feeling slightly scared. Then again, he did remember what happened just after they left the Louvre.
Thirty six hours earlier

The next hour, the four Musketeers and their Captain appeared in Treville's office. Now, their plan had to be put into action but first, there was more personal things to go through before any plan could be made.

"Alright, Athos, how do you know woman?" asked Treville. Athos looked at Porthos, Aramis, and Cosette. they all waited for his explanation. He only told Cosette about his brother's death but now, it was time for Athos to tell his other best friends everything.

"I know this woman, because," said Athos. "She was my wife."

It took Cosette a while to figure it out.

"It was her, wasn't it?" Cosette asked.

The man looked at the younger Musketeer.

"She was the one who did it."
Athos nodded. Porthos and Aramis were lost.
"Alright, who are you two talking about?" Porthos asked. Athos knew they had explaining to do.
"something only D'Artagnan knows about. The Cardinal's woman...She killed my brother," said Athos. "And you also may have known her as Madame de la Chapelle."
"The woman at Ninon's trial?" asked Porthos. "That was what you meant by 'her life was a lie."
Cosette wished she let this all sink in. This woman was like a black widow. A secret killer. And the more Athos talked about her, Cosette realized that something was strangely familiar about the way they talked about that woman. And now that Athos said that Madame de la Chapelle was his wife, the Cardinal's woman was Anne. The same woman that Cosette met when she came to Paris.
"Athos, I know this woman, too," said Cosette.
"You too, D'Art?" asked Porthos. Cosette nodded.
She had to tell Athos, Porthos, and Aramis everything about her experiences with Milady de Winter.
"You guys knew her as many things," said Cosette. "But I know her as Anne. Milady de winter. .."
their first meeting in Paris, where she got the money for her commission, everything. Athos could have screamed his head off when he heard about her experiences with Anne. She also mentioned how she recognized the woman at Ninon's trial.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Asked Porthos.
"I'm sorry, brother," Cosette answered. "I didn't know what to do..."
"You could have come to us!" said Porthos. He gripped her shoulder with the pauldron on it.
"I'm sorry... I knew her way before I knew you guys."
"Did you sleep with her?" Aramis asked.
"NO!" She shouted. Cosette looked to Athos for support.
"Athos, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I never knew she was your wife."
Athos remained quiet. She just wished he would talk to her.
"Athos say something!"
She looked at Porthos and Aramis. "I swear, I didn't know who she was until now!"
Her brothers looked unsure of each other.
"D'Artagnan," began Porthos. "We Just don't understand, why didn't you tell us from the start that you were in trouble?"
"Because, I thought I was better off doing it alone."
They looked at her sympathetically.
"No one's better off alone, Charles d'Artagnan," said Porthos."You're a fool if you think otherwise."
"Yes, you are." said Aramis. He and Porthos grabbed her shoulder.
Athos shook his head. "Have you three lost it?" He looked at her sternly
"Alright, that's enough!" Treville snapped. "We have to find a way to stop the Cardinal."
Cosette thought for a moment. "I think I might know a way."
Athos walked drunk on the streets, when he saw milady. Maybe he shouldn't have drank all that ale, but this has to look real. He took out his pistol and aimed it for his ex-wife's head.
"Time to pay for your crimes, Milady," Athos snarled as their plan fell into place.
Meanwhile, Aramis wasn't so sure of Cosette's plans.
"Cosette," said Aramis. "Are you sure about this? I don't like the thought...
"It's just a shot to the arm Aramis. I think I'll live."

"Out of all the men of the world d'Artagnan, you're the worst of them all."
Athos screamed. He knew it. He know something like this would happen. And Cosette didn't listen to him. Cosette knew it too.
“Athos,” Porthos panted. “He’s taken a woman hostage." The two were immediately on their feet. "He’s threatening to kill her.”
Aramis and Cosette followed Porthos towards Athos. They saw him holding milady at gunpoint.
"Athos! Let her go!" shouted Porthos.
"Sand a murderer,” Athos said darkly. “And she is the Cardinal’s spy.. .And she is my wife.” Athos, being the drunk he was, kissed her on her temple. Cosette and her friends had to pretend they were shocked. She remembered what happened.

