Chapter 11: No Ordinary Kidnapping

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While Athos and Porthos were sent to join the royal family on the King's hunt, Aramis and Cosette were sent to collect a woman and her child and lead them to Paris. Honestly, Cosette wished she had taken the offer of staying behind by Captain Treville and join him and Porthos on this mission. See, the captain initially offered Athos to go with Aramis and Cosette to stay with Porthos. However, she accepted the job all too quickly. Athos had told her previously before they entered that he would tell Treville she wasn't fit for either option due to the incident with Porthos last week. However, the young woman was adamant on that she was still fit for any job.

Aramis and Cosette talked for nearly a couple of minutes. However, after a while of forgetting what to talk about, the duo entered a silent period. Cosette just did not understand why they were collecting a woman and her son for the Cardinal. Not even Treville knew when he talked about it with them. She really, really did not trust that Richelieu, because he always was up to something. Cosette was worried that her secret might be found out. However, she got rid of the thought all together; for the moment, Aramis and her had been in silence mode for at least an hour, so Cosette decided to break it.

"So, why do you think the Cardinal's so interested in this baby?"

"All I know is it's our job to collect the infant and his mother and take them back to Paris."

"That's it? You're not curious?"

"Not in the slightest."

"And this priest, Duval? What does he have to do with it all?"

"Probably paid to look after them, but one thing you need to learn, d'Artagnan: don't get involved."

Aramis cheekily smiled at her and Cosette couldn't help but agree with him. However, she could not have surpassed a smile. It was Aramis she was thinking about. As soon as the duo got to the church, Cosette had Sapphire and Aramis' horse tied. They entered the church, looking for Father Duval. What Cosette did not expect to see was him lying dead on the floor. She yelled for Aramis, who came in and took his hat down when they found him. A scream and a baby crying in alarm caused Aramis and Cosette to rush out the door, sword and pistol in hand. Despite their combined efforts, the man with the baby got away but the man holding that woman (Agnes was her name, according to Treville and the Cardinal) was left at an unfortunate fate. Aramis had to hold Agnes back to prevent her from getting further harmed. Cosette got back on Sapphire, rearing her all the way to her companion.

"Follow them as closely as you can. My guess is they're headed for Paris. When you find them, be careful."

Cosette nodded.

"I'll try and find out what's going on," Cosette promised. She looked back at Agnes and then to Aramis. "This was no ordinary kidnapping, was it?"

He shook his head. Cosette nodded. Quickly, she rode out of the village to follow the men behind taking that baby. Meanwhile, when Aramis turned around, Agnes had a dagger pointed at him.

"I swear, I'll kill you." she snapped, her eyes full of fury. "Who are you?"

"My name is Aramis and the man who just left is my brother and trainee, D'Artagnan. We are of the King's Musketeers. I have been sent to escort you and your son to the palace."


"I was hoping you might tell me. How can I put this discreetly? Perhaps you went to a ball somewhere? Had a chance encounter with a charming and persuasive young man? One thing leads to another and nine months later little Henry comes along."

"What kind of woman do you think I am?!"

"I really have no idea."

"I am faithful to my husband - Philippe Bernard!" She went to slash Aramis with her knife but he managed to overpower her.

d'Artagnan And Her Musketeers (The Cosette D'Artagnan Romances, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now