"Athos, my friend,” Aramis said. "You’re drunk. Just release her and we can talk.”
"d'Artagnan, help me," Milady begged. Cosette tried not showing any reaction as Aramis and Porthos looked at her. "He's gone mad."
Athos' burning glare caused her to drift away from her best friend.
"You know her?” Athos snapped.
"So, she’s your mysterious benefactor?” Aramis asked. “Are you lovers too?”
"No!" Cosette shouted. "I knew her, before I met you," said Cosette. Porthos did something she didn't think he'd do: he shoved her.
"You kept the truth from me?" Athos snapped.
"Trust me, Athos," snapped Cosette. "There's more than you'll ever understand."
"Well now you must choose, d’Artagnan. If you help her, you’re not fit to call yourself a Musketeer.”
"And I won't let you kill her," Cosette said. She knew that she could not do anything about Athos' actions. He was drunk. He didn't mean it.
"d’Artagnan, help me," milady pleaded but Cosette knew that she could not fall for her tricks.
"Athos, please," Cosette began but he pointed a gun at her instead.
Porthos blocked Cosette from Athos' gaze.
Milady pleaded. Charlotte took a step forward but Athos immediately had his pistol pointed at her. Porthos grabbed her and stood with his back to Athos, blocking his shot at her.
"Hey!” Aramis shouted
“Let’s talk about this, Athos! Put it down!”
"Stop this at once!" yelled Treville. (Sure now he showed up.) "That is an order!”
Athos pointed the pistol from d'Artagnan to Treville. Cosette couldn't let Athos shoot her godfather. Aramis saw the look in her eyes.
"D'Artagnan!" Shouted at Aramis. "No!"
However, it was too the bullet escaped Athos' pistol.
Cosette never saw it coming. The bullet hit her right in the side. Athos was horrified at what he had done. He had shot Cosette. He shot her in the ribs. He was supposed to shoot her in the arm. Just like he feared. Damn that boy.
"You fool!" yelled Athos. Milady when she noticed that everyone was distracted with the wounded Cosette, slipped away. “Stay awake, stay awake, stay awake.” Porthos cried.
"P...por...A ...a" Cosette failed to respond in proper sentences. Athos tried getting to her. Porthos, despite this being an act, stopped him.
"Stay away from him, Athos," said Porthos. Athos was too worried but he listened. Why did he go through this?

"This is a dangerous idea, D'Artagnan," says Athos. "There is no way I am going to shoot you so you can get milady to think we're breaking apart."
"But it's our only choice, Athos. I know the risks. And if this means that by having me harmed, it will be worth it. Besides, aren't you telling me that we must protect France at all costs."
"Yes but not like this. I don't wanna do this if it will kill you."
"Please Athos, you must do it," said Cosette.
"Fibe but if you die, I'll kill you myself again," said Athos. "I don't think I'd live with myself if you got hurt.
The young woman smiled. "Trust me. I won't." Then it disappeared. "And Athos, I'm sorry. I should have told you from the start."
"Yes, you should have. If you're ever in trouble d'Artagnan, you never hide stuff from me again. I don't think I can lose another younger brother."
That really put a twist in Cosette's stomach. If only she could tell him... If only...
Cosette looked at her brothers. Treville took a look at Athos and brought him away from them. However, he tried to see what was going on.
"I need to see him," said Athos.

"We can't let you do that, Athos," said Porthos. "You're too drunk. He'll be fine!"

"We're going to have to remove his clothes to see the bullet
Cosette knew this was about to happen. She knew that this secret was going out there. But she wouldn't let them.
"Please, don't," said Cosette. She gripped onto Aramis hand.
"d'Artagnan," said Aramis. "There is no other way. We have to look. I'll buy you new clothes."
"No!" snapped Cosette. "Aramis don't!"
It was too late. He already cut off her clothes and then saw it.

"You're a ...d'Artagnan... You're a.. "
Cosette cried. "I'm sorry ...

"We need to get her out of here," said Porthos, that was all she ever saw, until everything faded to black.

d'Artagnan And Her Musketeers (The Cosette D'Artagnan Romances, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now